radfordneal / LDPC-codes

Software for Low Density Parity Check codes
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Run in Ubuntu 16.04 #2

Open skyup259 opened 8 years ago

skyup259 commented 8 years ago

sir i am trying to run LDPC-codes in Ubuntu 16.04 but i don't know how to run it.i tried to check any redme file for instruction but i didn't get anything.please guide me.

radfordneal commented 8 years ago

Have you read the documentation linked to from index.html, especially the installation instructions in install.html?

skyup259 commented 8 years ago

thank you sir for replying i run the run-example and it's is giving the output.i am attaching the output of LDPC run-examples.my issue is that if i want to run other than LDPC_OUTPUT.txt

example what can i do?