Closed radchenkoVit closed 4 years ago
<section> <h3>Languages</h3> <p class="tags small"><a href="" hreflang="ru" rel="alternate" class="language" lang="ru">🇷🇺 <span>РУССКИЙ</span></a> <span class="language" lang="en">🇺🇸 ENGLISH</span></p> </section> <section> <h3>Skills</h3> <p class="tags small">Pharmacist (Matrix), Can Fly as SuperMan, Laywer, Exorcist, Information carrier (Johnny Mnemonic)</p> </section> <section> <h3>Character</h3> <p class="tags small"> Pencil master(John Wick), Giving up a seat in the subway, Puppy Lover, Dodging bullets </p> </section> <section> <h3>Likes😃</h3> <p class="tags small">Humor, Guns, Shooting, Speed, <b>Sandra Bullock</b>, Dogs, Computer Games <button id="bikes_audio" class="audio"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"> <path d="M576 256c0 100.586-53.229 189.576-134.123 239.04-7.532 4.606-17.385 2.241-21.997-5.304-4.609-7.539-2.235-17.388 5.304-21.997C496.549 424.101 544 345.467 544 256c0-89.468-47.452-168.101-118.816-211.739-7.539-4.609-9.913-14.458-5.304-21.997 4.608-7.539 14.456-9.914 21.997-5.304C522.77 66.424 576 155.413 576 256zm-96 0c0-66.099-34.976-124.572-88.133-157.079-7.538-4.611-17.388-2.235-21.997 5.302-4.61 7.539-2.236 17.388 5.302 21.998C418.902 152.963 448 201.134 448 256c0 54.872-29.103 103.04-72.828 129.779-7.538 4.61-9.912 14.459-5.302 21.998 4.611 7.541 14.462 9.911 21.997 5.302C445.024 380.572 480 322.099 480 256zm-138.14-75.117c-7.538-4.615-17.388-2.239-21.998 5.297-4.612 7.537-2.241 17.387 5.297 21.998C341.966 218.462 352 236.34 352 256s-10.034 37.538-26.841 47.822c-7.538 4.611-9.909 14.461-5.297 21.998 4.611 7.538 14.463 9.909 21.998 5.297C368.247 314.972 384 286.891 384 256s-15.753-58.972-42.14-75.117zM256 88.017v335.964c0 21.436-25.942 31.999-40.971 16.971L126.059 352H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V184c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h102.059l88.971-88.954C230.037 56.038 256 66.551 256 88.017zm-32 19.311l-77.659 77.644A24.001 24.001 0 0 1 129.372 192H32v128h97.372a24.001 24.001 0 0 1 16.969 7.028L224 404.67V107.328z" /> </svg> Bikes <audio preload="none"> <source src="sound/bike_sound.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> </audio> </button> </section> <section> <h3>Dislikes😞</h3> <p class="tags small"><span class="nowrap">Agents, Russian Mafia, Cancer, Politics, Legacy Code, Lines</span> </section> <section> <h3>Wants🥺</h3> <p class="tags small"><span class="nowrap">Forever Young, Cool Movies, World peace, <b>More money for Charity<b></span> </section> <section> <h3>Education</h3> <ul class="timeline"> <li> <div><em>1<sup>st</sup> October 2012 – 23<sup>rd</sup> May 2014</em></div> <div><strong>Certificate of graduation of Shooting Course</strong> at <strong>Army of the United States of America</strong> </div> </li> <li> <div><em>1<sup>st</sup> September 1997 – 21<sup>st</sup> June 1999 </em></div> <div><strong>Kungfu Traning for Matrix Movie</strong> at <a href="" rel="external"><strong>Shaolin Temple</strong></a></div> </li> <li> <div><em>1<sup>st</sup> September 1994 – 21<sup>st</sup> May 1997 </em></div> <div><strong>Lawyer College</strong> at <a href="" rel="external"><strong>University of Cincinnati College of Law </strong></a></div> </li> </ul> </section>