radian-software / straight.el

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straight can't pickup new commit if remote HEAD branch has been renamed #1130

Open ikappaki opened 11 months ago

ikappaki commented 11 months ago

What's wrong

It is possible that straight may fail to retrieve any new commits from the remote package repo, if the repository is already been cloned, and there has been a modification in the name of the remote HEAD branch (such as renamed from master to main).

Directions to reproduce

  1. Create an new git repository with a single file with some text
    ~$ git init /tmp/issue-straight
    Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/issue-straight/.git/
    ~$ cd /tmp/issue-straight/
    /tmp/issue-straight$ echo  123 > issue
    /tmp/issue-straight$ git add issue
    /tmp/issue-straight$ git commit -m "1"
    [master (root-commit) 38aeb62] 1
    1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
    create mode 100644 issue
  2. In Emacs scratch buffer with straight.el loaded, fetch the repo using a custom recipy
    '(issue :type git :repo "/tmp/issue-straight"))
    ;; => t
  3. In the straight repo dir, check that the above repo has been checked out
    /tmp/issue-straight$ cd ~/.config/emacs/straight/repos/issue
    ~/.config/emacs/straight/repos/issue$ git status
    On branch master
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean ~/.config/emacs/straight/repos/issue$ cat issue 123 ~/.config/emacs/straight/repos/issue$

4. Back at the source repo, add some more text to the file
``` sh
~/.config/emacs/straight/repos/issue$ cd /tmp/issue-straight/
/tmp/issue-straight$ echo 456 >> issue
/tmp/issue-straight$ git commit -am "2"
[master 8ec7551] 2
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
  1. Back in Emacs, pull the changes with straight
    (straight-pull-package "issue")
    ;; => nil
  2. Back to the straight repo dir, check that the changes have been picked up by the straight pull
    /tmp/issue-straight$ cd ~/.config/emacs/straight/repos/issue
    ~/.config/emacs/straight/repos/issue$ cat issue
  3. Back at the source repo, rename the branch from master to main, and add some more changes
    ~/.config/emacs/straight/repos/issue$ cd /tmp/issue-straight/
    /tmp/issue-straight$ git branch -m master main
    /tmp/issue-straight$ git status
    On branch main
    nothing to commit, working tree clean
    /tmp/issue-straight$ echo 789 >> issue
    /tmp/issue-straight$ git commit -am "3"
    [main 3fd338b] 3
    1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
    /tmp/issue-straight$ cat issue
  4. Back in Emacs, do straight pull again
    (straight-pull-package "issue")
    ;; => nil
  5. Check the straight repo, the last commit is not picked up, there is no commit 3 in the repo

    /tmp/issue-straight$ cd ~/.config/emacs/straight/repos/issue
    ~/.config/emacs/straight/repos/issue$ cat issue
    ~/.config/emacs/straight/repos/issue$ git log
    commit 8ec75518099c0b5c4ea8363606717b6cf4b22d7f (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
    Date:   Mon Nov 13 22:20:58 2023 +0000

commit 38aeb629a8011b8dd024fd5ff9b3c7c8369eaba8 Date: Mon Nov 13 22:10:39 2023 +0000


Perhaps straight can check the remote HEAD branch before a fetch/pull and adjust the local HEAD accordingly when they diverge?

The above example scenario was encountered with [emasql ](https://github.com/magit/emacsql)where I suspect somewhere in the last year their renamed their `master` branch to `main`, and I was stuck with a year's old `master` branch that could not be updated with straight pull
``` elisp
(straight-pull-package "emacsql")
;; => nil
~/.config/emacs/straight/repos/emacsql $ git log -1
commit 6b2e65bdf785364cf7c34c31fea5812e1e58c657
Author: Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@bernoul.li>
Date:   Sun Nov 27 22:46:37 2022 +0100

    Use new version string format for unreleased revisions

    "N-git" < "N"; but "N.50-git" > "N".
~/.config/emacs/straight/repos/emacsql $ git remote -v
origin  https://github.com/magit/emacsql.git (fetch)
origin  https://github.com/magit/emacsql.git (push)
~/.config/emacs/straight/repos/emacsql $ git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD
~/.config/emacs/straight/repos/emacsql $ git ls-remote --symref origin HEAD
ref: refs/heads/main    HEAD
59de83a1276a5fbcf8a682b64bbdcf5e00c6ce8b    HEAD

Version information

raxod502 commented 11 months ago

Yeah, that sounds right to me. This is a bug. The caching logic needs to be updated to handle it correctly.