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WIP: signal -> sigaction #11335

Closed nsajko closed 4 years ago

nsajko commented 5 years ago

The signal function is underspecified and deprecated in favor of sigaction, make the replacement.

Also added includes wheremissing, and fixed a "_UNIX" to "UNIX".

radare commented 5 years ago

imho is better to have this implemented in a custom function in r_sys (libr/util/sys.c) and just have the ifdef for UNIX in one place, and make 3 lines in 1 like it was before

On 31 Aug 2018, at 17:58, Neven Sajko notifications@github.com wrote:

@nsajko commented on this pull request.

In binr/preload/libr2.c https://github.com/radare/radare2/pull/11335#discussion_r214400362:

@@ -37,8 +41,15 @@ static void sigusr2(int s) { static void _libwrap_init() attribute ((constructor)); static void _libwrap_init() { char *web;

  • signal (SIGUSR1, sigusr1);
  • signal (SIGUSR2, sigusr2);
  • struct sigaction sigact;
  • sigact.sa_handler = sigusr1;
  • sigemptyset(&sigact.sa_mask); will fix

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nsajko commented 5 years ago

Would the function take as arguments the signal and handler, or also the signal mask?

radare commented 5 years ago

not sure if we want the mask .. i would probably make the mask an internal thing of that function

On 31 Aug 2018, at 18:03, Neven Sajko notifications@github.com wrote:

Would the function take as arguments the signal and handler, or also the signal mask?

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nsajko commented 5 years ago

So the mask would always contain just the one signal?

radare commented 5 years ago

we can have this as static inside the function, so it wouldnt be always set until you call it with -1 in the signal number for example. this way we dont need to pass more arguments or hold that variable across multiple calls

On 31 Aug 2018, at 18:16, Neven Sajko notifications@github.com wrote:

So the mask would always contain just the one signal?

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nsajko commented 5 years ago

But still we could not set the mask to multiple signals, for example we might want to set the mask to block SIGINT, SIGHUP, and SIGBUS; or SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2.

nsajko commented 5 years ago

I mean, it seems to me that having a custom function only makes sense if you are only ever going to have up to one signal in the mask. So we could not use the custom function in all of the places where we install signal handlers.

radare commented 5 years ago

as reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/232711

nsajko commented 5 years ago

@radare What do you think about my last two comments? To restate the issue, we sometimes need to block more than one signal in signal handlers, thus in those cases we have to use sigaction directly, so why have a custom function?

radare commented 5 years ago

We can solve that with vararg and a single function because i never liked how sigaction works but its clearly better than signal

On 2 Sep 2018, at 13:20, Neven Sajko notifications@github.com wrote:

@radare What do you think about my last two comments? To restate the issue, we sometimes need to block more than one signal in signal handlers, thus in those cases we have to use sigaction directly, so why have a custom function?

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radare commented 5 years ago

can you address the comments?

codecov-io commented 5 years ago

Codecov Report

Merging #11335 into master will increase coverage by 0.42%. The diff coverage is 35.55%.

Impacted file tree graph

@@            Coverage Diff             @@
##           master   #11335      +/-   ##
+ Coverage   37.07%   37.49%   +0.42%     
  Files         903      899       -4     
  Lines      288562   284178    -4384     
- Hits       106974   106561     -413     
+ Misses     181588   177617    -3971
Impacted Files Coverage Δ
binr/rarun2/rarun2.c 23.4% <0%> (-1.05%) :arrow_down:
libr/core/rtr.c 1.41% <0%> (-0.01%) :arrow_down:
libr/io/p/io_tcp.c 2.04% <0%> (-0.03%) :arrow_down:
libr/socket/socket.c 0% <0%> (ø) :arrow_up:
libr/io/p/io_self.c 1.04% <0%> (-0.02%) :arrow_down:
libr/core/cmd.c 47.4% <100%> (ø) :arrow_up:
libr/util/sys.c 54.62% <53.84%> (+1.88%) :arrow_up:
libr/cons/cons.c 57.14% <77.77%> (+0.13%) :arrow_up:
libr/util/assert.c 0% <0%> (-66.67%) :arrow_down:
libr/util/log.c 0% <0%> (-25.93%) :arrow_down:
... and 113 more

Continue to review full report at Codecov.

Legend - Click here to learn more Δ = absolute <relative> (impact), ø = not affected, ? = missing data Powered by Codecov. Last update 218cdd7...c82d9a4. Read the comment docs.

nsajko commented 5 years ago

I am not sure that variadic arguments are a good solution, because sometimes we may need a complement of a set of signals for the mask, which would necessitate adding another argument to the API of r_sys_sigaction and complicate the implementation, at which point we are better of just directly passing a sigset_t argument for the mask.

nsajko commented 5 years ago

ping @radare

ret2libc commented 5 years ago

With this branch, if you are in Visual Mode and you change the screen size, it brings you back to "regular mode". This does not happen on master.

ret2libc commented 5 years ago

With this branch, if you are in Visual Mode and you change the screen size, it brings you back to "regular mode". This does not happen on master.

Moreover, after this happens, ^D doesn't work anymore to exit radare2.

nsajko commented 5 years ago

With this branch, if you are in Visual Mode and you change the screen size, it brings you back to "regular mode". This does not happen on master.

I think this is because in master screen refreshes because of SIGWINCH don't happen at all until some input comes, presumably because of SA_RESTART. So this is just concealing a preexisting bug...

Moreover, after this happens, ^D doesn't work anymore to exit radare2.

This is also the case on master ...

ret2libc commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I later noticed it was happening on master too, but only recently I think. Anyway, let's try to fix that since it's related to signals AFAIK.

nsajko commented 5 years ago

@radare, I do not see how to further improve this commit; that is, it seems fine to me. You wanted me to move the preprocessor #ifs to inside the body of r_sys_sigaction, but the problem is that would still need some ifdefing for sigset_t because it is a parameter of r_sys_sigaction. In fact, all the other #ifs added in this commit are because of sigset_t.

ret2libc commented 5 years ago

My opinion is that it doesn't have a lot of sense to create r_sys_sigaction if it's only callable from UNIX.

The idea should be to have platform-independent argument types so that the function can be called in all cases (maybe in some cases, e.g. Windows, it won't do anything, but it should still be callable). For example..

#if windows
#define r_sigset_t u32
#define r_sigset_t sigset_t

R_API int r_sigemptyset(r_sigset_t *set) {
#if __UNIX__
    return sigemptyset(set);
    return 0;

R_API int r_sys_sigaction(int sig, r_sighandler_t cb, r_sigset_t *mask, int flags) {
#if __UNIX__
    return 0;

In this way, I think, you should be able to call both functions and use the types without issues on both platforms that do support signals and those that don't. The compiler should be smart enough to remove useless calls (maybe you have to put some definitions in the .h file for this).

radare commented 5 years ago

Thats what i was trying to say. This function can implement it using signal if sigaction is not found. On windows.. thats another thing but we can do something i guess

On 13 Sep 2018, at 08:10, Riccardo Schirone notifications@github.com wrote:

My opinion is that it doesn't have a lot of sense to create r_sys_sigaction if it's only callable from UNIX.

The idea should be to have platform-independent argument types so that the function can be called in all cases (maybe in some cases, e.g. Windows, it won't do anything, but it should still be callable). For example..

if windows

define r_sigset_t u32


define r_sigset_t sigset_t


R_API int r_sigemptyset(r_sigset_t *set) {


return sigemptyset(set);


return 0;



R_API int r_sys_sigaction(int sig, r_sighandler_t cb, r_sigset_t *mask, int flags) {




return 0;


} In this way, I think, you should be able to call both functions and use the types without issues on both platforms that do support signals and those that don't. The compiler should be smart enough to remove useless calls (maybe you have to put some definitions in the .h file for this).

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nsajko commented 5 years ago

OK, guys. I thought the #if __WINDOWS__ #define sigset_t would be ugly, but if you guys want it i'll try to do something like that.

This function can implement it using signal if sigaction is not found. On windows.. thats another thing but we can do something i guess

Windows only has SIGABRT, SIGFPE, SIGILL, SIGINT, SIGSEGV, SIGTERM; with SIGINT unsupported on Win32. Thus it is maybe better to just do nothing on Windows.

ret2libc commented 5 years ago

Why is that ugly? It's the way to go, IMHO, instead of spreading #if all around. If Windows 11 next year will support sigset_t the same way as linux, you won't need to touch 10000 files/lines, but just a couple of places and everything will work.

nsajko commented 5 years ago

Another problem: we will need to also #define all signals we use that are not in the standard, like SIGALRM, SIGWINCH, SIGKILL, because those macros will not be defined on Windows.

ret2libc commented 5 years ago

Another problem: we will need to also #define all signals we use that are not in the standard, like SIGALRM, SIGWINCH, SIGKILL, because those macros will not be defined on Windows.

True, that may be a problem. Actually... after looking at this more, why do we even want to have a r_sys_sigaction function? @radare

Most of the places where this is used are already under #if UNIX. So... is it really worth? I'm no expert of windows, but can we assume things will work well there? Either we abstract things a lot, or at this point we could just directly use sigaction...

radare commented 5 years ago

my idea of having r_sys_signation was to solve the following problems:

        sigset_t mask;
    sigemptyset (&mask);
    r_sys_sigaction (SIGUSR1, sigusr1, &mask, 0);
    r_sys_sigaction (SIGUSR2, sigusr2, &mask, 0);

So imho we should implement this with vargarg function like this:

r_sys_sigaction (SIGUSR1, sigusr1, SIGUSR2, sigusr2, -1);

do this makes sense to you?

ret2libc commented 5 years ago

@radare I got what you wanted, but it's also true as @nsajko said that you'd need to redefine all SIG* macros for windows, etc.

radare commented 5 years ago

yeah, but we have r_signal.h which may be used as a generic definition for most common signals across OS

On 17 Sep 2018, at 12:53, Riccardo Schirone notifications@github.com wrote:

@radare https://github.com/radare I got what you wanted, but it's also true as @nsajko https://github.com/nsajko said that you'd need to redefine all SIG* macros for windows, etc.

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nsajko commented 5 years ago

r_sys_sigaction (SIGUSR1, sigusr1, SIGUSR2, sigusr2, -1);

You are forgetting that choosing the signal mask is separate from choosing for which signal to install a handler (that is among other things why sigaction needs to replace signal). So the call would need to be something like:

r_sigset sigmask1, sigmask2;
r_sigaddset(&sigmask1, SIGXXX);
r_sigaddset(&sigmask1, SIGXXX);
r_sigdelset(&sigmask2, SIGXXX);
r_sys_sigaction (SIGUSR1, sigusr1, sigmask1, SIGUSR2, sigusr2, sigmask2, -1);

But that implies a lot of work (defining all the signal numbers, r_sigset, r_sigemptyset, r_sigfullset, r_sigaddset, r_sigdelset, r_sys_sigaction) for a benefit that is not clear, because POSIX is the only platform that has full signal support, and all the places where we want to use r_sys_sigaction are already under #if UNIX.

ret2libc commented 5 years ago

I do agree with @nsajko . Though I also initially thought as @radare , after thinking about it a bit more I think there's no real value in creating all those r_signal functions. Signals are a unix concept, so I don't think it's really worth the extra engineering to have platform-independent functions/macros.

And as said, all sigaction uses are already under #if UNIX

radare commented 5 years ago

Any example?

On 21 Sep 2018, at 01:04, Neven Sajko notifications@github.com wrote:

@nsajko commented on this pull request.

In libr/socket/socket.c:

@@ -731,7 +743,9 @@ R_API char r_socket_to_string(RSocket s) { R_API int r_socket_write(RSocket s, void buf, int len) { int ret, delta = 0;

if UNIX || defined(CYGWIN)

  • signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
  • sigset_t mask;
  • sigemptyset (&mask);
  • r_sys_sigaction (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN, &mask, 0); Why would it return the signal mask, we are not gonna need it.

Please read my last comment:

You are forgetting that choosing the signal mask is separate from choosing for which signal to install a handler (that is among other things why sigaction needs to replace signal).

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nsajko commented 5 years ago

Any example?

For example of where we may want a different signal mask: in libr/util/sys.c where sigaction is already being used probably it would be best to just initialize the signal mask with sigfullset and not delete any signals, instead of putting just all the signals that we are installing handlers for in the mask.

radare commented 5 years ago

I still dont get that usecase, is this happening in any place in the code?

About the 0 flag. from what i read in the mac manpage i understand that it shuold never be 0 because thats deprecated and wrong. so i think is better to just not pass that argument to the function and handle it inside our r_sys_sigaction()

The traditional BSD style is not portable and since its capabilities are a full subset of a SA_SIGINFO handler, its use is deprecated.

about the generic r_signal api, we should unify all the code that is in debug, util and such to get a single place to resolve signal by name/by number as well as having r_signal_action() (instead of r_sys_sigaction).

but we can do that later in a different pr

On 21 Sep 2018, at 11:07, Neven Sajko notifications@github.com wrote:

Any example?

For example of where we may want a different signal mask: in libr/util/sys.c where sigaction is already being used probably it would be best to just initialize the signal mask with sigfullset and not delete any signals, instead of putting just all the signals that we are installing handlers for in the mask.

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nsajko commented 5 years ago

I still dont get that usecase, is this happening in any place in the code?

in libr/util/sys.c where sigaction is already being used ...

About the 0 flag. from what i read in the mac manpage i understand that it shuold never be 0 because thats deprecated and wrong.

We can change to SA_SIGINFO later, that would require changing the signal handlers. But, I do not see any benefit in that.

nsajko commented 5 years ago

The commit "libr/util/sys.c: Block all signals in the crash signal handler" should clear up why the mask parameter is needed.

nsajko commented 5 years ago

Is this OK now?

radare commented 5 years ago

I dont like having an rsys qrapper of a function that gives no value to it because it still requires using sig* stuff before calling it so it doesnt makes the code smaller or more portable. Imho all the logic must go inside

On 30 Sep 2018, at 19:46, Neven Sajko notifications@github.com wrote:

Is this OK now?

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radare commented 5 years ago


radare commented 5 years ago


radare commented 5 years ago


radare commented 5 years ago

i'll take care of this after release. tired of waiting