radek-k / FFMediaToolkit

FFMediaToolkit is a cross-platform video decoder/encoder library for .NET that uses FFmpeg native libraries. It supports video frames extraction, reading stream metadata and creating videos from bitmaps in any format supported by FFmpeg.
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How to transfer ImageData to sprite or texture2D? #117

Closed VictorZhanUnity closed 2 years ago

VictorZhanUnity commented 2 years ago

I get frame data of the Video. It's type of ImageData.

and I want to show it in the scene of Unity. (Image, RawImage, Texture2D... etc)

How to transfer it to sprite or texture2D?

VictorZhanUnity commented 2 years ago

I try it with the code down below, It worked, but the color is not right and image is upside down.


        texture = new Texture2D(1920, 1038, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
        var videoFile = MediaFile.Open(VideoURL);
        // Gets the frame at 5th second of the video.
        ImageData frame5s = videoFile.Video.GetFrame(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(sec));
        byte[] data = frame5s.Data.ToArray();
        meshRenderer.material.mainTexture = texture;
        rawImage.texture = texture;
radek-k commented 2 years ago

You have to set MediaOptions.VideoPixelFormat to Rgb24. To fix the flipped image, set texture tiling or scale (-1,1). This is a strange issue that only happens in Unity. You can also allocate memory for decoded video frames once to improve performance. Simple example:

using UnityEngine;
using FFMediaToolkit;
using FFMediaToolkit.Decoding;
using FFMediaToolkit.Graphics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;

public class VideoPlayerExample : MonoBehaviour
    Texture2D texture;
    MeshRenderer meshRenderer;

    IntPtr buffer;
    int bufferSize;
    int frameWidth;
    int frameHeight;

    MediaFile videoFile;
    bool canReadNextFrame = true;

    public string videoURL;
    public string ffmpegPath;

    void Start()
        FFmpegLoader.FFmpegPath = ffmpegPath;

        meshRenderer = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();

        var options = new MediaOptions();
        options.VideoPixelFormat = ImagePixelFormat.Rgb24;
        videoFile = MediaFile.Open(videoURL, options);
        frameWidth = videoFile.Video.Info.FrameSize.Width;
        frameHeight = videoFile.Video.Info.FrameSize.Height;

        texture = new Texture2D(frameWidth, frameHeight, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
        meshRenderer.material.mainTexture = texture;
        meshRenderer.material.mainTextureScale = new Vector2(-1, 1);

        bufferSize = frameWidth * frameHeight * 3;
        buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferSize);

    void Update()
        if (canReadNextFrame)
            canReadNextFrame = videoFile.Video.TryGetNextFrame(buffer, bufferSize / frameHeight);
            texture.LoadRawTextureData(buffer, bufferSize);

    private void OnDestroy()
VictorZhanUnity commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot, it worked fine.