radek-k / FFMediaToolkit

FFMediaToolkit is a cross-platform video decoder/encoder library for .NET that uses FFmpeg native libraries. It supports video frames extraction, reading stream metadata and creating videos from bitmaps in any format supported by FFmpeg.
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Audio.AddFrame(AudioData) throw invalid argument exception #108

Closed hosyhosyhosy closed 12 months ago

hosyhosyhosy commented 2 years ago

Hi Sorry, but I didn't find a document about adding audio to video. Use Audio.AddFrame(AudioData) throw invalid argument exception: FFMediaToolkit.FFmpegException:“Cannot send a frame to the encoder. Error code: -22 : Invalid argument”. Please help, what do I do?

IsaMorphic commented 2 years ago

This feature of the library is quite fiddly. Verify that your values for SamplesPerFrame, SampleRate, and other parameters are supported by the codec you are using. You can find this type of information on the FFMPEG wiki. In the future perhaps FFMediaToolkit can provide presets for certain codecs or at least some better validation errors.

dianejason commented 1 year ago

I'm having a similar problem, I'm trying to separate the audio from a video, but it's reporting an error image

IsaMorphic commented 1 year ago

@dianejason please refer to my previous response. Especially because you are transcoding you may have to implement some kind of buffering logic that puts all the sample data into frame buffers of the correct size for your output codec.

Lee858 commented 1 year ago

@IsaMorphic Would it be possible to post a working example of reading an mp3 then adding it to a video?

IsaMorphic commented 1 year ago

I will work on this today and post a Gist link here as soon as its done. Cheers!

IsaMorphic commented 1 year ago

Here it is. If you have any questions, let me know :) https://gist.github.com/IsaMorphic/0bbc913905afc553e3a21964cd5bb49a

Lee858 commented 1 year ago

Exactly what I needed. The comments were definitely helpful.

I'm placing audio clips at various positions in the video with silence remaining in the other areas. I had to fill in the gaps in the audio track to get it to work. It doesn't look like there's any way to create an AudioData object, other than using a MediaFile. I created an mp3 that started with silence then used it to create one AudioData frame. I then used that 'audioDataEmpty' frame to fill in the gaps.

There's one odd bug that I can't figure out. It only works if the video frame rate is 15. At other rates that I've tried, the audio track filler frame ends up being written ahead of the video frame. I'm looping through a list and repeating the process. The frame collision happens at different points in the list depending on the frame rate. With a frame rate of 15, I'm able to process 100 records.

Cannot add a frame that occurs chronologically before the most recently written frame!


bool stillMoreAudio = true;
TimeSpan audioInPosition = new TimeSpan(0);

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)      // Audio gap before

while (outputMediaFile.Audio.CurrentDuration < outputMediaFile.Video.CurrentDuration)
    outputMediaFile.Audio.AddFrame(audioDataEmpty);  //  Fill auto track up to this point in video track 
while (stillMoreAudio)
    var videoInPosition = outputMediaFile.Video.CurrentDuration;
    if (audioInPosition.Ticks == 0)
        audioInPosition = outputMediaFile.Video.CurrentDuration;

    while ((audioInPosition.Add(inputAudioFile.Audio.Position) < videoInPosition) && (stillMoreAudio = inputAudioFile.Audio.TryGetNextFrame(out AudioData audioData)))
        outputMediaFile.Audio.AddFrame(audioData, audioInPosition.Add(inputAudioFile.Audio.Position));

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)      // Audio gap after 


IsaMorphic commented 1 year ago

@Lee858 you're welcome, glad my example helped. Your problem now is that you are not actually adding silence to the audio track when you think you are. You can pass a float[][] to the AddFrame method just as well as you can an AudioData instance. Use this to explicitly add the silence frames to your output file.


Edit: I just realized that you said in your comment that you're adding the silence. The "bug" you mention is a feature of FFmpeg, and an error in your code. Best advice I can offer is to use a different mechanism instead of incrementing your timestamp variable. This is the limit of the help I can offer, as that is specific to your application rather than to FFMediaToolkit. Best of luck 🤞

Lee858 commented 1 year ago

I changed the logic and resolved a few bugs. Code snippet for anybody that needs it.

` bool stillMoreAudio = true; TimeSpan audioTicksPerFrame = new TimeSpan(240000); var inputAudioSource = MediaFile.Open("C:\Path\To\Your\Audio.mp3", new MediaOptions { StreamsToLoad = MediaMode.Audio });

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
outputMediaFile.Video.AddFrame(frameTitle); // Audio Gap // Fill audio track up to the video track while ((outputMediaFile.Audio.CurrentDuration + audioTicksPerFrame) <= outputMediaFile.Video.CurrentDuration) outputMediaFile.Audio.AddFrame(getEmptyFrame());

stillMoreAudio = true; while (stillMoreAudio) { outputMediaFile.Video.AddFrame(frameTitle); while (((outputMediaFile.Audio.CurrentDuration + audioTicksPerFrame) <= outputMediaFile.Video.CurrentDuration) && (stillMoreAudio = inputAudioSource.Audio.TryGetNextFrame(out AudioData audioData))) outputMediaFile.Audio.AddFrame(audioData); } // Fill audio track up to the video track // The the last mp3 frame might not end at the end of the video frame while ((outputMediaFile.Audio.CurrentDuration + audioTicksPerFrame) <= outputMediaFile.Video.CurrentDuration) outputMediaFile.Audio.AddFrame(getEmptyFrame());

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
outputMediaFile.Video.AddFrame(frameTitle); // Audio Gap // Fill audio track up to the video track while ((outputMediaFile.Audio.CurrentDuration + audioTicksPerFrame) <= outputMediaFile.Video.CurrentDuration) outputMediaFile.Audio.AddFrame(getEmptyFrame());
} `

hosyhosyhosy commented 12 months ago

Thanks IsaMorphic, your example helped me