Hello - not sure if anyone uses the DotNet bindings, but on closing it never terminates (until a memory leak becomes too fatal).
To reproduce
using r2pipe;
using (IR2Pipe pipe = new R2Pipe(@"C:\Windows\notepad.exe", @"C:\radare2\radare2.exe"))
Task<string> async = pipe.RunCommandAsync("?V");
Console.WriteLine("Hello async r2!" + async.Result);
#### Output
The expected message, but the program never terminates and memory usage constantly increases
Root cause
public string RunCommand(string command)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
while (true)
char buffer = (char)r2Process.StandardOutput.Read();
if (buffer == 0x00)
return sb.ToString();
When the Dispose operation calls the q command, RunCommand waits for the end of the stream by checking for a 0 result. StreamReader.Read() doesn't return 0 when there is nothing left though, it returns -1.
This PR just changes the check to look for -1, so it now exits as expected.
Hello - not sure if anyone uses the DotNet bindings, but on closing it never terminates (until a memory leak becomes too fatal).
To reproduce
Root cause
When the Dispose operation calls the q command, RunCommand waits for the end of the stream by checking for a 0 result. StreamReader.Read() doesn't return 0 when there is nothing left though, it returns -1.
This PR just changes the check to look for -1, so it now exits as expected.