radian-software / TerrariaClone

🔥 An incomprehensible hellscape of spaghetti code.
MIT License
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Anyone who looks at this code instantly becomes insane #19

Open Hurricane996 opened 6 years ago

raxod502 commented 5 years ago

[ Edit: the commenter to whom I was responding here has silently deleted their GitHub account as well as all of their comments, so this thread now lacks the context for someone to make any sense of it. ]

Whoa there, let's calm down. I'm not going to close anything. Making fun of the code doesn't imply that it was a mistake for me to write it, and I certainly don't take offense at it. I agree that we learn primarily from our failures, and this project was very educational for me.

And while I appreciate the attention to political correctness, I'm not going to shut down existing discussions in service of it. I'm happy to let people engage with the project however they would like. That's open-source.

raxod502 commented 5 years ago

While I'm sorry if I offended you, I'm going to stick with my current policy. I do not think further conversation in this thread would be helpful, so I will not reply any longer. Thanks for your thoughts.

leffsu commented 5 years ago

Its quite fascinating that we've got something like this on the awesome meme repo

@polytomous I feel pretty sad for you if you're not trolling at this point

@raxod502 Please set it to 'wontfix' tag and close

CosmicCatnap commented 5 years ago


fernandolujan commented 5 years ago

I think @polytomous read the source code and now they've gone insane.

miguel550 commented 5 years ago

I listened the whole audio that @polytomous recorded in vocaroo, I think now I can start contributing to this project

LulzRose commented 5 years ago

You should never close this beauty of an issue

gldev commented 5 years ago

Absolutely based gentlman.

devgrips-zz commented 5 years ago

Petition to share https://github.com/raxod502/TerrariaClone/issues/19#issuecomment-494358471 in r/copypasta

shuchow commented 5 years ago


It's "y'all." "all y'all" may be permitted in this situation. Source: Am Texan.

cktang88 commented 5 years ago

Please engage in civil discourse.

bencooper222 commented 5 years ago

this is why the chinese are going to take over the world

floodski commented 5 years ago

This has been a pleasure to read, keep up the good work

bdotsamir commented 5 years ago

Is no one going to comment on the fact that his soliloquy was unedited?

Hrxn commented 5 years ago

This is great. History needs to be preserved..

swashdev commented 5 years ago

This is my favorite GitHub thread of all time.

LulzRose commented 5 years ago

This thread will be viewable forever https://web.archive.org/web/20190803033120/https://github.com/raxod502/TerrariaClone/issues/19

UziTech commented 5 years ago

The invoicing system I wrote for myself in highschool consists of a single php file that inlines all of the html, css, and javascript (including authentication).

It is atrocious, but I still use it to this day because it works. 😂🤣😂🤣

This repo has inspired me to put it on github in the name of learning.


jmatzen commented 4 years ago

Not that bad. I've seen code in AAA games that looks similar, probably worse. Some older AAA stuff written in 16-bit C makes this code look like a gift.