Closed snan closed 1 year ago
What is the error reported by Straight?
I had this issue with corfu-prescient
. It was due to an older version of the prescient
recipe being cached. The older recipe uses a different URL, from before the move to a Github organization. The recipe for vertico-presicent
uses the new URL.
For me, I had to make Straight re-download and rebuild everything to make it use prescient.el
's new recipe.
Does your install of prescient use the new URL? If not, this might be a question for the Straight maintainers.
This discussion helped me find that, in my case, the problem was the URL:
Interesting, I'm not sure why installation would fail - GitHub maintains redirects from the old URL when you move a repository in the way that I did. But yes, sounds like we would need to know the error message to advise.
This is the error message:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Could not find package vertico-prescient. Updating...")
signal(error ("Could not find package vertico-prescient. Updating..."))
error("Could not find package %S. Updating recipe reposit..." vertico-prescient (org-elpa melpa gnu-elpa-mirror el-get emacsmirror-mirror))
straight--convert-recipe(vertico-prescient nil)
eval((straight-use-package 'vertico-prescient) nil)
funcall-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil)
Have you tried updating recipe repositories as the error message mentions?
Right, by running straight-pull-recipe-repositories
. That didn't help.
I'm able to find the recipe for vertico-prescient
in my configuration. Here it is in MELPA:
You should check in your local ~/.emacs.d/straight/repos/melpa
and verify whether this file exists, and what revision of MELPA is checked out.
This thread is being closed automatically by Tidier because it is labeled with "waiting on response" and has not seen any activity for 90 days. But don't worry—if you have any information that might advance the discussion, leave a comment and I will be happy to reopen the thread :)
borked, it couldn't install the second package.