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Process to load a different theme #433

Closed peschkaj closed 6 years ago

peschkaj commented 6 years ago

While zerodark is a nice theme, I prefer a different theme. To load a different theme, I understand that I need to set radian-color-theme-enable to nil, but I'm unclear on where this should occur in init.local.el.

What is the process for loading a custom theme on startup?

raxod502 commented 6 years ago

init.local.el is loaded at the beginning of radian.el. Then if radian-color-theme-enable is non-nil, the color theme is loaded at the end of radian.el. In between these two points, radian-after-init-hook is run. However, note that if you wish for zerodark-theme to not be installed, you should disable radian-color-theme-enable before that happens.


(setq radian-color-theme-enable nil)

(defun radian-local--after-init ()
  (load-theme 'leuven 'no-confirm))

(add-hook 'radian-after-init-hook #'radian-local--after-init)

or whatever (you can install your own color theme package if needed).

Let me know if you have further questions.