radgrad / radgrad2

Source code for RadGrad, Version 2
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Implement student-based Degree Program Data upload #805

Open philipmjohnson opened 2 years ago

philipmjohnson commented 2 years ago

Please do work for this task in a branch called issue-805.

STAR can now allow students to download their data in CSV format. To make this feature available in RadGrad, we must:

(1) Add an "Upload Degree Program data" page. This page just has a file uploader button, and a text field to indicate if it was successful.

(2) Update the timestamp field to user profiles to indicate the last time that degree program data was uploaded.

(3) Add a checklist item that checks the timestamp of the last upload. If there has been no degree program data uploaded in the current semester, then indicate that this would be advisable and provide a link to the Upload Degree Program Data page".

(4) Add documentation to the New User Tutorial to guide the students through the process of uploading their Degree Program Data.

(5) Integrate this with matriculation so that students who do not update their data for several semesters can be matriculated.