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Syscalls are not detected correctly #20559

Open alessandrocarminati opened 2 years ago

alessandrocarminati commented 2 years ago


Mon 08 Aug 2022 10:13:28 AM CEST
radare2 5.7.7 28617 @ linux-x86-64 git.5.7.6-38-gc0d3c226f
commit: c0d3c226f161663248975fc90e20af464b683b27 build: 2022-08-08__08:38:18
Linux x86_64


The last PR #20471 is meant to introduce the ESIL feature to have a more accurate syscall detection. Although it solves some corner cases, it takes a step back on the overall quality of the feature. The test bench where I verified my claims is the glibc-2.34-40.el9.x86_64 (md5 f9a583d92191dc57dc5996a55c936892). In this binary the __pthread_mutex_lock_full starts @ 0x000a2380, ends @0x000a2b08, and has four syscall in its body ash shown below.

0x000a251c      0f05           syscall
0x000a2653      0f05           syscall
0x000a281d      0f05           syscall
0x000a2999      0f05           syscall

The syscall list is missing 2 of its 4 syscall as shown below:

[0x000a2380]>  /as | grep 0x000a2
0x000a2315 futex        ; not in __pthread_mutex_lock_full
0x000a251c futex
0x000a2653 rt_sigprocmask
0x000a2ec9 rt_sigprocmask   ; not in __pthread_mutex_lock_full
0x000a2f43 futex            ; not in __pthread_mutex_lock_full

the syscall @0x000a281d, and @0x000a2999 are not listed. The syscall@0x000a2653 is identified as rt_sigprocmask, where in reality it is a futex. The syscall_nr is loaded at 0x000a23ee.

I attach to this issue the glibc version where I verified this issue.


$ r2 /tmp/glibc-2.34-40.el9.x86_64_libc.so 
Warning: run r2 with -e bin.cache=true to fix relocations in disassembly
 -- Radare2 is like violence. If it doesn't solve your problem, you aren't using enough.
[0x00040070]> aa
[ERROR: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x0012c3a2 bbdelta = 18
ERROR: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x000d6556 bbdelta = 34
ERROR: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x001980d9 bbdelta = 23
[x] Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
[x] Analyze all functions arguments/locals
[0x00040070]> s sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full
[0x000a2380]> pdf
Do you want to print 443 lines? (y/N) y
            ; CODE XREF from sym.pthread_mutex_lock @ 0xa2bd0(x)
┌ 1875: sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full (int64_t arg1, int64_t arg2, int64_t arg_4h, int64_t arg_8h, int64_t arg_ch, int64_t arg_10h, int64_t arg_18h, int64_t arg_20h);
│           ; arg int64_t arg1 @ rdi
│           ; arg int64_t arg2 @ rsi
│           ; arg int64_t arg_4h @ rbp+0x4
│           ; arg int64_t arg_8h @ rbp+0x8
│           ; arg int64_t arg_ch @ rbp+0xc
│           ; arg int64_t arg_10h @ rbp+0x10
│           ; arg int64_t arg_18h @ rbp+0x18
│           ; arg int64_t arg_20h @ rbp+0x20
│           ; var int64_t var_ch @ rsp-0x4c
│           ; var int64_t var_14h @ rsp-0x44
│           ; var int64_t var_18h @ rsp-0x40
│           0x000a2380      4157           push r15
│           0x000a2382      4156           push r14
│           0x000a2384      4155           push r13
│           0x000a2386      4154           push r12
│           0x000a2388      55             push rbp
│           0x000a2389      4889fd         mov rbp, rdi                ; arg1
│           0x000a238c      53             push rbx
│           0x000a238d      4883ec28       sub rsp, 0x28
│           0x000a2391      64488b042528.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x28]
│           0x000a239a      4889442418     mov qword [var_18h], rax
│           0x000a239f      31c0           xor eax, eax
│           0x000a23a1      648b0425d002.  mov eax, dword fs:[0x2d0]
│           0x000a23a9      8944240c       mov dword [var_ch], eax
│           0x000a23ad      8b5710         mov edx, dword [rdi + 0x10] ; arg1
│           0x000a23b0      4c8d7710       lea r14, [rdi + 0x10]       ; arg1
│           0x000a23b4      89d0           mov eax, edx
│           0x000a23b6      83e07f         and eax, 0x7f
│           0x000a23b9      83f833         cmp eax, 0x33
│       ┌─< 0x000a23bc      0f8fd6010000   jg 0xa2598
│       │   0x000a23c2      83f82f         cmp eax, 0x2f
│      ┌──< 0x000a23c5      0f8ff5000000   jg 0xa24c0
│      ││   0x000a23cb      83f813         cmp eax, 0x13
│     ┌───< 0x000a23ce      0f8fe4000000   jg 0xa24b8
│     │││   0x000a23d4      83e270         and edx, 0x70
│    ┌────< 0x000a23d7      0f84ab000000   je 0xa2488
│    ││││   0x000a23dd      4c8d4f20       lea r9, [rdi + 0x20]        ; arg1
│    ││││   0x000a23e1      644c890c25f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], r9
│    ││││   0x000a23ea      8b17           mov edx, dword [rdi]        ; arg1
│    ││││   0x000a23ec      31c9           xor ecx, ecx
│    ││││   0x000a23ee      41bdca000000   mov r13d, 0xca
│    ││││   0x000a23f4      bb81080000     mov ebx, 0x881
│    ││││   ; CODE XREFS from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa2833(x), 0xa28df(x), 0xa2974(x)
│ ┌┌┌─────> 0x000a23f9      85d2           test edx, edx
│ ────────< 0x000a23fb      0f85e4030000   jne 0xa27e5
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2401      8b74240c       mov esi, dword [var_ch]
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2405      89d0           mov eax, edx
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2407      09ce           or esi, ecx
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2409      f00fb17500     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], esi
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a240e      89c2           mov edx, eax
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2410      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2412      0f85cd030000   jne 0xa27e5
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2418      817d08feffff.  cmp dword [arg_8h], 0x7ffffffe
│ ────────< 0x000a241f      0f840e050000   je 0xa2933
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2425      c74504010000.  mov dword [arg_4h], 1
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a242c      64488b0425e0.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2435      4883e0fe       and rax, 0xfffffffffffffffe
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2439      4c8948f8       mov qword [rax - 8], r9
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a243d      64488b0425e0.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2446      48894520       mov qword [arg_20h], rax
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a244a      64488b042510.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x10]
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2453      4805e0020000   add rax, 0x2e0
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2459      48894518       mov qword [arg_18h], rax
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a245d      644c890c25e0.  mov qword fs:[0x2e0], r9
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2466      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ╎╎╎││││   ; CODE XREFS from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa2692(x), 0xa2727(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a2473      8b44240c       mov eax, dword [var_ch]
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2477      83450c01       add dword [arg_ch], 1
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a247b      894508         mov dword [arg_8h], eax
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a247e      90             nop
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a247f      4531c0         xor r8d, r8d
│ ────────< 0x000a2482      eb0a           jmp 0xa248e
│ ───└────> 0x000a2488      41b816000000   mov r8d, 0x16
│ ╎╎╎ │││   ; XREFS: CODE 0x000a2482  CODE 0x000a2756  CODE 0x000a27e0  CODE 0x000a285f  CODE 0x000a292e  CODE 0x000a2959  
│ ╎╎╎ │││   ; XREFS: CODE 0x000a29de  CODE 0x000a2a3e  CODE 0x000a2a91  CODE 0x000a2ac5  
│ ───┌────> 0x000a248e      488b442418     mov rax, qword [var_18h]
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a2493      64482b042528.  sub rax, qword fs:[0x28]
│ ────────< 0x000a249c      0f8566060000   jne 0xa2b08
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24a2      4883c428       add rsp, 0x28
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24a6      4489c0         mov eax, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24a9      5b             pop rbx
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24aa      5d             pop rbp
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24ab      415c           pop r12
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24ad      415d           pop r13
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24af      415e           pop r14
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24b1      415f           pop r15
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24b3      c3             ret
│ ╎╎╎╎└───> 0x000a24b8      83e820         sub eax, 0x20               ; sym.__libc_tsd_CTYPE_TOUPPER ; "@"
│ ╎╎╎╎ ││   0x000a24bb      83f803         cmp eax, 3
│ ────────< 0x000a24be      77c8           ja 0xa2488
│ ╎╎╎╎ └──> 0x000a24c0      8b4510         mov eax, dword [arg_10h]
│ ╎╎╎╎  │   0x000a24c3      4189c1         mov r9d, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎  │   0x000a24c6      4183e103       and r9d, 3
│ ╎╎╎╎  │   0x000a24ca      83e010         and eax, 0x10               ; sym.__libc_errno
│ ╎╎╎╎  │   0x000a24cd      4189c0         mov r8d, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎ ┌──< 0x000a24d0      0f85d2010000   jne 0xa26a8
│ ╎╎╎╎ ││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa26b9(x)
│ ╎╎╎╎┌───> 0x000a24d6      8b4500         mov eax, dword [rbp]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24d9      25ffffff3f     and eax, 0x3fffffff
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24de      3944240c       cmp dword [var_ch], eax
│ ────────< 0x000a24e2      0f8413040000   je 0xa28fb
│ ────────> 0x000a24e8      8b5c240c       mov ebx, dword [var_ch]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24ec      31c0           xor eax, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24ee      f00fb15d00     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], ebx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24f3      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a24f5      0f84c3010000   je 0xa26be
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24fb      be06000000     mov esi, 6
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2500      41bd80000000   mov r13d, 0x80              ; sym.thread_rpc_vars ; " 7\x1c"
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2506      4585c0         test r8d, r8d
│ ────────< 0x000a2509      0f84d5030000   je 0xa28e4
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa28f6(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a250f      4531d2         xor r10d, r10d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2512      31d2           xor edx, edx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2514      4889ef         mov rdi, rbp
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2517      b8ca000000     mov eax, 0xca
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a251c      0f05           syscall
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a251e      83f892         cmp eax, 0xffffff92
│ ────────< 0x000a2521      0f8434020000   je 0xa275b
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2527      8d5023         lea edx, [rax + 0x23]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a252a      83fa23         cmp edx, 0x23
│ ────────< 0x000a252d      0f873d010000   ja 0xa2670
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2533      48b901200081.  movabs rcx, 0x981002001
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a253d      480fa3d1       bt rcx, rdx
│ ────────< 0x000a2541      0f8329010000   jae 0xa2670
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2547      89c2           mov edx, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2549      83e2df         and edx, 0xffffffdf         ; 4294967263
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a254c      83fadd         cmp edx, 0xffffffdd
│ ────────< 0x000a254f      0f8506020000   jne 0xa275b
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2555      83f8dd         cmp eax, 0xffffffdd
│ ────────< 0x000a2558      0f8432030000   je 0xa2890
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a255e      83f8fd         cmp eax, 0xfffffffd
│ ────────< 0x000a2561      7509           jne 0xa256c
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2563      4585c0         test r8d, r8d
│ ────────< 0x000a2566      0f855e050000   jne 0xa2aca
│ ────────> 0x000a256c      488d5c2414     lea rbx, [var_14h]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2571      0f1f80000000.  nop dword [rax]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa2591(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a2578      4589e8         mov r8d, r13d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a257b      31c9           xor ecx, ecx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a257d      31d2           xor edx, edx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a257f      31f6           xor esi, esi
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2581      4889df         mov rdi, rbx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2584      c74424140000.  mov dword [var_14h], 0
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a258c      e84f9effff     call sym.__GI___futex_abstimed_wait64
│ ────────< 0x000a2591      ebe5           jmp 0xa2578
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│└─> 0x000a2598      83e840         sub eax, 0x40               ; case.0x18e554.1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a259b      83f803         cmp eax, 3
│ ────────< 0x000a259e      0f87e4feffff   ja 0xa2488
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a25a4      8b4710         mov eax, dword [rdi + 0x10] ; arg1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a25a7      41bdffffffff   mov r13d, 0xffffffff        ; -1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a25ad      448b27         mov r12d, dword [rdi]       ; arg1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a25b0      8b5c240c       mov ebx, dword [var_ch]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a25b4      3b5f08         cmp ebx, dword [rdi + 8]    ; arg1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│┌─< 0x000a25b7      0f846f010000   je 0xa272c
│ ────────> 0x000a25bd      41bfca000000   mov r15d, 0xca
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25c3      0f1f440000     nop dword [rax + rax]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa26a3(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a25c8      4489e3         mov ebx, r12d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25cb      c1eb13         shr ebx, 0x13
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25ce      e84d570000     call sym.__GI___pthread_current_priority
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25d3      39d8           cmp eax, ebx
│ ────────< 0x000a25d5      0f8f5d020000   jg 0xa2838
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25db      89de           mov esi, ebx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25dd      4489ef         mov edi, r13d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25e0      e83b530000     call sym.__pthread_tpp_change_priority
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25e5      4189c0         mov r8d, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25e8      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a25ea      0f859efeffff   jne 0xa248e
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25f0      4589e0         mov r8d, r12d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25f3      4181e00000f8.  and r8d, 0xfff80000
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25fa      4589c1         mov r9d, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25fd      4489c0         mov eax, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2600      4183c901       or r9d, 1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2604      f0440fb14d00   lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], r9d
│ ────────< 0x000a260a      7474           je 0xa2680
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a260c      4489c2         mov edx, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a260f      83ca02         or edx, 2
│ ────────< 0x000a2612      eb0e           jmp 0xa2622
│ ────────> 0x000a2618      4489c0         mov eax, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a261b      f00fb15500     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], edx
│ ────────< 0x000a2620      745e           je 0xa2680
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa2612(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a2622      4489c8         mov eax, r9d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2625      f00fb15500     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], edx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a262a      89c1           mov ecx, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a262c      4189c4         mov r12d, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a262f      81e10000f8ff   and ecx, 0xfff80000
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2635      4139c8         cmp r8d, ecx
│ ────────< 0x000a2638      7566           jne 0xa26a0
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a263a      4139c0         cmp r8d, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a263d      74d9           je 0xa2618
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a263f      418b36         mov esi, dword [r14]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2642      4531d2         xor r10d, r10d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2645      4889ef         mov rdi, rbp
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2648      4489f8         mov eax, r15d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a264b      f7d6           not esi
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a264d      81e680000000   and esi, 0x80               ; sym.thread_rpc_vars ; " 7\x1c"
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2653      0f05           syscall
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2655      483d00f0ffff   cmp rax, 0xfffffffffffff000
│ ────────< 0x000a265b      76bb           jbe 0xa2618
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a265d      83c00b         add eax, 0xb
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2660      83f80b         cmp eax, 0xb
│ ────────< 0x000a2663      770b           ja 0xa2670
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2665      bf81080000     mov edi, 0x881
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a266a      480fa3c7       bt rdi, rax
│ ────────< 0x000a266e      72a8           jb 0xa2618
│ ────────> 0x000a2670      488d3dc1b111.  lea rdi, str.The_futex_facility_returned_an_unexpected_error_code._n ; 0x1bd838 ; "The futex facility returned an unexpected error code.\n"
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2677      e8242fffff     call sym.__libc_fatal
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a267c      0f1f4000       nop dword [rax]
│ ────────> 0x000a2680      8b4508         mov eax, dword [arg_8h]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2683      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2685      0f855e040000   jne 0xa2ae9
│ ────────> 0x000a268b      c74504010000.  mov dword [arg_4h], 1
│ ────────< 0x000a2692      e9dcfdffff     jmp 0xa2473
│ ────────> 0x000a26a0      4189dd         mov r13d, ebx
│ ────────< 0x000a26a3      e920ffffff     jmp 0xa25c8
│ ╎╎╎╎╎└──> 0x000a26a8      488d4520       lea rax, [arg_20h]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎ │   0x000a26ac      4883c801       or rax, 1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎ │   0x000a26b0      6448890425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎└───< 0x000a26b9      e918feffff     jmp 0xa24d6
│ ────────> 0x000a26be      4585c0         test r8d, r8d
│ ────────< 0x000a26c1      74c8           je 0xa268b
│ ╎╎╎╎ ┌──> 0x000a26c3      817d08feffff.  cmp dword [arg_8h], 0x7ffffffe
│ ╎╎╎╎┌───< 0x000a26ca      0f84b0020000   je 0xa2980
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26d0      c74504010000.  mov dword [arg_4h], 1
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26d7      64488b1425e0.  mov rdx, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26e0      488d4520       lea rax, [arg_20h]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26e4      4883e2fe       and rdx, 0xfffffffffffffffe
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26e8      488942f8       mov qword [rdx - 8], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26ec      64488b1425e0.  mov rdx, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26f5      48895520       mov qword [arg_20h], rdx
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26f9      64488b1c2510.  mov rbx, qword fs:[0x10]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2702      488d93e00200.  lea rdx, [rbx + 0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2709      48895518       mov qword [arg_18h], rdx
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a270d      4883c801       or rax, 1
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2711      6448890425e0.  mov qword fs:[0x2e0], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a271a      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ────────< 0x000a2727      e947fdffff     jmp 0xa2473
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎└─> 0x000a272c      83e003         and eax, 3
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎    0x000a272f      83f802         cmp eax, 2
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎┌─< 0x000a2732      0f84a0020000   je 0xa29d8
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2738      83f801         cmp eax, 1
│ ────────< 0x000a273b      0f857cfeffff   jne 0xa25bd
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2741      8b4704         mov eax, dword [rdi + 4]    ; arg1
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2744      83f8ff         cmp eax, 0xffffffff
│ ────────< 0x000a2747      0f84db010000   je 0xa2928
│ ────────> 0x000a274d      83c001         add eax, 1
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2750      4531c0         xor r8d, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2753      894504         mov dword [arg_4h], eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2756      e933fdffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a275b      8b4500         mov eax, dword [rbp]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a275e      2500000040     and eax, 0x40000000
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2763      4585c0         test r8d, r8d
│ ────────< 0x000a2766      0f84f8000000   je 0xa2864
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a276c      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎│└──< 0x000a276e      0f844fffffff   je 0xa26c3
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a2774      f0816500ffff.  lock and dword [rbp], 0xbfffffff ; [0xbfffffff:4]=-1
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a277c      48b801000000.  movabs rax, 0x7fffffff00000001 ; 9223372032559808513
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a2786      48894504       mov qword [arg_4h], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a278a      64488b1425e0.  mov rdx, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a2793      488d4520       lea rax, [arg_20h]
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a2797      4883e2fe       and rdx, 0xfffffffffffffffe
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a279b      488942f8       mov qword [rdx - 8], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a279f      64488b1425e0.  mov rdx, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27a8      48895520       mov qword [arg_20h], rdx
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27ac      64488b1c2510.  mov rbx, qword fs:[0x10]
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27b5      488d93e00200.  lea rdx, [rbx + 0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27bc      48895518       mov qword [arg_18h], rdx
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27c0      4883c801       or rax, 1
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27c4      6448890425e0.  mov qword fs:[0x2e0], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27cd      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27da      41b882000000   mov r8d, 0x82
│ ────────< 0x000a27e0      e9a9fcffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a27e5      4189d0         mov r8d, edx
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27e8      4181e0000000.  and r8d, 0x40000000
│ ╎╎╎╎│┌──< 0x000a27ef      0f85cb000000   jne 0xa28c0
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a27f5      89d0           mov eax, edx
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a27f7      25ffffff3f     and eax, 0x3fffffff
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a27fc      3944240c       cmp dword [var_ch], eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2800      0f8458020000   je 0xa2a5e
│ ────────> 0x000a2806      89d6           mov esi, edx
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a2808      85d2           test edx, edx
│ ────────< 0x000a280a      0f894e010000   jns 0xa295e
│ ────────> 0x000a2810      89f2           mov edx, esi
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a2812      4531d2         xor r10d, r10d
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a2815      31f6           xor esi, esi
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a2817      4889ef         mov rdi, rbp
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a281a      4489e8         mov eax, r13d
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a281d      0f05           syscall
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a281f      483d00f0ffff   cmp rax, 0xfffffffffffff000
│ ────────< 0x000a2825      0f8718020000   ja 0xa2a43
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa2a59(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a282b      8b5500         mov edx, dword [rbp]
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a282e      b900000080     mov ecx, 0x80000000
│ └───────< 0x000a2833      e9c1fbffff     jmp 0xa23f9
│ ────────> 0x000a2838      41b816000000   mov r8d, 0x16
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a283e      4183fdff       cmp r13d, 0xffffffff
│ ────────< 0x000a2842      0f8446fcffff   je 0xa248e
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2848      beffffffff     mov esi, 0xffffffff         ; -1
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a284d      4489ef         mov edi, r13d
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2850      448944240c     mov dword [var_ch], r8d
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2855      e8c6500000     call sym.__pthread_tpp_change_priority
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a285a      448b44240c     mov r8d, dword [var_ch]
│ ────────< 0x000a285f      e92afcffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a2864      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2866      0f841ffeffff   je 0xa268b
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a286c      488d0dfdea11.  lea rcx, str.__pthread_mutex_lock_full ; 0x1c1370 ; "__pthread_mutex_lock_full"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2873      babb010000     mov edx, 0x1bb
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2878      488d35b26711.  lea rsi, [0x001b9031]       ; "pthread_mutex_lock.c"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a287f      488d3d1ab111.  lea rdi, str.robust___oldval__FUTEX_OWNER_DIED___0 ; 0x1bd9a0 ; "robust || (oldval & FUTEX_OWNER_DIED) == 0"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2886      e895b3faff     call sym.__assert_fail      ; void __assert_fail(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *function)
│ ────────> 0x000a2890      4183e901       sub r9d, 1
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2894      4183f901       cmp r9d, 1
│ ────────< 0x000a2898      0f87cefcffff   ja 0xa256c
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a289e      488d0dcbea11.  lea rcx, str.__pthread_mutex_lock_full ; 0x1c1370 ; "__pthread_mutex_lock_full"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a28a5      baac010000     mov edx, 0x1ac
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a28aa      488d35806711.  lea rsi, [0x001b9031]       ; "pthread_mutex_lock.c"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a28b1      488d3d88b011.  lea rdi, str.e___EDEADLK___kind___PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP__kind___PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP_ ; 0x1bd940 ; "e != EDEADLK || (kind != PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP && kind != PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP)"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a28b8      e863b3faff     call sym.__assert_fail      ; void __assert_fail(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *function)
│  ╎╎╎│└──> 0x000a28c0      8b44240c       mov eax, dword [var_ch]
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28c4      89d6           mov esi, edx
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28c6      81e600000080   and esi, 0x80000000
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28cc      09c8           or eax, ecx
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28ce      09c6           or esi, eax
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28d0      89d0           mov eax, edx
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28d2      f00fb17500     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], esi
│  ╎╎╎│┌──< 0x000a28d7      0f8406010000   je 0xa29e3
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a28dd      89c2           mov edx, eax
│  └──────< 0x000a28df      e915fbffff     jmp 0xa23f9
│ ────────> 0x000a28e4      448b6d10       mov r13d, dword [arg_10h]
│   ╎╎│││   0x000a28e8      4181e5800000.  and r13d, 0x80              ; sym.thread_rpc_vars ; " 7\x1c"
│   ╎╎│││   0x000a28ef      4489ee         mov esi, r13d
│   ╎╎│││   0x000a28f2      4080f686       xor sil, 0x86
│ ────────< 0x000a28f6      e914fcffff     jmp 0xa250f
│ ────────> 0x000a28fb      4183f902       cmp r9d, 2
│  ┌──────< 0x000a28ff      0f84ad010000   je 0xa2ab2
│  │╎╎│││   0x000a2905      4183f901       cmp r9d, 1
│ ────────< 0x000a2909      0f85d9fbffff   jne 0xa24e8
│  │╎╎│││   0x000a290f      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│  │╎╎│││   0x000a291c      8b4504         mov eax, dword [arg_4h]
│  │╎╎│││   0x000a291f      83f8ff         cmp eax, 0xffffffff
│ ────────< 0x000a2922      0f8525feffff   jne 0xa274d
│ ┌───────> 0x000a2928      41b80b000000   mov r8d, 0xb
│ ────────< 0x000a292e      e95bfbffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a2933      c74504000000.  mov dword [arg_4h], 0
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a293a      875500         xchg dword [rbp], edx
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a293d      83fa01         cmp edx, 1
│ ────────< 0x000a2940      0f8f5a010000   jg 0xa2aa0
│ ╎│╎╎│││   ; CODE XREFS from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa29cc(x), 0xa2aad(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a2946      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a2953      41b883000000   mov r8d, 0x83
│ ────────< 0x000a2959      e930fbffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a295e      81ce00000080   or esi, 0x80000000
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a2964      89d0           mov eax, edx
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a2966      f00fb17500     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], esi
│ ────────< 0x000a296b      0f849ffeffff   je 0xa2810
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a2971      8b5500         mov edx, dword [rbp]
│ ╎│└─────< 0x000a2974      e980faffff     jmp 0xa23f9
│ ╎│ ╎└───> 0x000a2980      c74504000000.  mov dword [arg_4h], 0
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a2987      4531d2         xor r10d, r10d
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a298a      31d2           xor edx, edx
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a298c      4889ef         mov rdi, rbp
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a298f      be07000000     mov esi, 7
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a2994      b8ca000000     mov eax, 0xca
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a2999      0f05           syscall
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a299b      483d00f0ffff   cmp rax, 0xfffffffffffff000
│ ────────< 0x000a29a1      76a3           jbe 0xa2946
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29a3      83f892         cmp eax, 0xffffff92
│ ────────< 0x000a29a6      749e           je 0xa2946
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29a8      83c026         add eax, 0x26
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29ab      83f826         cmp eax, 0x26
│ ────────< 0x000a29ae      0f87bcfcffff   ja 0xa2670
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29b4      48ba09000008.  movabs rdx, 0x6c08000009
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29be      89c1           mov ecx, eax
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29c0      48d3ea         shr rdx, cl
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29c3      80e201         and dl, 1
│ ────────< 0x000a29c6      0f84a4fcffff   je 0xa2670
│ ────────< 0x000a29cc      e975ffffff     jmp 0xa2946
│ ╎│ ╎ │└─> 0x000a29d8      41b823000000   mov r8d, 0x23               ; '#'
│ ────────< 0x000a29de      e9abfaffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ╎│ ╎ └──> 0x000a29e3      48b801000000.  movabs rax, 0x7fffffff00000001 ; 9223372032559808513
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a29ed      48894504       mov qword [arg_4h], rax
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a29f1      64488b0425e0.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a29fa      4883e0fe       and rax, 0xfffffffffffffffe
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a29fe      4c8948f8       mov qword [rax - 8], r9
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a02      64488b0425e0.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a0b      48894520       mov qword [arg_20h], rax
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a0f      64488b042510.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x10]
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a18      4805e0020000   add rax, 0x2e0
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a1e      48894518       mov qword [arg_18h], rax
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a22      644c890c25e0.  mov qword fs:[0x2e0], r9
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a2b      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a38      41b882000000   mov r8d, 0x82
│ ────────< 0x000a2a3e      e94bfaffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a2a43      83c00b         add eax, 0xb
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a46      83f80b         cmp eax, 0xb
│ ────────< 0x000a2a49      0f8721fcffff   ja 0xa2670
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a4f      480fa3c3       bt rbx, rax
│ ────────< 0x000a2a53      0f8317fcffff   jae 0xa2670
│ ────────< 0x000a2a59      e9cdfdffff     jmp 0xa282b
│ ────────> 0x000a2a5e      418b06         mov eax, dword [r14]
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a61      83e07f         and eax, 0x7f
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a64      83f812         cmp eax, 0x12
│ ╎│ ╎  ┌─< 0x000a2a67      7449           je 0xa2ab2
│ ╎│ ╎  │   0x000a2a69      83f811         cmp eax, 0x11
│ ────────< 0x000a2a6c      0f8594fdffff   jne 0xa2806
│ ╎│ ╎  │   0x000a2a72      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ╎│ ╎  │   0x000a2a7f      8b4504         mov eax, dword [arg_4h]
│ ╎│ ╎  │   0x000a2a82      83f8ff         cmp eax, 0xffffffff
│ └───────< 0x000a2a85      0f849dfeffff   je 0xa2928
│  │ ╎  │   0x000a2a8b      83c001         add eax, 1
│  │ ╎  │   0x000a2a8e      894504         mov dword [arg_4h], eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2a91      e9f8f9ffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a2aa0      be80000000     mov esi, 0x80               ; sym.thread_rpc_vars ; " 7\x1c"
│  │ ╎  │   0x000a2aa5      4889ef         mov rdi, rbp
│  │ ╎  │   0x000a2aa8      e8139bffff     call sym.__GI___lll_lock_wake
│ ────────< 0x000a2aad      e994feffff     jmp 0xa2946
│  └────└─> 0x000a2ab2      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│    ╎      0x000a2abf      41b823000000   mov r8d, 0x23               ; '#'
│    └────< 0x000a2ac5      e9c4f9ffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a2aca      488d0d9fe811.  lea rcx, str.__pthread_mutex_lock_full ; 0x1c1370 ; "__pthread_mutex_lock_full"
│           0x000a2ad1      bab1010000     mov edx, 0x1b1
│           0x000a2ad6      488d35546511.  lea rsi, [0x001b9031]       ; "pthread_mutex_lock.c"
│           0x000a2add      488d3d626511.  lea rdi, str.e___ESRCH___robust ; 0x1b9046 ; "e != ESRCH || !robust"
│           0x000a2ae4      e837b1faff     call sym.__assert_fail      ; void __assert_fail(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *function)
│ ────────> 0x000a2ae9      488d0d80e811.  lea rcx, str.__pthread_mutex_lock_full ; 0x1c1370 ; "__pthread_mutex_lock_full"
│           0x000a2af0      ba4e020000     mov edx, 0x24e
│           0x000a2af5      488d35356511.  lea rsi, [0x001b9031]       ; "pthread_mutex_lock.c"
│           0x000a2afc      488d3d596511.  lea rdi, str.mutex____data.__owner__0 ; 0x1b905c ; "mutex->__data.__owner == 0"
│           0x000a2b03      e818b1faff     call sym.__assert_fail      ; void __assert_fail(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *function)
└ ────────> 0x000a2b08      e873a70b00     call sym.__stack_chk_fail   ; void __stack_chk_fail(void)
[0x000a2380]> aei
[0x000a2380]> /as | grep 0x000a281d
0x000a281d read
[0x000a2380]> /as | grep 0x000a2
0x000a2315 futex
0x000a251c futex
0x000a2653 rt_sigprocmask
0x000a2ec9 rt_sigprocmask
0x000a2f43 futex
[0x000a2380]> /as | grep 0x000a281d
alessandrocarminati commented 2 years ago

glibc-2.34-40.el9.x86_64_libc.so.tar.gz Test bench

trufae commented 1 year ago

Can you try again? I have improved this functionality at least for arm64 but other targets may be fixed too

alessandrocarminati commented 1 year ago

Hello, Thank you for your work. Not sure on how it performs on arm64, but for this issue here, there's no change.

$ r2 -v
radare2 5.7.9 29326 @ linux-x86-64 git.5.7.8-415-g432791f8ce
commit: 432791f8cedb675703c477fc8842968e48e9acab build: 2022-10-28__17:32:04
$ r2 glibc-2.34-40.el9.x86_64_libc.so
WARN: run r2 with -e bin.cache=true to fix relocations in disassembly
 -- Using radare2 to generate intelligence ...
[0x00040070]> aa
INFO: Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
ERROR: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x0012c3a2 bbdelta = 18
ERROR: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x000d6556 bbdelta = 34
ERROR: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x001980d9 bbdelta = 23
INFO: Analyze all functions arguments/locals (afva@@@F)
[0x00040070]> s sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full
[0x000a2380]> pdf
Do you want to print 443 lines? (y/N) y
            ; CODE XREF from sym.pthread_mutex_lock @ 0xa2bd0(x)
┌ 1875: sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full (int64_t arg1, int64_t arg2, int64_t arg_4h, int64_t arg_8h, int64_t arg_ch, int64_t arg_10h, int64_t arg_18h, int64_t arg_20h);
│           ; arg int64_t arg1 @ rdi
│           ; arg int64_t arg2 @ rsi
│           ; arg int64_t arg_4h @ rbp+0x4
│           ; arg int64_t arg_8h @ rbp+0x8
│           ; arg int64_t arg_ch @ rbp+0xc
│           ; arg int64_t arg_10h @ rbp+0x10
│           ; arg int64_t arg_18h @ rbp+0x18
│           ; arg int64_t arg_20h @ rbp+0x20
│           ; var int64_t var_ch @ rsp-0x4c
│           ; var int64_t var_14h @ rsp-0x44
│           ; var int64_t var_18h @ rsp-0x40
│           0x000a2380      4157           push r15
│           0x000a2382      4156           push r14
│           0x000a2384      4155           push r13
│           0x000a2386      4154           push r12
│           0x000a2388      55             push rbp
│           0x000a2389      4889fd         mov rbp, rdi                ; arg1
│           0x000a238c      53             push rbx
│           0x000a238d      4883ec28       sub rsp, 0x28
│           0x000a2391      64488b042528.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x28]
│           0x000a239a      4889442418     mov qword [var_18h], rax
│           0x000a239f      31c0           xor eax, eax
│           0x000a23a1      648b0425d002.  mov eax, dword fs:[0x2d0]
│           0x000a23a9      8944240c       mov dword [var_ch], eax
│           0x000a23ad      8b5710         mov edx, dword [rdi + 0x10] ; arg1
│           0x000a23b0      4c8d7710       lea r14, [rdi + 0x10]       ; arg1
│           0x000a23b4      89d0           mov eax, edx
│           0x000a23b6      83e07f         and eax, 0x7f
│           0x000a23b9      83f833         cmp eax, 0x33
│       ┌─< 0x000a23bc      0f8fd6010000   jg 0xa2598
│       │   0x000a23c2      83f82f         cmp eax, 0x2f
│      ┌──< 0x000a23c5      0f8ff5000000   jg 0xa24c0
│      ││   0x000a23cb      83f813         cmp eax, 0x13
│     ┌───< 0x000a23ce      0f8fe4000000   jg 0xa24b8
│     │││   0x000a23d4      83e270         and edx, 0x70
│    ┌────< 0x000a23d7      0f84ab000000   je 0xa2488
│    ││││   0x000a23dd      4c8d4f20       lea r9, [rdi + 0x20]        ; arg1
│    ││││   0x000a23e1      644c890c25f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], r9
│    ││││   0x000a23ea      8b17           mov edx, dword [rdi]        ; arg1
│    ││││   0x000a23ec      31c9           xor ecx, ecx
│    ││││   0x000a23ee      41bdca000000   mov r13d, 0xca
│    ││││   0x000a23f4      bb81080000     mov ebx, 0x881
│    ││││   ; CODE XREFS from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa2833(x), 0xa28df(x), 0xa2974(x)
│ ┌┌┌─────> 0x000a23f9      85d2           test edx, edx
│ ────────< 0x000a23fb      0f85e4030000   jne 0xa27e5
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2401      8b74240c       mov esi, dword [var_ch]
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2405      89d0           mov eax, edx
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2407      09ce           or esi, ecx
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2409      f00fb17500     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], esi
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a240e      89c2           mov edx, eax
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2410      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2412      0f85cd030000   jne 0xa27e5
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2418      817d08feffff.  cmp dword [arg_8h], 0x7ffffffe
│ ────────< 0x000a241f      0f840e050000   je 0xa2933
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2425      c74504010000.  mov dword [arg_4h], 1
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a242c      64488b0425e0.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2435      4883e0fe       and rax, 0xfffffffffffffffe
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2439      4c8948f8       mov qword [rax - 8], r9
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a243d      64488b0425e0.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2446      48894520       mov qword [arg_20h], rax
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a244a      64488b042510.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x10]
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2453      4805e0020000   add rax, 0x2e0
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2459      48894518       mov qword [arg_18h], rax
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a245d      644c890c25e0.  mov qword fs:[0x2e0], r9
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2466      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ╎╎╎││││   ; CODE XREFS from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa2692(x), 0xa2727(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a2473      8b44240c       mov eax, dword [var_ch]
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2477      83450c01       add dword [arg_ch], 1
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a247b      894508         mov dword [arg_8h], eax
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a247e      90             nop
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a247f      4531c0         xor r8d, r8d
│ ────────< 0x000a2482      eb0a           jmp 0xa248e
│ ───└────> 0x000a2488      41b816000000   mov r8d, 0x16
│ ╎╎╎ │││   ; XREFS: CODE 0x000a2482  CODE 0x000a2756  CODE 0x000a27e0  CODE 0x000a285f  CODE 0x000a292e  CODE 0x000a2959  
│ ╎╎╎ │││   ; XREFS: CODE 0x000a29de  CODE 0x000a2a3e  CODE 0x000a2a91  CODE 0x000a2ac5  
│ ───┌────> 0x000a248e      488b442418     mov rax, qword [var_18h]
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a2493      64482b042528.  sub rax, qword fs:[0x28]
│ ────────< 0x000a249c      0f8566060000   jne 0xa2b08
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24a2      4883c428       add rsp, 0x28
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24a6      4489c0         mov eax, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24a9      5b             pop rbx
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24aa      5d             pop rbp
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24ab      415c           pop r12
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24ad      415d           pop r13
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24af      415e           pop r14
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24b1      415f           pop r15
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24b3      c3             ret
│ ╎╎╎╎└───> 0x000a24b8      83e820         sub eax, 0x20               ; sym.__libc_tsd_CTYPE_TOUPPER ; "@"
│ ╎╎╎╎ ││   0x000a24bb      83f803         cmp eax, 3
│ ────────< 0x000a24be      77c8           ja 0xa2488
│ ╎╎╎╎ └──> 0x000a24c0      8b4510         mov eax, dword [arg_10h]
│ ╎╎╎╎  │   0x000a24c3      4189c1         mov r9d, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎  │   0x000a24c6      4183e103       and r9d, 3
│ ╎╎╎╎  │   0x000a24ca      83e010         and eax, 0x10               ; sym.__libc_errno
│ ╎╎╎╎  │   0x000a24cd      4189c0         mov r8d, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎ ┌──< 0x000a24d0      0f85d2010000   jne 0xa26a8
│ ╎╎╎╎ ││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa26b9(x)
│ ╎╎╎╎┌───> 0x000a24d6      8b4500         mov eax, dword [rbp]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24d9      25ffffff3f     and eax, 0x3fffffff
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24de      3944240c       cmp dword [var_ch], eax
│ ────────< 0x000a24e2      0f8413040000   je 0xa28fb
│ ────────> 0x000a24e8      8b5c240c       mov ebx, dword [var_ch]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24ec      31c0           xor eax, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24ee      f00fb15d00     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], ebx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24f3      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a24f5      0f84c3010000   je 0xa26be
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24fb      be06000000     mov esi, 6
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2500      41bd80000000   mov r13d, 0x80              ; sym.thread_rpc_vars ; " 7\x1c"
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2506      4585c0         test r8d, r8d
│ ────────< 0x000a2509      0f84d5030000   je 0xa28e4
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa28f6(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a250f      4531d2         xor r10d, r10d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2512      31d2           xor edx, edx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2514      4889ef         mov rdi, rbp
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2517      b8ca000000     mov eax, 0xca
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a251c      0f05           syscall
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a251e      83f892         cmp eax, 0xffffff92
│ ────────< 0x000a2521      0f8434020000   je 0xa275b
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2527      8d5023         lea edx, [rax + 0x23]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a252a      83fa23         cmp edx, 0x23
│ ────────< 0x000a252d      0f873d010000   ja 0xa2670
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2533      48b901200081.  movabs rcx, 0x981002001
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a253d      480fa3d1       bt rcx, rdx
│ ────────< 0x000a2541      0f8329010000   jae 0xa2670
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2547      89c2           mov edx, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2549      83e2df         and edx, 0xffffffdf         ; 4294967263
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a254c      83fadd         cmp edx, 0xffffffdd
│ ────────< 0x000a254f      0f8506020000   jne 0xa275b
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2555      83f8dd         cmp eax, 0xffffffdd
│ ────────< 0x000a2558      0f8432030000   je 0xa2890
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a255e      83f8fd         cmp eax, 0xfffffffd
│ ────────< 0x000a2561      7509           jne 0xa256c
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2563      4585c0         test r8d, r8d
│ ────────< 0x000a2566      0f855e050000   jne 0xa2aca
│ ────────> 0x000a256c      488d5c2414     lea rbx, [var_14h]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2571      0f1f80000000.  nop dword [rax]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa2591(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a2578      4589e8         mov r8d, r13d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a257b      31c9           xor ecx, ecx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a257d      31d2           xor edx, edx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a257f      31f6           xor esi, esi
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2581      4889df         mov rdi, rbx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2584      c74424140000.  mov dword [var_14h], 0
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a258c      e84f9effff     call sym.__GI___futex_abstimed_wait64
│ ────────< 0x000a2591      ebe5           jmp 0xa2578
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│└─> 0x000a2598      83e840         sub eax, 0x40               ; case.0x18e554.1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a259b      83f803         cmp eax, 3
│ ────────< 0x000a259e      0f87e4feffff   ja 0xa2488
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a25a4      8b4710         mov eax, dword [rdi + 0x10] ; arg1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a25a7      41bdffffffff   mov r13d, 0xffffffff        ; -1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a25ad      448b27         mov r12d, dword [rdi]       ; arg1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a25b0      8b5c240c       mov ebx, dword [var_ch]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a25b4      3b5f08         cmp ebx, dword [rdi + 8]    ; arg1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│┌─< 0x000a25b7      0f846f010000   je 0xa272c
│ ────────> 0x000a25bd      41bfca000000   mov r15d, 0xca
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25c3      0f1f440000     nop dword [rax + rax]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa26a3(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a25c8      4489e3         mov ebx, r12d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25cb      c1eb13         shr ebx, 0x13
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25ce      e84d570000     call sym.__GI___pthread_current_priority
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25d3      39d8           cmp eax, ebx
│ ────────< 0x000a25d5      0f8f5d020000   jg 0xa2838
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25db      89de           mov esi, ebx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25dd      4489ef         mov edi, r13d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25e0      e83b530000     call sym.__pthread_tpp_change_priority
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25e5      4189c0         mov r8d, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25e8      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a25ea      0f859efeffff   jne 0xa248e
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25f0      4589e0         mov r8d, r12d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25f3      4181e00000f8.  and r8d, 0xfff80000
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25fa      4589c1         mov r9d, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25fd      4489c0         mov eax, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2600      4183c901       or r9d, 1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2604      f0440fb14d00   lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], r9d
│ ────────< 0x000a260a      7474           je 0xa2680
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a260c      4489c2         mov edx, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a260f      83ca02         or edx, 2
│ ────────< 0x000a2612      eb0e           jmp 0xa2622
│ ────────> 0x000a2618      4489c0         mov eax, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a261b      f00fb15500     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], edx
│ ────────< 0x000a2620      745e           je 0xa2680
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa2612(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a2622      4489c8         mov eax, r9d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2625      f00fb15500     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], edx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a262a      89c1           mov ecx, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a262c      4189c4         mov r12d, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a262f      81e10000f8ff   and ecx, 0xfff80000
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2635      4139c8         cmp r8d, ecx
│ ────────< 0x000a2638      7566           jne 0xa26a0
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a263a      4139c0         cmp r8d, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a263d      74d9           je 0xa2618
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a263f      418b36         mov esi, dword [r14]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2642      4531d2         xor r10d, r10d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2645      4889ef         mov rdi, rbp
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2648      4489f8         mov eax, r15d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a264b      f7d6           not esi
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a264d      81e680000000   and esi, 0x80               ; sym.thread_rpc_vars ; " 7\x1c"
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2653      0f05           syscall
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2655      483d00f0ffff   cmp rax, 0xfffffffffffff000
│ ────────< 0x000a265b      76bb           jbe 0xa2618
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a265d      83c00b         add eax, 0xb
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2660      83f80b         cmp eax, 0xb
│ ────────< 0x000a2663      770b           ja 0xa2670
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2665      bf81080000     mov edi, 0x881
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a266a      480fa3c7       bt rdi, rax
│ ────────< 0x000a266e      72a8           jb 0xa2618
│ ────────> 0x000a2670      488d3dc1b111.  lea rdi, str.The_futex_facility_returned_an_unexpected_error_code._n ; 0x1bd838 ; "The futex facility returned an unexpected error code.\n"
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2677      e8242fffff     call sym.__libc_fatal
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a267c      0f1f4000       nop dword [rax]
│ ────────> 0x000a2680      8b4508         mov eax, dword [arg_8h]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2683      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2685      0f855e040000   jne 0xa2ae9
│ ────────> 0x000a268b      c74504010000.  mov dword [arg_4h], 1
│ ────────< 0x000a2692      e9dcfdffff     jmp 0xa2473
│ ────────> 0x000a26a0      4189dd         mov r13d, ebx
│ ────────< 0x000a26a3      e920ffffff     jmp 0xa25c8
│ ╎╎╎╎╎└──> 0x000a26a8      488d4520       lea rax, [arg_20h]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎ │   0x000a26ac      4883c801       or rax, 1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎ │   0x000a26b0      6448890425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎└───< 0x000a26b9      e918feffff     jmp 0xa24d6
│ ────────> 0x000a26be      4585c0         test r8d, r8d
│ ────────< 0x000a26c1      74c8           je 0xa268b
│ ╎╎╎╎ ┌──> 0x000a26c3      817d08feffff.  cmp dword [arg_8h], 0x7ffffffe
│ ╎╎╎╎┌───< 0x000a26ca      0f84b0020000   je 0xa2980
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26d0      c74504010000.  mov dword [arg_4h], 1
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26d7      64488b1425e0.  mov rdx, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26e0      488d4520       lea rax, [arg_20h]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26e4      4883e2fe       and rdx, 0xfffffffffffffffe
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26e8      488942f8       mov qword [rdx - 8], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26ec      64488b1425e0.  mov rdx, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26f5      48895520       mov qword [arg_20h], rdx
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26f9      64488b1c2510.  mov rbx, qword fs:[0x10]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2702      488d93e00200.  lea rdx, [rbx + 0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2709      48895518       mov qword [arg_18h], rdx
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a270d      4883c801       or rax, 1
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2711      6448890425e0.  mov qword fs:[0x2e0], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a271a      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ────────< 0x000a2727      e947fdffff     jmp 0xa2473
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎└─> 0x000a272c      83e003         and eax, 3
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎    0x000a272f      83f802         cmp eax, 2
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎┌─< 0x000a2732      0f84a0020000   je 0xa29d8
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2738      83f801         cmp eax, 1
│ ────────< 0x000a273b      0f857cfeffff   jne 0xa25bd
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2741      8b4704         mov eax, dword [rdi + 4]    ; arg1
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2744      83f8ff         cmp eax, 0xffffffff
│ ────────< 0x000a2747      0f84db010000   je 0xa2928
│ ────────> 0x000a274d      83c001         add eax, 1
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2750      4531c0         xor r8d, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2753      894504         mov dword [arg_4h], eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2756      e933fdffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a275b      8b4500         mov eax, dword [rbp]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a275e      2500000040     and eax, 0x40000000
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2763      4585c0         test r8d, r8d
│ ────────< 0x000a2766      0f84f8000000   je 0xa2864
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a276c      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎│└──< 0x000a276e      0f844fffffff   je 0xa26c3
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a2774      f0816500ffff.  lock and dword [rbp], 0xbfffffff ; [0xbfffffff:4]=-1
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a277c      48b801000000.  movabs rax, 0x7fffffff00000001 ; 9223372032559808513
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a2786      48894504       mov qword [arg_4h], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a278a      64488b1425e0.  mov rdx, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a2793      488d4520       lea rax, [arg_20h]
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a2797      4883e2fe       and rdx, 0xfffffffffffffffe
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a279b      488942f8       mov qword [rdx - 8], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a279f      64488b1425e0.  mov rdx, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27a8      48895520       mov qword [arg_20h], rdx
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27ac      64488b1c2510.  mov rbx, qword fs:[0x10]
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27b5      488d93e00200.  lea rdx, [rbx + 0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27bc      48895518       mov qword [arg_18h], rdx
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27c0      4883c801       or rax, 1
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27c4      6448890425e0.  mov qword fs:[0x2e0], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27cd      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27da      41b882000000   mov r8d, 0x82
│ ────────< 0x000a27e0      e9a9fcffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a27e5      4189d0         mov r8d, edx
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27e8      4181e0000000.  and r8d, 0x40000000
│ ╎╎╎╎│┌──< 0x000a27ef      0f85cb000000   jne 0xa28c0
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a27f5      89d0           mov eax, edx
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a27f7      25ffffff3f     and eax, 0x3fffffff
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a27fc      3944240c       cmp dword [var_ch], eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2800      0f8458020000   je 0xa2a5e
│ ────────> 0x000a2806      89d6           mov esi, edx
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a2808      85d2           test edx, edx
│ ────────< 0x000a280a      0f894e010000   jns 0xa295e
│ ────────> 0x000a2810      89f2           mov edx, esi
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a2812      4531d2         xor r10d, r10d
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a2815      31f6           xor esi, esi
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a2817      4889ef         mov rdi, rbp
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a281a      4489e8         mov eax, r13d
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a281d      0f05           syscall
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a281f      483d00f0ffff   cmp rax, 0xfffffffffffff000
│ ────────< 0x000a2825      0f8718020000   ja 0xa2a43
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa2a59(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a282b      8b5500         mov edx, dword [rbp]
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a282e      b900000080     mov ecx, 0x80000000
│ └───────< 0x000a2833      e9c1fbffff     jmp 0xa23f9
│ ────────> 0x000a2838      41b816000000   mov r8d, 0x16
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a283e      4183fdff       cmp r13d, 0xffffffff
│ ────────< 0x000a2842      0f8446fcffff   je 0xa248e
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2848      beffffffff     mov esi, 0xffffffff         ; -1
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a284d      4489ef         mov edi, r13d
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2850      448944240c     mov dword [var_ch], r8d
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2855      e8c6500000     call sym.__pthread_tpp_change_priority
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a285a      448b44240c     mov r8d, dword [var_ch]
│ ────────< 0x000a285f      e92afcffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a2864      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2866      0f841ffeffff   je 0xa268b
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a286c      488d0dfdea11.  lea rcx, str.__pthread_mutex_lock_full ; 0x1c1370 ; "__pthread_mutex_lock_full"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2873      babb010000     mov edx, 0x1bb
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2878      488d35b26711.  lea rsi, [0x001b9031]       ; "pthread_mutex_lock.c"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a287f      488d3d1ab111.  lea rdi, str.robust___oldval__FUTEX_OWNER_DIED___0 ; 0x1bd9a0 ; "robust || (oldval & FUTEX_OWNER_DIED) == 0"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2886      e895b3faff     call sym.__assert_fail      ; void __assert_fail(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *function)
│ ────────> 0x000a2890      4183e901       sub r9d, 1
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2894      4183f901       cmp r9d, 1
│ ────────< 0x000a2898      0f87cefcffff   ja 0xa256c
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a289e      488d0dcbea11.  lea rcx, str.__pthread_mutex_lock_full ; 0x1c1370 ; "__pthread_mutex_lock_full"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a28a5      baac010000     mov edx, 0x1ac
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a28aa      488d35806711.  lea rsi, [0x001b9031]       ; "pthread_mutex_lock.c"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a28b1      488d3d88b011.  lea rdi, str.e___EDEADLK___kind___PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP__kind___PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP_ ; 0x1bd940 ; "e != EDEADLK || (kind != PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP && kind != PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP)"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a28b8      e863b3faff     call sym.__assert_fail      ; void __assert_fail(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *function)
│  ╎╎╎│└──> 0x000a28c0      8b44240c       mov eax, dword [var_ch]
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28c4      89d6           mov esi, edx
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28c6      81e600000080   and esi, 0x80000000
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28cc      09c8           or eax, ecx
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28ce      09c6           or esi, eax
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28d0      89d0           mov eax, edx
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28d2      f00fb17500     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], esi
│  ╎╎╎│┌──< 0x000a28d7      0f8406010000   je 0xa29e3
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a28dd      89c2           mov edx, eax
│  └──────< 0x000a28df      e915fbffff     jmp 0xa23f9
│ ────────> 0x000a28e4      448b6d10       mov r13d, dword [arg_10h]
│   ╎╎│││   0x000a28e8      4181e5800000.  and r13d, 0x80              ; sym.thread_rpc_vars ; " 7\x1c"
│   ╎╎│││   0x000a28ef      4489ee         mov esi, r13d
│   ╎╎│││   0x000a28f2      4080f686       xor sil, 0x86
│ ────────< 0x000a28f6      e914fcffff     jmp 0xa250f
│ ────────> 0x000a28fb      4183f902       cmp r9d, 2
│  ┌──────< 0x000a28ff      0f84ad010000   je 0xa2ab2
│  │╎╎│││   0x000a2905      4183f901       cmp r9d, 1
│ ────────< 0x000a2909      0f85d9fbffff   jne 0xa24e8
│  │╎╎│││   0x000a290f      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│  │╎╎│││   0x000a291c      8b4504         mov eax, dword [arg_4h]
│  │╎╎│││   0x000a291f      83f8ff         cmp eax, 0xffffffff
│ ────────< 0x000a2922      0f8525feffff   jne 0xa274d
│ ┌───────> 0x000a2928      41b80b000000   mov r8d, 0xb
│ ────────< 0x000a292e      e95bfbffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a2933      c74504000000.  mov dword [arg_4h], 0
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a293a      875500         xchg dword [rbp], edx
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a293d      83fa01         cmp edx, 1
│ ────────< 0x000a2940      0f8f5a010000   jg 0xa2aa0
│ ╎│╎╎│││   ; CODE XREFS from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa29cc(x), 0xa2aad(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a2946      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a2953      41b883000000   mov r8d, 0x83
│ ────────< 0x000a2959      e930fbffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a295e      81ce00000080   or esi, 0x80000000
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a2964      89d0           mov eax, edx
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a2966      f00fb17500     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], esi
│ ────────< 0x000a296b      0f849ffeffff   je 0xa2810
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a2971      8b5500         mov edx, dword [rbp]
│ ╎│└─────< 0x000a2974      e980faffff     jmp 0xa23f9
│ ╎│ ╎└───> 0x000a2980      c74504000000.  mov dword [arg_4h], 0
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a2987      4531d2         xor r10d, r10d
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a298a      31d2           xor edx, edx
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a298c      4889ef         mov rdi, rbp
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a298f      be07000000     mov esi, 7
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a2994      b8ca000000     mov eax, 0xca
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a2999      0f05           syscall
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a299b      483d00f0ffff   cmp rax, 0xfffffffffffff000
│ ────────< 0x000a29a1      76a3           jbe 0xa2946
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29a3      83f892         cmp eax, 0xffffff92
│ ────────< 0x000a29a6      749e           je 0xa2946
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29a8      83c026         add eax, 0x26
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29ab      83f826         cmp eax, 0x26
│ ────────< 0x000a29ae      0f87bcfcffff   ja 0xa2670
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29b4      48ba09000008.  movabs rdx, 0x6c08000009
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29be      89c1           mov ecx, eax
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29c0      48d3ea         shr rdx, cl
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29c3      80e201         and dl, 1
│ ────────< 0x000a29c6      0f84a4fcffff   je 0xa2670
│ ────────< 0x000a29cc      e975ffffff     jmp 0xa2946
│ ╎│ ╎ │└─> 0x000a29d8      41b823000000   mov r8d, 0x23               ; '#'
│ ────────< 0x000a29de      e9abfaffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ╎│ ╎ └──> 0x000a29e3      48b801000000.  movabs rax, 0x7fffffff00000001 ; 9223372032559808513
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a29ed      48894504       mov qword [arg_4h], rax
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a29f1      64488b0425e0.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a29fa      4883e0fe       and rax, 0xfffffffffffffffe
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a29fe      4c8948f8       mov qword [rax - 8], r9
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a02      64488b0425e0.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a0b      48894520       mov qword [arg_20h], rax
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a0f      64488b042510.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x10]
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a18      4805e0020000   add rax, 0x2e0
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a1e      48894518       mov qword [arg_18h], rax
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a22      644c890c25e0.  mov qword fs:[0x2e0], r9
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a2b      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a38      41b882000000   mov r8d, 0x82
│ ────────< 0x000a2a3e      e94bfaffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a2a43      83c00b         add eax, 0xb
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a46      83f80b         cmp eax, 0xb
│ ────────< 0x000a2a49      0f8721fcffff   ja 0xa2670
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a4f      480fa3c3       bt rbx, rax
│ ────────< 0x000a2a53      0f8317fcffff   jae 0xa2670
│ ────────< 0x000a2a59      e9cdfdffff     jmp 0xa282b
│ ────────> 0x000a2a5e      418b06         mov eax, dword [r14]
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a61      83e07f         and eax, 0x7f
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a64      83f812         cmp eax, 0x12
│ ╎│ ╎  ┌─< 0x000a2a67      7449           je 0xa2ab2
│ ╎│ ╎  │   0x000a2a69      83f811         cmp eax, 0x11
│ ────────< 0x000a2a6c      0f8594fdffff   jne 0xa2806
│ ╎│ ╎  │   0x000a2a72      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ╎│ ╎  │   0x000a2a7f      8b4504         mov eax, dword [arg_4h]
│ ╎│ ╎  │   0x000a2a82      83f8ff         cmp eax, 0xffffffff
│ └───────< 0x000a2a85      0f849dfeffff   je 0xa2928
│  │ ╎  │   0x000a2a8b      83c001         add eax, 1
│  │ ╎  │   0x000a2a8e      894504         mov dword [arg_4h], eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2a91      e9f8f9ffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a2aa0      be80000000     mov esi, 0x80               ; sym.thread_rpc_vars ; " 7\x1c"
│  │ ╎  │   0x000a2aa5      4889ef         mov rdi, rbp
│  │ ╎  │   0x000a2aa8      e8139bffff     call sym.__GI___lll_lock_wake
│ ────────< 0x000a2aad      e994feffff     jmp 0xa2946
│  └────└─> 0x000a2ab2      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│    ╎      0x000a2abf      41b823000000   mov r8d, 0x23               ; '#'
│    └────< 0x000a2ac5      e9c4f9ffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a2aca      488d0d9fe811.  lea rcx, str.__pthread_mutex_lock_full ; 0x1c1370 ; "__pthread_mutex_lock_full"
│           0x000a2ad1      bab1010000     mov edx, 0x1b1
│           0x000a2ad6      488d35546511.  lea rsi, [0x001b9031]       ; "pthread_mutex_lock.c"
│           0x000a2add      488d3d626511.  lea rdi, str.e___ESRCH___robust ; 0x1b9046 ; "e != ESRCH || !robust"
│           0x000a2ae4      e837b1faff     call sym.__assert_fail      ; void __assert_fail(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *function)
│ ────────> 0x000a2ae9      488d0d80e811.  lea rcx, str.__pthread_mutex_lock_full ; 0x1c1370 ; "__pthread_mutex_lock_full"
│           0x000a2af0      ba4e020000     mov edx, 0x24e
│           0x000a2af5      488d35356511.  lea rsi, [0x001b9031]       ; "pthread_mutex_lock.c"
│           0x000a2afc      488d3d596511.  lea rdi, str.mutex____data.__owner__0 ; 0x1b905c ; "mutex->__data.__owner == 0"
│           0x000a2b03      e818b1faff     call sym.__assert_fail      ; void __assert_fail(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *function)
└ ────────> 0x000a2b08      e873a70b00     call sym.__stack_chk_fail   ; void __stack_chk_fail(void)
[0x000a2380]>  aei
[0x000a2380]> /as | grep 0x000a281d
0x000a281d read
[0x000a2380]> /as | grep 0x000a2
0x000a2315 futex
0x000a251c futex
0x000a2653 rt_sigprocmask
0x000a2ec9 rt_sigprocmask
0x000a2f43 futex
[0x000a2380]> /as | grep 0x000a281d

Syscalls @0x000a2999 and @0x000a281d are not detected nor identified.

Trivial note: if I try to complete "ver" by using tab, the system crashes consistently.

trufae commented 1 year ago

Can you try again? i did some improvements and updated tests too :)

alessandrocarminati commented 1 year ago

Hello, Please forgive me for my late answer. From my standpoint, the problem remains, but it is slightly different from what it was back in August. The syscall @0x000a281d is now wrongly reported as read. This smells fishy, since read is the syscall 0 in x86_64. I argue this is somehow related to ESIL registers initialization. Couldn't be registers initialized with -1? In this way, we could at least be able to say a syscall is detected, but we couldn't determine which one. Please note that this syscall detection is somehow more complicated than others (at least for humans), because it loads eax with r13d and r13d is loaded @0x000a23EE (distant more than 1k) with 0xca (futex). The other syscall @0x000a2999 is still not listed, not sure why since it should be trivial to spot. Its number is loaded at the previous instruction.

$ r2 -v
radare2 5.8.3 30140 @ linux-x86-64 git.5.8.2-98-gf58373e00d
commit: f58373e00d86bcab3638c7e1d87285258a15ac9a build: 2023-02-16__10:42:09
$ r2 glibc-2.34-40.el9.x86_64_libc.so
WARN: run r2 with -e bin.cache=true to fix relocations in disassembly
 -- The motion picture contained in this videodisc is protected under the copyright laws.
[0x00040070]> aa
INFO: Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
WARN: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x0012c3a2 bbdelta = 18
WARN: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x000d6556 bbdelta = 34
WARN: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x001980d9 bbdelta = 23
INFO: Analyze all functions arguments/locals (afva@@@F)
[0x00040070]> s sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full
[0x000a2380]> pdf
Do you want to print 443 lines? (y/N) y
            ; JUMP XREF from sym.pthread_mutex_lock @ 0xa2bd0(x)
┌ 1875: sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full (int64_t arg1, int64_t arg2, int64_t arg_4h, int64_t arg_8h, int64_t arg_ch, int64_t arg_10h, int64_t arg_18h, int64_t arg_20h);
│           ; arg int64_t arg1 @ rdi
│           ; arg int64_t arg2 @ rsi
│           ; arg int64_t arg_4h @ rbp+0x4
│           ; arg int64_t arg_8h @ rbp+0x8
│           ; arg int64_t arg_ch @ rbp+0xc
│           ; arg int64_t arg_10h @ rbp+0x10
│           ; arg int64_t arg_18h @ rbp+0x18
│           ; arg int64_t arg_20h @ rbp+0x20
│           ; var int64_t var_ch @ rsp-0x4c
│           ; var int64_t var_14h @ rsp-0x44
│           ; var int64_t var_18h @ rsp-0x40
│           0x000a2380      4157           push r15
│           0x000a2382      4156           push r14
│           0x000a2384      4155           push r13
│           0x000a2386      4154           push r12
│           0x000a2388      55             push rbp
│           0x000a2389      4889fd         mov rbp, rdi                ; arg1
│           0x000a238c      53             push rbx
│           0x000a238d      4883ec28       sub rsp, 0x28
│           0x000a2391      64488b042528.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x28]
│           0x000a239a      4889442418     mov qword [var_18h], rax
│           0x000a239f      31c0           xor eax, eax
│           0x000a23a1      648b0425d002.  mov eax, dword fs:[0x2d0]
│           0x000a23a9      8944240c       mov dword [var_ch], eax
│           0x000a23ad      8b5710         mov edx, dword [rdi + 0x10] ; arg1
│           0x000a23b0      4c8d7710       lea r14, [rdi + 0x10]       ; arg1
│           0x000a23b4      89d0           mov eax, edx
│           0x000a23b6      83e07f         and eax, 0x7f
│           0x000a23b9      83f833         cmp eax, 0x33               ; '3'
│       ┌─< 0x000a23bc      0f8fd6010000   jg 0xa2598
│       │   0x000a23c2      83f82f         cmp eax, 0x2f               ; '/'
│      ┌──< 0x000a23c5      0f8ff5000000   jg 0xa24c0
│      ││   0x000a23cb      83f813         cmp eax, 0x13
│     ┌───< 0x000a23ce      0f8fe4000000   jg 0xa24b8
│     │││   0x000a23d4      83e270         and edx, 0x70
│    ┌────< 0x000a23d7      0f84ab000000   je 0xa2488
│    ││││   0x000a23dd      4c8d4f20       lea r9, [rdi + 0x20]        ; arg1
│    ││││   0x000a23e1      644c890c25f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], r9
│    ││││   0x000a23ea      8b17           mov edx, dword [rdi]        ; arg1
│    ││││   0x000a23ec      31c9           xor ecx, ecx
│    ││││   0x000a23ee      41bdca000000   mov r13d, 0xca
│    ││││   0x000a23f4      bb81080000     mov ebx, 0x881
│    ││││   ; CODE XREFS from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa2833(x), 0xa28df(x), 0xa2974(x)
│ ┌┌┌─────> 0x000a23f9      85d2           test edx, edx
│ ────────< 0x000a23fb      0f85e4030000   jne 0xa27e5
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2401      8b74240c       mov esi, dword [var_ch]
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2405      89d0           mov eax, edx
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2407      09ce           or esi, ecx
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2409      f00fb17500     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], esi
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a240e      89c2           mov edx, eax
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2410      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2412      0f85cd030000   jne 0xa27e5
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2418      817d08feffff.  cmp dword [arg_8h], 0x7ffffffe
│ ────────< 0x000a241f      0f840e050000   je 0xa2933
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2425      c74504010000.  mov dword [arg_4h], 1
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a242c      64488b0425e0.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2435      4883e0fe       and rax, 0xfffffffffffffffe
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2439      4c8948f8       mov qword [rax - 8], r9
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a243d      64488b0425e0.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2446      48894520       mov qword [arg_20h], rax
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a244a      64488b042510.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x10]
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2453      4805e0020000   add rax, 0x2e0
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2459      48894518       mov qword [arg_18h], rax
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a245d      644c890c25e0.  mov qword fs:[0x2e0], r9
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2466      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ╎╎╎││││   ; CODE XREFS from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa2692(x), 0xa2727(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a2473      8b44240c       mov eax, dword [var_ch]
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a2477      83450c01       add dword [arg_ch], 1
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a247b      894508         mov dword [arg_8h], eax
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a247e      90             nop
│ ╎╎╎││││   0x000a247f      4531c0         xor r8d, r8d
│ ────────< 0x000a2482      eb0a           jmp 0xa248e
│ ───└────> 0x000a2488      41b816000000   mov r8d, 0x16
│ ╎╎╎ │││   ; XREFS: CODE 0x000a2482  CODE 0x000a2756  CODE 0x000a27e0  CODE 0x000a285f  CODE 0x000a292e  CODE 0x000a2959  
│ ╎╎╎ │││   ; XREFS: CODE 0x000a29de  CODE 0x000a2a3e  CODE 0x000a2a91  CODE 0x000a2ac5  
│ ───┌────> 0x000a248e      488b442418     mov rax, qword [var_18h]
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a2493      64482b042528.  sub rax, qword fs:[0x28]
│ ────────< 0x000a249c      0f8566060000   jne 0xa2b08
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24a2      4883c428       add rsp, 0x28
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24a6      4489c0         mov eax, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24a9      5b             pop rbx
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24aa      5d             pop rbp
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24ab      415c           pop r12
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24ad      415d           pop r13
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24af      415e           pop r14
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24b1      415f           pop r15
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a24b3      c3             ret
│ ╎╎╎╎└───> 0x000a24b8      83e820         sub eax, 0x20               ; sym.__libc_tsd_CTYPE_TOUPPER ; "@"
│ ╎╎╎╎ ││   0x000a24bb      83f803         cmp eax, 3
│ ────────< 0x000a24be      77c8           ja 0xa2488
│ ╎╎╎╎ └──> 0x000a24c0      8b4510         mov eax, dword [arg_10h]
│ ╎╎╎╎  │   0x000a24c3      4189c1         mov r9d, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎  │   0x000a24c6      4183e103       and r9d, 3
│ ╎╎╎╎  │   0x000a24ca      83e010         and eax, 0x10               ; sym.__libc_errno
│ ╎╎╎╎  │   0x000a24cd      4189c0         mov r8d, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎ ┌──< 0x000a24d0      0f85d2010000   jne 0xa26a8
│ ╎╎╎╎ ││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa26b9(x)
│ ╎╎╎╎┌───> 0x000a24d6      8b4500         mov eax, dword [rbp]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24d9      25ffffff3f     and eax, 0x3fffffff
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24de      3944240c       cmp dword [var_ch], eax
│ ────────< 0x000a24e2      0f8413040000   je 0xa28fb
│ ────────> 0x000a24e8      8b5c240c       mov ebx, dword [var_ch]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24ec      31c0           xor eax, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24ee      f00fb15d00     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], ebx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24f3      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a24f5      0f84c3010000   je 0xa26be
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a24fb      be06000000     mov esi, 6
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2500      41bd80000000   mov r13d, 0x80              ; sym.thread_rpc_vars ; " 7\x1c"
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2506      4585c0         test r8d, r8d
│ ────────< 0x000a2509      0f84d5030000   je 0xa28e4
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa28f6(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a250f      4531d2         xor r10d, r10d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2512      31d2           xor edx, edx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2514      4889ef         mov rdi, rbp
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2517      b8ca000000     mov eax, 0xca
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a251c      0f05           syscall
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a251e      83f892         cmp eax, 0xffffff92
│ ────────< 0x000a2521      0f8434020000   je 0xa275b
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2527      8d5023         lea edx, [rax + 0x23]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a252a      83fa23         cmp edx, 0x23               ; '#'
│ ────────< 0x000a252d      0f873d010000   ja 0xa2670
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2533      48b901200081.  movabs rcx, 0x981002001
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a253d      480fa3d1       bt rcx, rdx
│ ────────< 0x000a2541      0f8329010000   jae 0xa2670
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2547      89c2           mov edx, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2549      83e2df         and edx, 0xffffffdf         ; 4294967263
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a254c      83fadd         cmp edx, 0xffffffdd
│ ────────< 0x000a254f      0f8506020000   jne 0xa275b
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2555      83f8dd         cmp eax, 0xffffffdd
│ ────────< 0x000a2558      0f8432030000   je 0xa2890
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a255e      83f8fd         cmp eax, 0xfffffffd
│ ────────< 0x000a2561      7509           jne 0xa256c
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2563      4585c0         test r8d, r8d
│ ────────< 0x000a2566      0f855e050000   jne 0xa2aca
│ ────────> 0x000a256c      488d5c2414     lea rbx, [var_14h]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2571      0f1f80000000.  nop dword [rax]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa2591(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a2578      4589e8         mov r8d, r13d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a257b      31c9           xor ecx, ecx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a257d      31d2           xor edx, edx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a257f      31f6           xor esi, esi
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2581      4889df         mov rdi, rbx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2584      c74424140000.  mov dword [var_14h], 0
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a258c      e84f9effff     call sym.__GI___futex_abstimed_wait64
│ ────────< 0x000a2591      ebe5           jmp 0xa2578
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│└─> 0x000a2598      83e840         sub eax, 0x40               ; case.0x18e554.1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a259b      83f803         cmp eax, 3
│ ────────< 0x000a259e      0f87e4feffff   ja 0xa2488
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a25a4      8b4710         mov eax, dword [rdi + 0x10] ; arg1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a25a7      41bdffffffff   mov r13d, 0xffffffff        ; -1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a25ad      448b27         mov r12d, dword [rdi]       ; arg1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a25b0      8b5c240c       mov ebx, dword [var_ch]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│    0x000a25b4      3b5f08         cmp ebx, dword [rdi + 8]    ; arg1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎│┌─< 0x000a25b7      0f846f010000   je 0xa272c
│ ────────> 0x000a25bd      41bfca000000   mov r15d, 0xca
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25c3      0f1f440000     nop dword [rax + rax]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa26a3(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a25c8      4489e3         mov ebx, r12d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25cb      c1eb13         shr ebx, 0x13
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25ce      e84d570000     call sym.__GI___pthread_current_priority
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25d3      39d8           cmp eax, ebx
│ ────────< 0x000a25d5      0f8f5d020000   jg 0xa2838
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25db      89de           mov esi, ebx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25dd      4489ef         mov edi, r13d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25e0      e83b530000     call sym.__pthread_tpp_change_priority
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25e5      4189c0         mov r8d, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25e8      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a25ea      0f859efeffff   jne 0xa248e
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25f0      4589e0         mov r8d, r12d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25f3      4181e00000f8.  and r8d, 0xfff80000
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25fa      4589c1         mov r9d, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a25fd      4489c0         mov eax, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2600      4183c901       or r9d, 1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2604      f0440fb14d00   lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], r9d
│ ────────< 0x000a260a      7474           je 0xa2680
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a260c      4489c2         mov edx, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a260f      83ca02         or edx, 2
│ ────────< 0x000a2612      eb0e           jmp 0xa2622
│ ────────> 0x000a2618      4489c0         mov eax, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a261b      f00fb15500     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], edx
│ ────────< 0x000a2620      745e           je 0xa2680
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa2612(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a2622      4489c8         mov eax, r9d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2625      f00fb15500     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], edx
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a262a      89c1           mov ecx, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a262c      4189c4         mov r12d, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a262f      81e10000f8ff   and ecx, 0xfff80000
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2635      4139c8         cmp r8d, ecx
│ ────────< 0x000a2638      7566           jne 0xa26a0
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a263a      4139c0         cmp r8d, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a263d      74d9           je 0xa2618
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a263f      418b36         mov esi, dword [r14]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2642      4531d2         xor r10d, r10d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2645      4889ef         mov rdi, rbp
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2648      4489f8         mov eax, r15d
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a264b      f7d6           not esi
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a264d      81e680000000   and esi, 0x80               ; sym.thread_rpc_vars ; " 7\x1c"
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2653      0f05           syscall
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2655      483d00f0ffff   cmp rax, 0xfffffffffffff000
│ ────────< 0x000a265b      76bb           jbe 0xa2618
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a265d      83c00b         add eax, 0xb
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2660      83f80b         cmp eax, 0xb
│ ────────< 0x000a2663      770b           ja 0xa2670
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2665      bf81080000     mov edi, 0x881
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a266a      480fa3c7       bt rdi, rax
│ ────────< 0x000a266e      72a8           jb 0xa2618
│ ────────> 0x000a2670      488d3dc1b111.  lea rdi, str.The_futex_facility_returned_an_unexpected_error_code._n ; 0x1bd838 ; "The futex facility returned an unexpected error code.\n"
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2677      e8242fffff     call sym.__libc_fatal
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a267c      0f1f4000       nop dword [rax]
│ ────────> 0x000a2680      8b4508         mov eax, dword [arg_8h]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎││   0x000a2683      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2685      0f855e040000   jne 0xa2ae9
│ ────────> 0x000a268b      c74504010000.  mov dword [arg_4h], 1
│ ────────< 0x000a2692      e9dcfdffff     jmp 0xa2473
│ ────────> 0x000a26a0      4189dd         mov r13d, ebx
│ ────────< 0x000a26a3      e920ffffff     jmp 0xa25c8
│ ╎╎╎╎╎└──> 0x000a26a8      488d4520       lea rax, [arg_20h]
│ ╎╎╎╎╎ │   0x000a26ac      4883c801       or rax, 1
│ ╎╎╎╎╎ │   0x000a26b0      6448890425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎└───< 0x000a26b9      e918feffff     jmp 0xa24d6
│ ────────> 0x000a26be      4585c0         test r8d, r8d
│ ────────< 0x000a26c1      74c8           je 0xa268b
│ ╎╎╎╎ ┌──> 0x000a26c3      817d08feffff.  cmp dword [arg_8h], 0x7ffffffe
│ ╎╎╎╎┌───< 0x000a26ca      0f84b0020000   je 0xa2980
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26d0      c74504010000.  mov dword [arg_4h], 1
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26d7      64488b1425e0.  mov rdx, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26e0      488d4520       lea rax, [arg_20h]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26e4      4883e2fe       and rdx, 0xfffffffffffffffe
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26e8      488942f8       mov qword [rdx - 8], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26ec      64488b1425e0.  mov rdx, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26f5      48895520       mov qword [arg_20h], rdx
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a26f9      64488b1c2510.  mov rbx, qword fs:[0x10]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2702      488d93e00200.  lea rdx, [rbx + 0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2709      48895518       mov qword [arg_18h], rdx
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a270d      4883c801       or rax, 1
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2711      6448890425e0.  mov qword fs:[0x2e0], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a271a      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ────────< 0x000a2727      e947fdffff     jmp 0xa2473
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎└─> 0x000a272c      83e003         and eax, 3
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎    0x000a272f      83f802         cmp eax, 2
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎┌─< 0x000a2732      0f84a0020000   je 0xa29d8
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2738      83f801         cmp eax, 1
│ ────────< 0x000a273b      0f857cfeffff   jne 0xa25bd
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2741      8b4704         mov eax, dword [rdi + 4]    ; arg1
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2744      83f8ff         cmp eax, 0xffffffff
│ ────────< 0x000a2747      0f84db010000   je 0xa2928
│ ────────> 0x000a274d      83c001         add eax, 1
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2750      4531c0         xor r8d, r8d
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2753      894504         mov dword [arg_4h], eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2756      e933fdffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a275b      8b4500         mov eax, dword [rbp]
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a275e      2500000040     and eax, 0x40000000
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a2763      4585c0         test r8d, r8d
│ ────────< 0x000a2766      0f84f8000000   je 0xa2864
│ ╎╎╎╎│╎│   0x000a276c      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ╎╎╎╎│└──< 0x000a276e      0f844fffffff   je 0xa26c3
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a2774      f0816500ffff.  lock and dword [rbp], 0xbfffffff ; [0xbfffffff:4]=-1
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a277c      48b801000000.  movabs rax, 0x7fffffff00000001 ; 9223372032559808513
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a2786      48894504       mov qword [arg_4h], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a278a      64488b1425e0.  mov rdx, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a2793      488d4520       lea rax, [arg_20h]
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a2797      4883e2fe       and rdx, 0xfffffffffffffffe
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a279b      488942f8       mov qword [rdx - 8], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a279f      64488b1425e0.  mov rdx, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27a8      48895520       mov qword [arg_20h], rdx
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27ac      64488b1c2510.  mov rbx, qword fs:[0x10]
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27b5      488d93e00200.  lea rdx, [rbx + 0x2e0]
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27bc      48895518       mov qword [arg_18h], rdx
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27c0      4883c801       or rax, 1
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27c4      6448890425e0.  mov qword fs:[0x2e0], rax
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27cd      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27da      41b882000000   mov r8d, 0x82
│ ────────< 0x000a27e0      e9a9fcffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a27e5      4189d0         mov r8d, edx
│ ╎╎╎╎│ │   0x000a27e8      4181e0000000.  and r8d, 0x40000000
│ ╎╎╎╎│┌──< 0x000a27ef      0f85cb000000   jne 0xa28c0
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a27f5      89d0           mov eax, edx
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a27f7      25ffffff3f     and eax, 0x3fffffff
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a27fc      3944240c       cmp dword [var_ch], eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2800      0f8458020000   je 0xa2a5e
│ ────────> 0x000a2806      89d6           mov esi, edx
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a2808      85d2           test edx, edx
│ ────────< 0x000a280a      0f894e010000   jns 0xa295e
│ ────────> 0x000a2810      89f2           mov edx, esi
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a2812      4531d2         xor r10d, r10d
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a2815      31f6           xor esi, esi
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a2817      4889ef         mov rdi, rbp
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a281a      4489e8         mov eax, r13d
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a281d      0f05           syscall ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a281f      483d00f0ffff   cmp rax, 0xfffffffffffff000
│ ────────< 0x000a2825      0f8718020000   ja 0xa2a43
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   ; CODE XREF from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa2a59(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a282b      8b5500         mov edx, dword [rbp]
│ ╎╎╎╎│││   0x000a282e      b900000080     mov ecx, 0x80000000
│ └───────< 0x000a2833      e9c1fbffff     jmp 0xa23f9
│ ────────> 0x000a2838      41b816000000   mov r8d, 0x16
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a283e      4183fdff       cmp r13d, 0xffffffff
│ ────────< 0x000a2842      0f8446fcffff   je 0xa248e
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2848      beffffffff     mov esi, 0xffffffff         ; -1
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a284d      4489ef         mov edi, r13d
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2850      448944240c     mov dword [var_ch], r8d
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2855      e8c6500000     call sym.__pthread_tpp_change_priority
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a285a      448b44240c     mov r8d, dword [var_ch]
│ ────────< 0x000a285f      e92afcffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a2864      85c0           test eax, eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2866      0f841ffeffff   je 0xa268b
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a286c      488d0dfdea11.  lea rcx, str.__pthread_mutex_lock_full ; 0x1c1370 ; "__pthread_mutex_lock_full"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2873      babb010000     mov edx, 0x1bb
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2878      488d35b26711.  lea rsi, [0x001b9031]       ; "pthread_mutex_lock.c"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a287f      488d3d1ab111.  lea rdi, str.robust___oldval__FUTEX_OWNER_DIED___0 ; 0x1bd9a0 ; "robust || (oldval & FUTEX_OWNER_DIED) == 0"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2886      e895b3faff     call sym.__assert_fail      ; void __assert_fail(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *function)
│ ────────> 0x000a2890      4183e901       sub r9d, 1
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a2894      4183f901       cmp r9d, 1
│ ────────< 0x000a2898      0f87cefcffff   ja 0xa256c
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a289e      488d0dcbea11.  lea rcx, str.__pthread_mutex_lock_full ; 0x1c1370 ; "__pthread_mutex_lock_full"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a28a5      baac010000     mov edx, 0x1ac
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a28aa      488d35806711.  lea rsi, [0x001b9031]       ; "pthread_mutex_lock.c"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a28b1      488d3d88b011.  lea rdi, str.e___EDEADLK___kind___PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP__kind___PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP_ ; 0x1bd940 ; "e != EDEADLK || (kind != PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP && kind != PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP)"
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a28b8      e863b3faff     call sym.__assert_fail      ; void __assert_fail(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *function)
│  ╎╎╎│└──> 0x000a28c0      8b44240c       mov eax, dword [var_ch]
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28c4      89d6           mov esi, edx
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28c6      81e600000080   and esi, 0x80000000
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28cc      09c8           or eax, ecx
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28ce      09c6           or esi, eax
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28d0      89d0           mov eax, edx
│  ╎╎╎│ │   0x000a28d2      f00fb17500     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], esi
│  ╎╎╎│┌──< 0x000a28d7      0f8406010000   je 0xa29e3
│  ╎╎╎│││   0x000a28dd      89c2           mov edx, eax
│  └──────< 0x000a28df      e915fbffff     jmp 0xa23f9
│ ────────> 0x000a28e4      448b6d10       mov r13d, dword [arg_10h]
│   ╎╎│││   0x000a28e8      4181e5800000.  and r13d, 0x80              ; sym.thread_rpc_vars ; " 7\x1c"
│   ╎╎│││   0x000a28ef      4489ee         mov esi, r13d
│   ╎╎│││   0x000a28f2      4080f686       xor sil, 0x86
│ ────────< 0x000a28f6      e914fcffff     jmp 0xa250f
│ ────────> 0x000a28fb      4183f902       cmp r9d, 2
│  ┌──────< 0x000a28ff      0f84ad010000   je 0xa2ab2
│  │╎╎│││   0x000a2905      4183f901       cmp r9d, 1
│ ────────< 0x000a2909      0f85d9fbffff   jne 0xa24e8
│  │╎╎│││   0x000a290f      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│  │╎╎│││   0x000a291c      8b4504         mov eax, dword [arg_4h]
│  │╎╎│││   0x000a291f      83f8ff         cmp eax, 0xffffffff
│ ────────< 0x000a2922      0f8525feffff   jne 0xa274d
│ ┌───────> 0x000a2928      41b80b000000   mov r8d, 0xb
│ ────────< 0x000a292e      e95bfbffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a2933      c74504000000.  mov dword [arg_4h], 0
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a293a      875500         xchg dword [rbp], edx
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a293d      83fa01         cmp edx, 1
│ ────────< 0x000a2940      0f8f5a010000   jg 0xa2aa0
│ ╎│╎╎│││   ; CODE XREFS from sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full @ 0xa29cc(x), 0xa2aad(x)
│ ────────> 0x000a2946      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a2953      41b883000000   mov r8d, 0x83
│ ────────< 0x000a2959      e930fbffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a295e      81ce00000080   or esi, 0x80000000
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a2964      89d0           mov eax, edx
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a2966      f00fb17500     lock cmpxchg dword [rbp], esi
│ ────────< 0x000a296b      0f849ffeffff   je 0xa2810
│ ╎│╎╎│││   0x000a2971      8b5500         mov edx, dword [rbp]
│ ╎│└─────< 0x000a2974      e980faffff     jmp 0xa23f9
│ ╎│ ╎└───> 0x000a2980      c74504000000.  mov dword [arg_4h], 0
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a2987      4531d2         xor r10d, r10d
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a298a      31d2           xor edx, edx
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a298c      4889ef         mov rdi, rbp
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a298f      be07000000     mov esi, 7
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a2994      b8ca000000     mov eax, 0xca
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a2999      0f05           syscall ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a299b      483d00f0ffff   cmp rax, 0xfffffffffffff000
│ ────────< 0x000a29a1      76a3           jbe 0xa2946
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29a3      83f892         cmp eax, 0xffffff92
│ ────────< 0x000a29a6      749e           je 0xa2946
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29a8      83c026         add eax, 0x26
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29ab      83f826         cmp eax, 0x26               ; '&'
│ ────────< 0x000a29ae      0f87bcfcffff   ja 0xa2670
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29b4      48ba09000008.  movabs rdx, 0x6c08000009
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29be      89c1           mov ecx, eax
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29c0      48d3ea         shr rdx, cl
│ ╎│ ╎ ││   0x000a29c3      80e201         and dl, 1
│ ────────< 0x000a29c6      0f84a4fcffff   je 0xa2670
│ ────────< 0x000a29cc      e975ffffff     jmp 0xa2946
│ ╎│ ╎ │└─> 0x000a29d8      41b823000000   mov r8d, 0x23               ; '#'
│ ────────< 0x000a29de      e9abfaffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ╎│ ╎ └──> 0x000a29e3      48b801000000.  movabs rax, 0x7fffffff00000001 ; 9223372032559808513
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a29ed      48894504       mov qword [arg_4h], rax
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a29f1      64488b0425e0.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a29fa      4883e0fe       and rax, 0xfffffffffffffffe
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a29fe      4c8948f8       mov qword [rax - 8], r9
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a02      64488b0425e0.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x2e0]
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a0b      48894520       mov qword [arg_20h], rax
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a0f      64488b042510.  mov rax, qword fs:[0x10]
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a18      4805e0020000   add rax, 0x2e0
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a1e      48894518       mov qword [arg_18h], rax
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a22      644c890c25e0.  mov qword fs:[0x2e0], r9
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a2b      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a38      41b882000000   mov r8d, 0x82
│ ────────< 0x000a2a3e      e94bfaffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a2a43      83c00b         add eax, 0xb
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a46      83f80b         cmp eax, 0xb
│ ────────< 0x000a2a49      0f8721fcffff   ja 0xa2670
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a4f      480fa3c3       bt rbx, rax
│ ────────< 0x000a2a53      0f8317fcffff   jae 0xa2670
│ ────────< 0x000a2a59      e9cdfdffff     jmp 0xa282b
│ ────────> 0x000a2a5e      418b06         mov eax, dword [r14]
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a61      83e07f         and eax, 0x7f
│ ╎│ ╎      0x000a2a64      83f812         cmp eax, 0x12
│ ╎│ ╎  ┌─< 0x000a2a67      7449           je 0xa2ab2
│ ╎│ ╎  │   0x000a2a69      83f811         cmp eax, 0x11
│ ────────< 0x000a2a6c      0f8594fdffff   jne 0xa2806
│ ╎│ ╎  │   0x000a2a72      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│ ╎│ ╎  │   0x000a2a7f      8b4504         mov eax, dword [arg_4h]
│ ╎│ ╎  │   0x000a2a82      83f8ff         cmp eax, 0xffffffff
│ └───────< 0x000a2a85      0f849dfeffff   je 0xa2928
│  │ ╎  │   0x000a2a8b      83c001         add eax, 1
│  │ ╎  │   0x000a2a8e      894504         mov dword [arg_4h], eax
│ ────────< 0x000a2a91      e9f8f9ffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a2aa0      be80000000     mov esi, 0x80               ; sym.thread_rpc_vars ; " 7\x1c"
│  │ ╎  │   0x000a2aa5      4889ef         mov rdi, rbp
│  │ ╎  │   0x000a2aa8      e8139bffff     call sym.__GI___lll_lock_wake
│ ────────< 0x000a2aad      e994feffff     jmp 0xa2946
│  └────└─> 0x000a2ab2      6448c70425f0.  mov qword fs:[0x2f0], 0
│    ╎      0x000a2abf      41b823000000   mov r8d, 0x23               ; '#'
│    └────< 0x000a2ac5      e9c4f9ffff     jmp 0xa248e
│ ────────> 0x000a2aca      488d0d9fe811.  lea rcx, str.__pthread_mutex_lock_full ; 0x1c1370 ; "__pthread_mutex_lock_full"
│           0x000a2ad1      bab1010000     mov edx, 0x1b1
│           0x000a2ad6      488d35546511.  lea rsi, [0x001b9031]       ; "pthread_mutex_lock.c"
│           0x000a2add      488d3d626511.  lea rdi, str.e___ESRCH___robust ; 0x1b9046 ; "e != ESRCH || !robust"
│           0x000a2ae4      e837b1faff     call sym.__assert_fail      ; void __assert_fail(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *function)
│ ────────> 0x000a2ae9      488d0d80e811.  lea rcx, str.__pthread_mutex_lock_full ; 0x1c1370 ; "__pthread_mutex_lock_full"
│           0x000a2af0      ba4e020000     mov edx, 0x24e
│           0x000a2af5      488d35356511.  lea rsi, [0x001b9031]       ; "pthread_mutex_lock.c"
│           0x000a2afc      488d3d596511.  lea rdi, str.mutex____data.__owner__0 ; 0x1b905c ; "mutex->__data.__owner == 0"
│           0x000a2b03      e818b1faff     call sym.__assert_fail      ; void __assert_fail(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *function)
└ ────────> 0x000a2b08      e873a70b00     call sym.__stack_chk_fail   ; void __stack_chk_fail(void)
[0x000a2380]> aei
[0x000a2380]> /as | grep 0x000a281d
0x000a281d read
[0x000a2380]> /as | grep 0x000a2
0x000a2315 futex
0x000a251c futex
0x000a2653 read
0x000a281d read
0x000a2ec9 read
0x000a2f43 futex
trufae commented 11 months ago

can you try again? i did a bunch of improvements in this logic

alessandrocarminati commented 10 months ago


I apologize for the delay in my response. Regarding the issue, there has indeed been a change in the radare2 response, but it may not be substantial enough to declare the issue as completely resolved.

Back in August 2022, when I initially reported the issue, we observed the following situation:

The function I was concerned about was located at memory address 0x000a2380 and contained four syscalls:

(0x000a251c, 0x000a2653, 0x000a281d, 0x000a2999).

When I asked radare2 to print syscalls within a range of addresses where the function resides, it yielded the following results:

[0x000a2380]> /as | grep 0x000a2
0x000a2315 futex 
0x000a251c futex   <----------------- interest
0x000a2653 rt_sigprocmask <----------------- interest
0x000a281d <----------------- missing
0x000a2999 <----------------- missing
0x000a2ec9 rt_sigprocmask
0x000a2f43 futex

Now, with the current version of radare2 (5.8.9), there have been improvements.

$ r2 -v
radare2 5.8.9 31590 @ linux-x86-64
birth: git.5.8.8-716-gf4d0517be4 2023-10-25__09:27:41
commit: f4d0517be497fd00eedbdd9a73eccf9bd38f4189
options: gpl -O? cs:5 cl:2 make
$ r2 -e bin.cache=true glibc-2.34-40.el9.x86_64_libc.so
 -- I script in C, because I can.
[0x00040070]> aaa
INFO: Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
INFO: Analyze imports (af@@@i)
INFO: Analyze entrypoint (af@ entry0)
INFO: Analyze symbols (af@@@s)
WARN: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x0012c3a2 bbdelta = 18
WARN: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x000d6556 bbdelta = 34
WARN: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x001980d9 bbdelta = 23
INFO: Recovering variables
INFO: Analyze all functions arguments/locals (afva@@@F)
INFO: Analyze function calls (aac)
INFO: Analyze len bytes of instructions for references (aar)
INFO: Finding and parsing C++ vtables (avrr)
INFO: Analyzing methods
INFO: Recovering local variables (afva)
INFO: Type matching analysis for all functions (aaft)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
$ r2 -e bin.cache=true glibc-2.34-40.el9.x86_64_libc.so
 -- Add comments using the ';' key in visual mode or the 'CC' command from the radare2 shell
[0x00040070]> aa
INFO: Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
INFO: Analyze imports (af@@@i)
INFO: Analyze entrypoint (af@ entry0)
INFO: Analyze symbols (af@@@s)
WARN: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x0012c3a2 bbdelta = 18
WARN: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x000d6556 bbdelta = 34
WARN: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x001980d9 bbdelta = 23
INFO: Recovering variables
INFO: Analyze all functions arguments/locals (afva@@@F)
[0x00040070]> aei
[0x00040070]> s sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full
[0x000a2380]> /as | grep 0x000a2
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
$ r2 glibc-2.34-40.el9.x86_64_libc.so
WARN: Relocs has not been applied. Please use `-e bin.relocs.apply=true` or `-e bin.cache=true` next time
 -- Beer in mind.
[0x00040070]> aaa
INFO: Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
INFO: Analyze imports (af@@@i)
INFO: Analyze entrypoint (af@ entry0)
INFO: Analyze symbols (af@@@s)
WARN: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x0012c3a2 bbdelta = 18
WARN: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x000d6556 bbdelta = 34
WARN: Cannot find basic block for switch case at 0x001980d9 bbdelta = 23
INFO: Recovering variables
INFO: Analyze all functions arguments/locals (afva@@@F)
INFO: Analyze function calls (aac)
INFO: Analyze len bytes of instructions for references (aar)
INFO: Finding and parsing C++ vtables (avrr)
INFO: Analyzing methods
INFO: Recovering local variables (afva)
INFO: Type matching analysis for all functions (aaft)
INFO: Propagate noreturn information (aanr)
INFO: Use -AA or aaaa to perform additional experimental analysis
[0x00040070]> aei
[0x00040070]> s sym.__pthread_mutex_lock_full
[0x000a2380]>  /as | grep 0x000a2
0x000a2315 futex
0x000a251c futex <----------------- interest
0x000a2653 read <----------------- interest
0x000a281d rt_sigtimedwait <----------------- interest
0x000a2999 futex <----------------- interest
0x000a2ec9 read
0x000a2f43 futex

All syscalls are reported, but the accuracy of the syscall numbers still needs refinement. To make a comparison, this is the output of the plugin[1] I'm working on:

[0x000a2380]> sysno
[*] sysno is starting computation
[*] Generating cfg for the given function
[*] checking a path
[*] checking a path
[*] checking a path
[*] checking a path
[*] Syscall found are 4, cfg results are 4, there are 0 still to figure out.!!!
[*] Skip block at 0x000a250f syscall at 0x000a251c is known
[*] Skip block at 0x000a263f syscall at 0x000a2653 is known
[*] Skip block at 0x000a2810 syscall at 0x000a281d is known
[*] Skip block at 0x000a2980 syscall at 0x000a2999 is known
[*] Results:
{address: "0x000a281d", number:"202"}{address: "0x000a251c", number:"202"}{address: "0x000a2999", number:"202"}{address: "0x000a2653", number:"202"}

The numbers have been verified manually, and I can confirm the tools are accurate. Basically, this means that all the syscalls in this function corresponds to futex. Please note that the tool development is extremely slow, and for the moment can not be considered an alternative to the radare2 syscall function.

[1]. https://github.com/alessandrocarminati/sys_no/tree/ac-radare2-plugin Thank you for your hard work, but I can not say the issue is solved yet.