radareorg / radare2

UNIX-like reverse engineering framework and command-line toolset
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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disassemble mips m4k architechture instructions confusion, and `Cannot find function at` #21246

Open tkernelcn opened 1 year ago

tkernelcn commented 1 year ago


peter@peter-VirtualBox:~/tmp/test_radare2$ /home/peter/bin/r2 -v
radare2 5.8.1 1 @ linux-x86-64 git.5.8.1
commit: db0033a4e7caa6c5224c5ecc6b5d466c8266bbe4 build: 2023-01-09__10:06:23
peter@peter-VirtualBox:~/tmp/test_radare2$ uname -ms
Linux x86_64
peter@peter-VirtualBox:~/tmp/test_radare2$ date
2023年 01月 10日 星期二 11:46:29 CST


peter@peter-VirtualBox:~/tmp/test_radare2$ /home/peter/bin/r2 -a mips -b 32 -e asm.cpu=micro /mnt/share/AppFW_flash_no_fs.elf 
 -- Thanks for using radare2!
[0x98384b0f]> aac
[0x98384b0f]> s sym.libFS_copy
[0x98541e8c]> s
[0x98541e8c]> pdf
ERROR: Cannot find function at 0x98541e8c
[0x98541e8c]> pd 20@sym.libFS_copy
            ;-- libFS_copy:
            0x98541e8c      4fe5           addiusp -0x38
            0x98541e8e      22fd           unaligned
            0x98541e90      d01840e4       andi zero, t8, 0x40e4
            0x98541e94      0007ae92       invalid
            0x98541e98      0e25           move s1, a1
            0x98541e9a      41a4           unaligned
            0x98541e9c      9860cc06       invalid
            0x98541ea0      30847090       addiu a0, a0, 0x7090
            ;-- .L88:
            0x98541ea4      41a49860       lui a0, 0x9860
            0x98541ea8      30847074       addiu a0, a0, 0x7074
            ;-- .L105:
            0x98541eac      f41c79a0       jal 0x38f340
            0x98541eb0      3220ffff       addiu s1, zero, -1
            0x98541eb4      0c51           move v0, s1
            ;-- .L106:
            0x98541eb6      22fd           unaligned
            0x98541eb8      5018470e       ori zero, t8, 0x470e
            ;-- .L103:
            0x98541ebc      f42a4f00       jal 0x549e00
            0x98541ec0      00049290       or s2, a0, zero
            0x98541ec4      4042000f       bgez v0, 0x1e
            0x98541ec8      0e02           move s0, v0
            0x98541eca      f4             unaligned

compare with gdb disassemble output: (sorry for gdb alignment)

Dump of assembler code for function libFS_copy:
   0x98541e8d <+0>:     4f e5               addiu   sp,sp,-56
   0x98541e8e <+2>:     22 fd d0 18     swm     s0-s6,ra,24(sp)
   0x98541e92 <+6>:     40 e4 00 07     beqzc   a0,0x98541ea5 <libFS_copy+24>
   0x98541e96 <+10>:    ae 92              bnez    a1,0x98541ebd <libFS_copy+48>
   0x98541e98 <+12>:    0e 25              move    s1,a1
   0x98541e9a <+14>:    41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
   0x98541e9e <+18>:    cc 06               b       0x98541ead <libFS_copy+32>
   0x98541ea0 <+20>:    30 84 70 90     addiu   a0,a0,28816
   0x98541ea4 <+24>:    41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
   0x98541ea8 <+28>:    30 84 70 74     addiu   a0,a0,28788
   0x98541eac <+32>:    f4 1c 79 a0      jal     0x9838f341 <puts>
   0x98541eb0 <+36>:    32 20 ff ff       li      s1,-1
   0x98541eb4 <+40>:    0c 51   move    v0,s1
   0x98541eb6 <+42>:    22 fd 50 18     lwm     s0-s6,ra,24(sp)
   0x98541eba <+46>:    47 0e   jraddiusp       56
   0x98541ebc <+48>:    f4 2a 4f 00     jal     0x98549e01 <fsm_filelength>
   0x98541ec0 <+52>:    00 04 92 90     move    s2,a0
   0x98541ec4 <+56>:    40 42 00 0f     bgez    v0,0x98541ee7 <libFS_copy+90>
   0x98541ec8 <+60>:    0e 02   move    s0,v0
   0x98541eca <+62>:    f4 2a 50 00     jal     0x9854a001 <fsm_getlasterror>
   0x98541ece <+66>:    32 20 ff fe     li      s1,-2
   0x98541ed2 <+70>:    41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
   0x98541ed6 <+74>:    85 4a   movep   a2,a3,s2,s0
   0x98541ed8 <+76>:    0c a2   move    a1,v0
   0x98541eda <+78>:    f4 1c 79 06     jal     0x9838f20d <printf>
   0x98541ede <+82>:    30 84 70 b0     addiu   a0,a0,28848
   0x98541ee2 <+86>:    cf e9   b       0x98541eb7 <libFS_copy+42>

so, is it a issue of radare2 or how to configure it correctly? Thanks in advance.

trufae commented 1 year ago

aac is not going to analyze everything, you must find the best command for your target or use the generic aaa. you can also try e anal.hasnext=true;afr

tkernelcn commented 1 year ago

there are some other issue on my build, let aaa crash:

peter@peter-VirtualBox:~/tmp/test_radare2$ /home/peter/bin/r2 -a mips -b 32 -e asm.cpu=micro /mnt/share/AppFW_flash_no_fs.elf 
 -- Interpret radare2 scripts with '. <path-to-script>'. Similar to the bash source alias command.
[0x98384b0f]> aaa
INFO: Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
ERROR: af: Cannot find function at 0x98384b0f
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

so try to other command your suggestion

peter@peter-VirtualBox:~/tmp/test_radare2$ /home/peter/bin/r2 -a mips -b 32 -e asm.cpu=micro /mnt/share/AppFW_flash_no_fs.elf 
 -- Bindiff two files with '$ radiff2 /bin/true /bin/false'
[0x98384b0f]> aac
[0x98384b0f]> afr
[0x98384b0f]> e anal.hasnext=true
[0x98384b0f]> aac
[0x98384b0f]> afr
[0x98384b0f]> s sym.libFS_copy
[0x98541e8c]> s
[0x98541e8c]> pdf
ERROR: Cannot find function at 0x98541e8c
[0x98541e8c]> pd 20@sym.libFS_copy
            ;-- libFS_copy:
            0x98541e8c      4fe5           addiusp -0x38
            0x98541e8e      22fd           unaligned
            0x98541e90      d01840e4       andi zero, t8, 0x40e4
            0x98541e94      0007ae92       invalid
            0x98541e98      0e25           move s1, a1
            0x98541e9a      41a4           unaligned
            0x98541e9c      9860cc06       invalid
            0x98541ea0      30847090       addiu a0, a0, 0x7090
            ;-- .L88:
            0x98541ea4      41a49860       lui a0, 0x9860
            0x98541ea8      30847074       addiu a0, a0, 0x7074
            ;-- .L105:
            0x98541eac      f41c79a0       jal 0x38f340
            0x98541eb0      3220ffff       addiu s1, zero, -1
            0x98541eb4      0c51           move v0, s1
            ;-- .L106:
            0x98541eb6      22fd           unaligned
            0x98541eb8      5018470e       ori zero, t8, 0x470e
            ;-- .L103:
            0x98541ebc      f42a4f00       jal 0x549e00
            0x98541ec0      00049290       or s2, a0, zero
            0x98541ec4      4042000f       bgez v0, 0x1e
            0x98541ec8      0e02           move s0, v0
            0x98541eca      f4             unaligned

the problem is disassemble errors also.

tkernelcn commented 1 year ago

try to use apt-get install radare2 software in another linux

p10:~/git_workspace/REPO_FW/common/CP/images$ r2 -a mips -b 32 -e asm.cpu=micro ./AppFW_flash_no_fs.elf
[0x98384b0f]> e anal.hasnext=true
[0x98384b0f]> afr
[0x98384b0f]> aaa
[Cannot find function at 0x98384b0f sym. and entry0 (aa)
[x] Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
[x] Analyze function calls (aac)
[x] Analyze len bytes of instructions for references (aar)
[x] Check for objc references
[x] Check for vtables
[x] Finding xrefs in noncode section with anal.in=io.maps
[x] Analyze value pointers (aav)
[x] Value from 0x9861a0a0 to 0x9861b000 (aav)
[x] 0x9861a0a0-0x9861b000 in 0x9861a0a0-0x9861b000 (aav)
[x] 0x9861a0a0-0x9861b000 in 0x9c0883e4-0x9c089220 (aav)
[x] 0x9861a0a0-0x9861b000 in 0x9c082400-0x9c0883e4 (aav)
[x] 0x9861a0a0-0x9861b000 in 0x98384b0c-0x98613280 (aav)
[x] 0x9861a0a0-0x9861b000 in 0xb8384a00-0xb8384b0c (aav)
[x] 0x9861a0a0-0x9861b000 in 0x98384000-0x98384a00 (aav)
[x] Value from 0x9c0883e4 to 0x9c089220 (aav)
[x] 0x9c0883e4-0x9c089220 in 0x9861a0a0-0x9861b000 (aav)
[x] 0x9c0883e4-0x9c089220 in 0x9c0883e4-0x9c089220 (aav)
[x] 0x9c0883e4-0x9c089220 in 0x9c082400-0x9c0883e4 (aav)
[x] 0x9c0883e4-0x9c089220 in 0x98384b0c-0x98613280 (aav)
[x] 0x9c0883e4-0x9c089220 in 0xb8384a00-0xb8384b0c (aav)
[x] 0x9c0883e4-0x9c089220 in 0x98384000-0x98384a00 (aav)
[x] Value from 0x9c082400 to 0x9c0883e4 (aav)
[x] 0x9c082400-0x9c0883e4 in 0x9861a0a0-0x9861b000 (aav)
[x] 0x9c082400-0x9c0883e4 in 0x9c0883e4-0x9c089220 (aav)
[x] 0x9c082400-0x9c0883e4 in 0x9c082400-0x9c0883e4 (aav)
[x] 0x9c082400-0x9c0883e4 in 0x98384b0c-0x98613280 (aav)
[x] 0x9c082400-0x9c0883e4 in 0xb8384a00-0xb8384b0c (aav)
[x] 0x9c082400-0x9c0883e4 in 0x98384000-0x98384a00 (aav)
[x] Value from 0x98384b0c to 0x98613280 (aav)
[x] 0x98384b0c-0x98613280 in 0x9861a0a0-0x9861b000 (aav)
[x] 0x98384b0c-0x98613280 in 0x9c0883e4-0x9c089220 (aav)
[x] 0x98384b0c-0x98613280 in 0x9c082400-0x9c0883e4 (aav)
[x] 0x98384b0c-0x98613280 in 0x98384b0c-0x98613280 (aav)
[x] 0x98384b0c-0x98613280 in 0xb8384a00-0xb8384b0c (aav)
[x] 0x98384b0c-0x98613280 in 0x98384000-0x98384a00 (aav)
[x] Value from 0xb8384a00 to 0xb8384b0c (aav)
[x] 0xb8384a00-0xb8384b0c in 0x9861a0a0-0x9861b000 (aav)
[x] 0xb8384a00-0xb8384b0c in 0x9c0883e4-0x9c089220 (aav)
[x] 0xb8384a00-0xb8384b0c in 0x9c082400-0x9c0883e4 (aav)
[x] 0xb8384a00-0xb8384b0c in 0x98384b0c-0x98613280 (aav)
[x] 0xb8384a00-0xb8384b0c in 0xb8384a00-0xb8384b0c (aav)
[x] 0xb8384a00-0xb8384b0c in 0x98384000-0x98384a00 (aav)
[x] Value from 0x98384000 to 0x98384a00 (aav)
[x] 0x98384000-0x98384a00 in 0x9861a0a0-0x9861b000 (aav)
[x] 0x98384000-0x98384a00 in 0x9c0883e4-0x9c089220 (aav)
[x] 0x98384000-0x98384a00 in 0x9c082400-0x9c0883e4 (aav)
[x] 0x98384000-0x98384a00 in 0x98384b0c-0x98613280 (aav)
[x] 0x98384000-0x98384a00 in 0xb8384a00-0xb8384b0c (aav)
[x] 0x98384000-0x98384a00 in 0x98384000-0x98384a00 (aav)
[x] Emulate code to find computed references (aae)
[x] Type matching analysis for all functions (aaft)
[x] Propagate noreturn information
[x] Use -AA or aaaa to perform additional experimental analysis.
[0x98384b0f]> s sym.libFS_copy
[0x98541e8c]> s
[0x98541e8c]> pdf
p: Cannot find function at 0x98541e8c
[0x98541e8c]> pd 20@sym.libFS_copy
            ;-- libFS_copy:
            0x98541e8c      4fe522fd       invalid
            0x98541e90      d01840e4       andi zero, t8, 0x40e4
            0x98541e94      0007ae92       invalid
            0x98541e98      0e2541a4       invalid
            0x98541e9c      9860cc06       invalid
            0x98541ea0      30847090       addiu a0, a0, 0x7090
            ;-- .L88:
            0x98541ea4      41a49860       lui a0, 0x9860
            0x98541ea8      30847074       addiu a0, a0, 0x7074
            ;-- .L105:
            0x98541eac      f41c79a0       jal 0x38f340
            0x98541eb0      3220ffff       addiu s1, zero, -1
            0x98541eb4  ~   0c5122fd       invalid
            ;-- .L106:
            0x98541eb6                    unaligned
            0x98541eb7                    unaligned
            0x98541eb8      5018470e       ori zero, t8, 0x470e
            ;-- .L103:
            0x98541ebc      f42a4f00       jal 0x549e00
            0x98541ec0      00049290       or s2, a0, zero
            0x98541ec4      4042000f       bgez v0, 0x1e
            0x98541ec8      0e02f42a       invalid
            0x98541ecc      50003220       ori zero, zero, 0x3220
            0x98541ed0      fffe41a4       lw ra, 0x41a4(fp)


p10:~/git_workspace/REPO_FW/common/CP/images$ r2 -v
radare2 4.2.1 0 @ linux-x86-64 git.4.2.1
commit: unknown build:
10:~/git_workspace/REPO_FW/common/CP/images$ uname -ms
Linux x86_64

so, I think, some thing configuration wrong maybe.


tkernelcn commented 1 year ago

the point is: a lot of unaligned and invalid in disassemble code

            ;-- libFS_copy:
            0x98541e8c      4fe5           addiusp -0x38
            0x98541e8e      22fd           unaligned
            0x98541e90      d01840e4       andi zero, t8, 0x40e4
            0x98541e94      0007ae92       invalid
            0x98541e98      0e25           move s1, a1
            0x98541e9a      41a4           unaligned
            0x98541e9c      9860cc06       invalid
            0x98541ea0      30847090       addiu a0, a0, 0x7090

but gdb disassemble like:

Dump of assembler code for function libFS_copy:
   0x98541e8d <+0>:     4f e5               addiu   sp,sp,-56
   0x98541e8e <+2>:     22 fd d0 18     swm     s0-s6,ra,24(sp)
   0x98541e92 <+6>:     40 e4 00 07     beqzc   a0,0x98541ea5 <libFS_copy+24>
   0x98541e96 <+10>:    ae 92              bnez    a1,0x98541ebd <libFS_copy+48>
   0x98541e98 <+12>:    0e 25              move    s1,a1
   0x98541e9a <+14>:    41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
   0x98541e9e <+18>:    cc 06               b       0x98541ead <libFS_copy+32>
   0x98541ea0 <+20>:    30 84 70 90     addiu   a0,a0,28816
   0x98541ea4 <+24>:    41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860

I don't known how to configure for mips m4k instruction set. Thanks.

trufae commented 1 year ago

i dont think aaa crashes. if you are running /home/peter/bin/r2 without using rpath or forcing ldlibrary path you are probably mixing old and new libraries of r2 which probably have different abi and ends up causing a segfault because of that. Also r2-4.5.1 is super hyper old. there are more than 3 years of changes since that release. So please update from git or last release.

the 'mips' plugin is based on capstone, and capstone didnt supported m4k at the time, but it does now. also, bear in mind that you need to build capstone from git, because the last release of capstone and the one that is shipped in all distros is more than 6 years old and its completely useless for any modern cpu, it misses lot of instructions for arm64 or x64 for example.

You are configuring r2 properly, but you are using the wrong version of r2.

r2 -a mips -e asm.cpu=micro ...

You can confirm the disasm works properly with rasm2:

0$ rasm2 -a mips -b32 -c micro -d 22fdd018
lw t1, 0x18d0(v0)

i'll add micromips support to the gnu plugin today (the code is there, its just not used), and add test for this

tkernelcn commented 1 year ago

@trufae Thanks for your support!

It's very strange, I git pull and $ ./sys/user.sh to build a latest version PS: before build r2, I also git clone latest capstone and build install it.

peter@peter-VirtualBox:~/tmp/test_radare2$ git clone -b next https://github.com/capstone-engine/capstone
peter@peter-VirtualBox:~/tmp/test_radare2$ cd capstone/
peter@peter-VirtualBox:~/tmp/test_radare2/capstone$ ./make.sh
peter@peter-VirtualBox:~/tmp/test_radare2/capstone$ sudo ./make.sh install
peter@peter-VirtualBox:~/tmp/test_radare2$ r2 -v
radare2 5.8.1 22 @ linux-x86-64 git.5.8.1
commit: a740698298113d3b4c18c45a9543616d27cd7218 build: 2023-01-12__09:55:27
peter@peter-VirtualBox:~/tmp/test_radare2$ rasm2 -a mips -b32 -c micro -d 22fdd018
lw t1, 0x18d0(v0)
peter@peter-VirtualBox:~/tmp/test_radare2$ rasm2 -a mips -b32 -c micro -d 4fe522fdd01840e40007ae920e2541a49860cc0630847090
sb a2, -0x1bc0(s0)
addu16 a2, s0, s0
slti s5, t6, 0x250e
addu16 a1, a2, a0
movep a1, a2, zero, v1

attachment for comparition: gdb disassemble:

0x98541e8d <+0>:     4f e5           addiu   sp,sp,-56
0x98541e8e <+2>:     22 fd d0 18     swm     s0-s6,ra,24(sp)
0x98541e92 <+6>:     40 e4 00 07     beqzc   a0,0x98541ea5 <libFS_copy+24>
0x98541e96 <+10>:    ae 92           bnez    a1,0x98541ebd <libFS_copy+48>
0x98541e98 <+12>:    0e 25           move    s1,a1
0x98541e9a <+14>:    41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
0x98541e9e <+18>:    cc 06           b       0x98541ead <libFS_copy+32>
0x98541ea0 <+20>:    30 84 70 90     addiu   a0,a0,28816
0x98541ea4 <+24>:    41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
0x98541ea8 <+28>:    30 84 70 74     addiu   a0,a0,28788
0x98541eac <+32>:    f4 1c 79 a0     jal     0x9838f341 <puts>
0x98541eb0 <+36>:    32 20 ff ff     li      s1,-1

t32 disassemble:(not same elf, so not same address, but same instructions)

T:9852F9B4|4FE5      libFS_copy:  addiusp   #-0x0E
T:9852F9B6|22FDD018               swm32     r16,r17,r18,r19,r20,r21,r22,r31,0x18(r29)   ; r16,r17,r18,r19,r20,r21,r22,r31,24(r29)
T:9852F9BA|40E40007               beqzc     r4,0x9852F9CC   ; fileName,.L88
T:9852F9BE|AE92                   bnez16    r5,0x9852F9E4   ; newFileName,.L103
T:9852F9C0|0E25                   move16    r17,r5         ; r17,newFileName
T:9852F9C2|41A4985F               lui       r4,#0x985F     ; fileName,#39007
T:9852F9C6|CC06                   b16       0x9852F9D4     ; .L105
T:9852F9C8|3084A9C8               addiu     r4,r4,#0xA9C8
T:9852F9CC|41A4985F    .L88:      lui       r4,#0x985F     ; fileName,#39007
T:9852F9D0|3084A9AC               addiu     r4,r4,#0xA9AC
T:9852F9D4|F41C79A0    .L105:     jal       0x9038F340
T:9852F9D8|3220FFFF               addiu     r17,r0,#0xFFFF

there are also have invalid in r2 disassemble


trufae commented 1 year ago

This is probably because of missing instructions in capstone. Feel free to test cstool and report the missing instructions there.

i didnt had time to finish the mips.gnu integration of Micromips yesterday. But will finish it today for sure. I will add tests and ping u back when done

trufae commented 1 year ago

you can try with -a mips.gnu -c micro -b 32:

$ rasm2 -a mips.gnu -b32  -c micro -d 4fe522fdd01840e40007ae920e2541a49860cc0630847090
sb a2, -7104(s0)
addu a2, s0, s0
sll v0, s0, 7
lwl a0, 1740(t8)
movep a1,a2, zero, v1

so it works as expected now. I'm closing the ticket, can you please test cstool and report the missing instructions to https://github.com/capstone-engine/capstone?


tkernelcn commented 1 year ago

@trufae please see the details instructions, not the same meaning with gdb disassemble result

0x98541e8d <+0>:     4f e5           addiu   sp,sp,-56
0x98541e8e <+2>:     22 fd d0 18     swm     s0-s6,ra,24(sp)
0x98541e92 <+6>:     40 e4 00 07     beqzc   a0,0x98541ea5 <libFS_copy+24>
0x98541e96 <+10>:    ae 92           bnez    a1,0x98541ebd <libFS_copy+48>
0x98541e98 <+12>:    0e 25           move    s1,a1
0x98541e9a <+14>:    41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
0x98541e9e <+18>:    cc 06           b       0x98541ead <libFS_copy+32>
0x98541ea0 <+20>:    30 84 70 90     addiu   a0,a0,28816

the instuction 4f e5 is operate on sp register so it 's also not expected result yet

trufae commented 1 year ago


trufae commented 1 year ago

Both capstone and gnu plugins do the right thing. I overlooked the issue because i dont have any binary to test it properly. if you could provide one micromips binary for the testsuite i can add some tests and probably fix more bugs.

trufae commented 1 year ago

Check the -e flag to fix the endianness issue, after merging #21253 it should be fine, please re-try and thanks for the patience

tkernelcn commented 1 year ago

hello @trufae, due to company policy can't provide the entire elf binary file, sorry for that. is it suitable that use the instructions string: 4fe522fdd01840e40007ae920e2541a49860cc0630847090 (If needed, I can dump a bigger instructions binary file for your CI test)

I test the -e flag:

$ rasm2 -a mips.gnu -b32  -c micro -e -d 4fe522fdd01840e40007ae920e2541a49860cc0630847090
addiu sp, sp, -56
andi zero, t8, 0x40e4
cop2 0xf5d2
move s1, a1
swc1 $f3, -13306(zero)
addiu a0, a0, 28816

looks better than before, but compare with gdb's result: (also have more difference)

0x98541e8d <+0>:     4f e5           addiu   sp,sp,-56
0x98541e8e <+2>:     22 fd d0 18     swm     s0-s6,ra,24(sp)
0x98541e92 <+6>:     40 e4 00 07     beqzc   a0,0x98541ea5 <libFS_copy+24>
0x98541e96 <+10>:    ae 92           bnez    a1,0x98541ebd <libFS_copy+48>
0x98541e98 <+12>:    0e 25           move    s1,a1
0x98541e9a <+14>:    41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
0x98541e9e <+18>:    cc 06           b       0x98541ead <libFS_copy+32>
0x98541ea0 <+20>:    30 84 70 90     addiu   a0,a0,28816

so maybe have other missing?

Thanks a lot.

trufae commented 1 year ago

what is missing is that the PR fixing the bug wasnt merged so you had to test the branch, not master. please try again on master

trufae commented 1 year ago

if you find any binary, even a hello world (or compile radareorg/r0 for example) using the micromips toolchain send it for the testsuite, and i'll add tests around it. to improve the quality of the analysis and avoid breaking changes in the near fuiture when i move this plugin into the arch

tkernelcn commented 1 year ago

cool, It works, Thanks your great effort!

$ rasm2 -a mips.gnu -b32  -c micro -e -d 4fe522fdd01840e40007ae920e2541a49860cc0630847090
addiu sp, sp, -56
swm s0-s6,ra, 24(sp)
beqzc a0, 0x00000019
bnez a1, 0x00000031
move s1, a1
lui a0, 0x9860
b 0x00000021
addiu a0, a0, 28816

same with gdb result:

0x98541e8d <+0>:     4f e5           addiu   sp,sp,-56
0x98541e8e <+2>:     22 fd d0 18     swm     s0-s6,ra,24(sp)
0x98541e92 <+6>:     40 e4 00 07     beqzc   a0,0x98541ea5 <libFS_copy+24>
0x98541e96 <+10>:    ae 92           bnez    a1,0x98541ebd <libFS_copy+48>
0x98541e98 <+12>:    0e 25           move    s1,a1
0x98541e9a <+14>:    41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
0x98541e9e <+18>:    cc 06           b       0x98541ead <libFS_copy+32>
0x98541ea0 <+20>:    30 84 70 90     addiu   a0,a0,28816

I will upload a binary or investigate the compiler Thanks again.

tkernelcn commented 1 year ago

also have confusion on r2 disassemble display:(many unaligned error instructions)

$ r2 -a mips.gnu -b 32 -e asm.cpu=micro -e cfg.bigendian=true /mnt/share/AppFW_flash_no_fs.elf
[0x98384b0f]> aaa
[0x98384b0f]> s sym.libFS_copy
[0x98541e8c]> s
[0x98541e8c]> pdf
┌ 348: sym.libFS_copy ();
│       ╎   0x98541e8c      4fe5           addiu sp, sp, -56
│       ╎   0x98541e8e      22             unaligned
│       ╎   0x98541e8f      fd             unaligned
│       ╎   0x98541e90      d01840e4       andi zero, t8, 0x40e4
│       ╎   0x98541e94      0007ae92       cop2 0xf5d2
│       ╎   0x98541e98      0e25           move s1, a1
│       ╎   0x98541e9a      41             unaligned
│       ╎   0x98541e9b      a4             unaligned
│       ╎   0x98541e9c      9860cc06       swc1 fv1f, -13306(zero)
│       ╎   0x98541ea0      30847090       addiu a0, a0, 28816
│       ╎   ;-- .L88:
│       ╎   0x98541ea4      41a49860       lui a0, 0x9860
│       ╎   0x98541ea8      30847074       addiu a0, a0, 28788
│       ╎   ;-- .L105:
│       ╎   0x98541eac      f41c79a0       jal 0x9838f341
│       ╎   0x98541eb0      3220ffff       li s1, -1
│       ╎   0x98541eb4      0c51           move v0, s1
│       ╎   ;-- .L106:
│       ╎   0x98541eb6      22             unaligned
│       ╎   0x98541eb7      fd             unaligned
[0x98541e8c]> pd 20@sym.libFS_copy
┌ 348: sym.libFS_copy ();
│           0x98541e8c      4fe5           addiu sp, sp, -56
│           0x98541e8e      22fd           unaligned
│           0x98541e90      d01840e4       andi zero, t8, 0x40e4
│           0x98541e94      0007ae92       cop2 0xf5d2
│           0x98541e98      0e25           move s1, a1
│           0x98541e9a      41a4           unaligned
│           0x98541e9c      9860cc06       swc1 fv1f, -13306(zero)
│           0x98541ea0      30847090       addiu a0, a0, 28816
│           ;-- .L88:
│           0x98541ea4      41a49860       lui a0, 0x9860
│           0x98541ea8      30847074       addiu a0, a0, 28788
│           ;-- .L105:
│           0x98541eac      f41c79a0       jal 0x9838f341
│           0x98541eb0      3220ffff       li s1, -1
│           0x98541eb4      0c51           move v0, s1

so any other configurations needed? Thanks.

BTW: a lot of warning show when aaa like:

WARN: Analysis of 0x98384d28 stopped at 0x983b241c, use a higher anal.depth to continue
WARN: Analysis of 0x98384d28 stopped at 0x983a10b8, use a higher anal.depth to continue
WARN: Analysis of 0x98384d28 stopped at 0x983a1e6c, use a higher anal.depth to continue

WARN: No SN reg alias for 'mips.gnu'
WARN: No SN reg alias for 'mips.gnu'
WARN: No SN reg alias for 'mips.gnu'
WARN: No SN reg alias for 'mips.gnu'
WARN: No SN reg alias for 'mips.gnu'
trufae commented 1 year ago

Ill take the bytes of this disassembly as a sample and fix all those warnings today. Thanks for reporting!

tkernelcn commented 1 year ago


upload the memory instructions binary for your CI test compare with the gdb results:

Dump of assembler code for function libFS_copy:
   0x98542285 <+0>:     4f e5   addiu   sp,sp,-56
   0x98542286 <+2>:     22 fd d0 18     swm     s0-s6,ra,24(sp)
   0x9854228a <+6>:     40 e4 00 07     beqzc   a0,0x9854229d <libFS_copy+24>
   0x9854228e <+10>:    ae 92   bnez    a1,0x985422b5 <libFS_copy+48>
   0x98542290 <+12>:    0e 25   move    s1,a1
   0x98542292 <+14>:    41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
   0x98542296 <+18>:    cc 06   b       0x985422a5 <libFS_copy+32>
   0x98542298 <+20>:    30 84 75 58     addiu   a0,a0,30040
   0x9854229c <+24>:    41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
   0x985422a0 <+28>:    30 84 75 3c     addiu   a0,a0,30012
   0x985422a4 <+32>:    f4 1c 79 a0     jal     0x9838f341 <puts>
   0x985422a8 <+36>:    32 20 ff ff     li      s1,-1
   0x985422ac <+40>:    0c 51   move    v0,s1
   0x985422ae <+42>:    22 fd 50 18     lwm     s0-s6,ra,24(sp)
   0x985422b2 <+46>:    47 0e   jraddiusp       56
   0x985422b4 <+48>:    f4 2a 50 fc     jal     0x9854a1f9 <fsm_filelength>
   0x985422b8 <+52>:    00 04 92 90     move    s2,a0
   0x985422bc <+56>:    40 42 00 0f     bgez    v0,0x985422df <libFS_copy+90>
   0x985422c0 <+60>:    0e 02   move    s0,v0
   0x985422c2 <+62>:    f4 2a 51 fc     jal     0x9854a3f9 <fsm_getlasterror>
   0x985422c6 <+66>:    32 20 ff fe     li      s1,-2
   0x985422ca <+70>:    41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
   0x985422ce <+74>:    85 4a   movep   a2,a3,s2,s0
   0x985422d0 <+76>:    0c a2   move    a1,v0
   0x985422d2 <+78>:    f4 1c 79 06     jal     0x9838f20d <printf>
   0x985422d6 <+82>:    30 84 75 78     addiu   a0,a0,30072
   0x985422da <+86>:    cf e9   b       0x985422af <libFS_copy+42>
   0x985422dc <+88>:    0c 51   move    v0,s1
   0x985422de <+90>:    41 a5 98 61     lui     a1,0x9861
   0x985422e2 <+94>:    30 a5 36 54     addiu   a1,a1,13908
   0x985422e6 <+98>:    f4 27 be d0     jal     0x984f7da1 <__wrap_fopen>
   0x985422ea <+102>:   00 12 22 90     move    a0,s2
   0x985422ee <+106>:   ad 0e   bnez    v0,0x9854230d <libFS_copy+136>
   0x985422f0 <+108>:   0e 82   move    s4,v0
   0x985422f2 <+110>:   f4 2a 51 fc     jal     0x9854a3f9 <fsm_getlasterror>
   0x985422f6 <+114>:   32 20 ff fd     li      s1,-3
   0x985422fa <+118>:   41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
   0x985422fe <+122>:   84 54   movep   a1,a2,v0,s2
   0x98542300 <+124>:   f4 1c 79 06     jal     0x9838f20d <printf>
   0x98542304 <+128>:   30 84 75 a8     addiu   a0,a0,30120
   0x98542308 <+132>:   cf d2   b       0x985422af <libFS_copy+42>
   0x9854230a <+134>:   0c 51   move    v0,s1
   0x9854230c <+136>:   41 a5 98 5d     lui     a1,0x985d
   0x98542310 <+140>:   30 a5 b9 40     addiu   a1,a1,-18112
   0x98542314 <+144>:   f4 27 be d0     jal     0x984f7da1 <__wrap_fopen>
   0x98542318 <+148>:   00 11 22 90     move    a0,s1
   0x9854231c <+152>:   ad 14   bnez    v0,0x98542347 <libFS_copy+194>
   0x9854231e <+154>:   0e a2   move    s5,v0
   0x98542320 <+156>:   f4 2a 51 fc     jal     0x9854a3f9 <fsm_getlasterror>
   0x98542324 <+160>:   00 00 00 00     nop
   0x98542328 <+164>:   41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
   0x9854232c <+168>:   84 14   movep   a1,a2,v0,s1
   0x9854232e <+170>:   f4 1c 79 06     jal     0x9838f20d <printf>
   0x98542332 <+174>:   30 84 75 cc     addiu   a0,a0,30156
   0x98542336 <+178>:   32 20 ff fc     li      s1,-4
   0x9854233a <+182>:   f4 27 be ec     jal     0x984f7dd9 <__wrap_fclose>
   0x9854233e <+186>:   00 14 22 90     move    a0,s4
   0x98542342 <+190>:   cf b5   b       0x985422af <libFS_copy+42>
   0x98542344 <+192>:   0c 51   move    v0,s1
   0x98542346 <+194>:   8c 10   beqz    s0,0x98542369 <libFS_copy+228>
   0x98542348 <+196>:   0e 20   move    s1,zero
   0x9854234a <+198>:   f4 27 c6 fa     jal     0x984f8df5 <pvPortMalloc>
   0x9854234e <+202>:   00 10 22 90     move    a0,s0
   0x98542352 <+206>:   ad 10   bnez    v0,0x98542375 <libFS_copy+240>
   0x98542354 <+208>:   0e 62   move    s3,v0
   0x98542356 <+210>:   41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
   0x9854235a <+214>:   0c b0   move    a1,s0
   0x9854235c <+216>:   f4 1c 79 06     jal     0x9838f20d <printf>
   0x98542360 <+220>:   30 84 75 f4     addiu   a0,a0,30196
   0x98542364 <+224>:   32 20 ff fb     li      s1,-5
   0x98542368 <+228>:   f4 27 be ec     jal     0x984f7dd9 <__wrap_fclose>
   0x9854236c <+232>:   00 15 22 90     move    a0,s5
   0x98542370 <+236>:   cf e4   b       0x9854233b <libFS_copy+182>
   0x98542372 <+238>:   0c 00   nop
   0x98542374 <+240>:   85 78   movep   a2,a3,s0,s4
   0x98542376 <+242>:   ee 81   li      a1,1
   0x98542378 <+244>:   f4 27 bf 06     jal     0x984f7e0d <__wrap_fread>
   0x9854237c <+248>:   00 02 22 90     move    a0,v0
   0x98542380 <+252>:   0e c2   move    s6,v0
   0x98542382 <+254>:   02 02 13 50     slt     v0,v0,s0
   0x98542386 <+258>:   8d 15   beqz    v0,0x985423b3 <libFS_copy+302>
   0x98542388 <+260>:   0c f5   move    a3,s5
   0x9854238a <+262>:   f4 2a 51 fc     jal     0x9854a3f9 <fsm_getlasterror>
   0x9854238e <+266>:   32 20 ff fa     li      s1,-6
   0x98542392 <+270>:   41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
   0x98542396 <+274>:   85 58   movep   a2,a3,s0,s2
   0x98542398 <+276>:   0c a2   move    a1,v0
   0x9854239a <+278>:   30 84 76 18     addiu   a0,a0,30232
   0x9854239e <+282>:   f4 1c 79 06     jal     0x9838f20d <printf>
   0x985423a2 <+286>:   fa dd 00 10     sw      s6,16(sp)
   0x985423a6 <+290>:   f4 27 c7 44     jal     0x984f8e89 <vPortFree>
   0x985423aa <+294>:   00 13 22 90     move    a0,s3
   0x985423ae <+298>:   cf dc   b       0x98542369 <libFS_copy+228>
   0x985423b0 <+300>:   0c 00   nop
   0x985423b2 <+302>:   0c d0   move    a2,s0
   0x985423b4 <+304>:   ee 81   li      a1,1
   0x985423b6 <+306>:   f4 27 bf 26     jal     0x984f7e4d <__wrap_fwrite>
   0x985423ba <+310>:   00 13 22 90     move    a0,s3
   0x985423be <+314>:   94 50 ff f2     beq     s0,v0,0x985423a7 <libFS_copy+290>
   0x985423c2 <+318>:   0e c2   move    s6,v0
   0x985423c4 <+320>:   f4 2a 51 fc     jal     0x9854a3f9 <fsm_getlasterror>
   0x985423c8 <+324>:   32 20 ff f9     li      s1,-7
   0x985423cc <+328>:   41 a4 98 60     lui     a0,0x9860
   0x985423d0 <+332>:   85 58   movep   a2,a3,s0,s2
   0x985423d2 <+334>:   0c a2   move    a1,v0
   0x985423d4 <+336>:   30 84 76 60     addiu   a0,a0,30304
   0x985423d8 <+340>:   f4 1c 79 06     jal     0x9838f20d <printf>
   0x985423dc <+344>:   fa dd 00 10     sw      s6,16(sp)
   0x985423e0 <+348>:   cf e2   b       0x985423a7 <libFS_copy+290>
   0x985423e2 <+350>:   0c 00   nop
   0x985423e4 <+0>:     09 c0   lbu     v1,0(a0)
End of assembler dump.
tkernelcn commented 1 year ago

test_micro-mips.zip can compare the result with gdb output

Dump of assembler code for function main:
   0x004000d1 <+0>:     lui     gp,0x2
   0x004000d5 <+4>:     addiu   gp,gp,-32225
   0x004000d9 <+8>:     addu    gp,gp,t9
   0x004000dd <+12>:    addiu   sp,sp,-40
   0x004000df <+14>:    lw      t9,-32740(gp)
   0x004000e3 <+18>:    sw      gp,16(sp)
   0x004000e7 <+22>:    sw      ra,36(sp)
   0x004000e9 <+24>:    addiu   a1,sp,24
   0x004000eb <+26>:    jalr    t9
   0x004000ed <+28>:    li      a0,5
   0x004000f1 <+32>:    lw      ra,36(sp)
   0x004000f3 <+34>:    jraddiusp       40
End of assembler dump.
Dump of assembler code for function nthFibonacciTerm:
   0x00400221 <+0>:     lui     gp,0x2
   0x00400225 <+4>:     addiu   gp,gp,-32561
   0x00400229 <+8>:     addu    gp,gp,t9
   0x0040022d <+12>:    addiu   sp,sp,-56
   0x0040022f <+14>:    sw      gp,16(sp)
   0x00400233 <+18>:    swm     s0-s6,ra,24(sp)
   0x00400237 <+22>:    beqz    a1,0x400243 <nthFibonacciTerm+34>
   0x00400239 <+24>:    move    s0,zero
   0x0040023b <+26>:    bgez    a0,0x40024b <nthFibonacciTerm+42>
   0x0040023f <+30>:    li      v0,-1
   0x00400241 <+32>:    sw      v0,0(a1)
   0x00400243 <+34>:    move    v0,s0
   0x00400245 <+36>:    lwm     s0-s6,ra,24(sp)
   0x00400249 <+40>:    jraddiusp       56
   0x0040024b <+42>:    beqz    a0,0x4002a5 <nthFibonacciTerm+132>
   0x0040024d <+44>:    move    s1,a1
   0x0040024f <+46>:    move    s2,a0
   0x00400251 <+48>:    li      s5,2
   0x00400255 <+52>:    move    s4,zero
   0x00400257 <+54>:    li      s0,1
   0x00400259 <+56>:    li      s3,1
   0x0040025d <+60>:    li      s6,1
   0x00400261 <+64>:    sw      zero,0(a1)
   0x00400263 <+66>:    slt     v0,s5,s2
   0x00400267 <+70>:    bnez    v0,0x400279 <nthFibonacciTerm+88>
   0x00400269 <+72>:    lw      t9,-32744(gp)
   0x0040026d <+76>:    li      v0,1
   0x0040026f <+78>:    beqz    s4,0x400243 <nthFibonacciTerm+34>
   0x00400273 <+82>:    sw      v0,0(s1)
   0x00400275 <+84>:    b       0x400243 <nthFibonacciTerm+34>
   0x00400277 <+86>:    move    s0,s3
   0x00400279 <+88>:    movep   a0,a1,s3,s0
   0x0040027b <+90>:    jalr    t9
   0x0040027d <+92>:    nop
   0x00400281 <+96>:    bne     v0,s6,0x40028d <nthFibonacciTerm+108>
   0x00400285 <+100>:   lw      gp,16(sp)
   0x00400287 <+102>:   li      s0,-1
   0x00400289 <+104>:   b       0x400243 <nthFibonacciTerm+34>
   0x0040028b <+106>:   sw      zero,0(s1)
   0x0040028d <+108>:   bnez    s4,0x40029f <nthFibonacciTerm+126>
   0x00400291 <+112>:   addu    v0,s3,s0
   0x00400295 <+116>:   move    s3,v0
   0x00400297 <+118>:   li      s4,1
   0x0040029b <+122>:   b       0x400263 <nthFibonacciTerm+66>
   0x0040029d <+124>:   addiu   s5,s5,1
   0x0040029f <+126>:   move    s0,v0
   0x004002a1 <+128>:   b       0x40029b <nthFibonacciTerm+122>
   0x004002a3 <+130>:   move    s4,zero
   0x004002a5 <+132>:   li      v0,1
   0x004002a7 <+134>:   move    s0,zero
   0x004002a9 <+136>:   b       0x400243 <nthFibonacciTerm+34>
   0x004002ab <+138>:   sw      v0,0(a1)
End of assembler dump.

this elf for your CI test please also try to use radare2 to parser the test.elf, Thanks.

tkernelcn commented 1 year ago

I try the upstairs uploaded test.elf, also have many unaligned in disassemble

$ r2 -a mips.gnu -b 32 -e asm.cpu=micro -e cfg.bigendian=true ./test.elf
 -- Pass '-j' to rabin2 to get the information of the binary in JSON format.
[0x004000d0]> aaa
INFO: Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
INFO: Analyze all functions arguments/locals (afva@@@F)
INFO: Analyze function calls (aac)
INFO: Analyze len bytes of instructions for references (aar)
INFO: Finding and parsing C++ vtables (avrr)
INFO: Finding xrefs in noncode section (e anal.in=io.maps.x)
INFO: Analyze value pointers (aav)
INFO: aav: 0x00400000-0x004002ec in 0x400000-0x4002ec
INFO: Emulate functions to find computed references (aaef)
WARN: No SN reg alias for 'mips.gnu'
WARN: No SN reg alias for 'mips.gnu'
WARN: No SN reg alias for 'mips.gnu'
WARN: No SN reg alias for 'mips.gnu'
WARN: No SN reg alias for 'mips.gnu'
WARN: No SN reg alias for 'mips.gnu'
INFO: Type matching analysis for all functions (aaft)
INFO: Propagate noreturn information (aanr)
INFO: Integrate dwarf function information
INFO: Use -AA or aaaa to perform additional experimental analysis
[0x004000d0]> s sym.main
[0x004000d0]> s
[0x004000d0]> pdf
            ;-- section..text:
            ;-- .text:
            ;-- main:
            ;-- entry0:
            ;-- _ftext:
┌ 36: int dbg.main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp);
│           ; var int success @ fp+0x0
│           0x004000d0      41bc0002       lui gp, 0x2                 ; int main(int argc,char ** argv);
│           0x004000d4      339c821f       addiu gp, gp, -32225
│           0x004000d8      033ce150       addu gp, gp, t9
│           0x004000dc      4fed           addiu sp, sp, -40
│           0x004000de      ff             unaligned
│           0x004000df      3c             unaligned                   ; main.c:65
│           0x004000e0      801cfb9d       0x801cfb9d
│           0x004000e4      0010cbe9       0x10cbe9
│           0x004000e8      6e8d           addiu a1, sp, 24
│           0x004000ea      45             unaligned
│           0x004000eb      d9             unaligned                   ; main.c:62
│           0x004000ec      30800005       li a0, 5
│           0x004000f0      4be9           lw ra, 36(sp)
└           0x004000f2      47             unaligned
└           0x004000f3      0a             unaligned                   ; main.c:65
trufae commented 1 year ago

everything should be fixed here https://github.com/radareorg/radare2/pull/21262

thanks for the snippets and the test binary!! i can finally test it properly and i think after merging this it will be good :) 🤞

trufae commented 1 year ago

i have also extended the ELF parser to set the right asm.cpu when loading a micromips binary 👍

tkernelcn commented 1 year ago

I git pull and rebuild

$ r2 -v
radare2 5.8.1 44 @ linux-x86-64 git.5.8.1
commit: 9fac6494957d9bd41fcb8dc34b6d3fe444a05378 build: 2023-01-18__09:51:20

the disassemble result not same with upstairs GDB result: (with a lot of unaligned instructions)

$ r2 -a mips.gnu -b 32 -e asm.cpu=micro -e cfg.bigendian=true ./test.elf
 -- Pass '-j' to rabin2 to get the information of the binary in JSON format.
[0x004000d0]> aaa
INFO: Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
INFO: Analyze all functions arguments/locals (afva@@@F)
INFO: Analyze function calls (aac)
INFO: Analyze len bytes of instructions for references (aar)
INFO: Finding and parsing C++ vtables (avrr)
INFO: Finding xrefs in noncode section (e anal.in=io.maps.x)
INFO: Analyze value pointers (aav)
INFO: aav: 0x00400000-0x004002ec in 0x400000-0x4002ec
INFO: Emulate functions to find computed references (aaef)
INFO: Type matching analysis for all functions (aaft)
INFO: Propagate noreturn information (aanr)
INFO: Integrate dwarf function information
INFO: Use -AA or aaaa to perform additional experimental analysis
[0x004000d0]> pdf@sym.main
            ;-- section..text:
            ;-- .text:
            ;-- main:
            ;-- entry0:
            ;-- _ftext:
┌ 36: int dbg.main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp);
│           ; var int success @ fp+0x0
│           0x004000d0      41bc0002       lui gp, 0x2                 ; int main(int argc,char ** argv);
│           0x004000d4      339c821f       addiu gp, gp, -32225
│           0x004000d8      033ce150       addu gp, gp, t9
│           0x004000dc      4fed           addiu sp, sp, -40
│           0x004000df      3c             unaligned                   ; main.c:65
│           0x004000e0      801cfb9d       0x801cfb9d
│           0x004000e4      0010cbe9       0x10cbe9
│           0x004000e8      6e8d           addiu a1, sp, 24
│           0x004000eb      d9             unaligned                   ; main.c:62
│           0x004000ec      30800005       li a0, 5
│           0x004000f0      4be9           lw ra, 36(sp)
└           0x004000f3      0a             unaligned                   ; main.c:65
[0x004000d0]> pdf@sym.nthFibonacciTerm
┌ 140: sym.nthFibonacciTerm ();
│       ╎   0x00400220      41bc0002       lui gp, 0x2                 ; main.c:12
│       ╎   0x00400224      339c80cf       addiu gp, gp, -32561
│       ╎   0x00400228      033ce150       addu gp, gp, t9
│       ╎   0x0040022c      4fe5           addiu sp, sp, -56
│       ╎   0x0040022f      9d             unaligned
│       ╎   0x00400230      001022fd       0x1022fd
│       ╎   0x00400234      d0188e85       andi zero, t8, 0x8e85
│       ╎   0x00400238      0e00           move s0, zero
│       ╎   0x0040023b      44             unaligned                   ; main.c:22
│       ╎   0x0040023c      0006ed7f       0x6ed7f
│       ╎   0x00400240      e950           sw v0, 0(a1)
│       ╎   ;-- .L2:
│       ╎   0x00400243      50             unaligned                   ; main.c:59
│       ╎   0x00400244      22fd5018       lwm s0-s6,ra, 24(sp)
│       ╎   ; CODE XREF from sym.register_tm_clones @ 0x400130(x)
│       ╎   0x00400248      470e           jraddiusp 56
│       ╎   ;-- .L4:
│       ╎   0x0040024b      2c             unaligned                   ; main.c:27
│       ╎   0x0040024c      0e25           move s1, a1
│       ╎   0x0040024f      44             unaligned
│       ╎   0x00400250      32a00002       li s5, 2
│       ╎   0x00400254      0e80           move s4, zero
│       ╎   0x00400257      01             unaligned
│       ╎   0x00400258      32600001       li s3, 1
│       ╎   0x0040025c      32c00001       li s6, 1
│       ╎   0x00400260      e850           sw zero, 0(a1)
│       ╎   ;-- .L6:
│       ╎   0x00400263      55             unaligned                   ; main.c:37
│       └─< 0x00400264      1350ad08       addi k0, s0, -21240
│           0x00400268      ff3c8018       lw t9, -32744(gp)
│           0x0040026c      ed01           li v0, 1
│           0x0040026f      14             unaligned                   ; main.c:52
│           0x00400270      ffe8e910       lw ra, -5872(t0)
│           0x00400274      cfe6           b 0x00400243
│           0x00400277      13             unaligned
│           ;-- .L10:
│           0x00400278      86cc           movep a0,a1, s3, s0         ; [0x45d9:2]=0xffff
│           0x0040027b      d9             unaligned
│           0x0040027c      00000000       nop
│           0x00400280      b6c20004       bne v0, s6, 0x0040028d
│           0x00400284      4b84           lw gp, 16(sp)
│           0x00400287      7f             unaligned                   ; main.c:40
│           0x00400288      cfdc           b 0x00400243
│           0x0040028b      10             unaligned
│           ;-- .L7:
│           0x0040028c      b4140007       bnez s4, 0x0040029f
│           0x00400290      02131150       addu v0, s3, s0
│           0x00400294      0e62           move s3, v0
│           0x00400297      80             unaligned                   ; main.c:45
│           0x00400298  ~   0001cfe3       0x1cfe3
│           ;-- .L9:
│           0x0040029b      e3             unaligned                   ; main.c:37
│           0x0040029c      4ea2           addiu s5, s5, 1
│           ;-- .L8:
│           0x0040029f      02             unaligned                   ; main.c:47
│           0x004002a0      cffc           b 0x0040029b
│           0x004002a3      80             unaligned
│           ;-- .L5:
│           0x004002a4      ed01           li v0, 1
│           0x004002a7      00             unaligned                   ; main.c:29
│           0x004002a8      cfcc           b 0x00400243
└           0x004002ab      50             unaligned

is there any other PR pending or needed be Merge? Thanks.

trufae commented 1 year ago

that looks correct to me, also from rasm2

$ rasm2 -a mips.gnu -b32 -e -c micro -d 4fe522fdd01840e40007ae920e2541a49860cc0630847090
addiu sp, sp, -56
swm s0-s6,ra, 24(sp)
beqzc a0, 0x00000019
bnez a1, 0x00000031
move s1, a1
lui a0, 0x9860
b 0x00000021
addiu a0, a0, 28816
Screenshot 2023-01-20 at 18 45 31

The output from capstone is different from the gnu one, but you are free to use the one you like. Also i dont have much more time to improve the mips support before this release, and the remaining things should be easy to do, so i would appreciate if you try to extend the current implementation by sending PRs with your findings, test capstone and report bugs in there.

Maybe on sunday i have some spare time to get my hands on this again, but i have other priorities in my plate right now. please confirm you have the same behaviour as i do

trufae commented 1 year ago

i found the reason of the invalid instructions in the middle of the disasm and should be fixed in master

trufae commented 1 year ago

the red instructions in the mips.gnu plugin is because the analysis is not as complete as in the capstone plugin

tkernelcn commented 1 year ago

already got great achievement now, seems pd works well but pdf not 1,missing some instructions bytes let unaligned error 2, command axt and axf also not work, no result output
