Closed bnash closed 4 years ago
Now I see that I need to have the file pariz.nml in the directory I am running zgoubi from.
@bnash Is it working now? If so, feel free to close this issue. While you're working on tests, it would be great to have a test that exercises zbougi's BLAS/LAPACK dependency. There's a reasonable chance that such a test will fail when building with a compiler other than the one that was used to build the system BLAS/LAPACK libraries.
@Boaz: I think you should not see anything about pariz.nml. The add-zgoubi-tests branch, the one I think you’re working in, should not include any of the DMA work that Damian has done.
Hi @rouson and @dtabell, Yes, as long as I include pariz.nml in each run directory, zgoubi works correctly. But, as @dtabell says, I'm also confused on why this DMA development is in the add-zgoubi-tests branch. Perhaps I have an error in my git configuration or used the wrong command. I'm still trying to learn a few things about working with branches.
@rouson, I'll look into the BLAS/LAPACK dependency and try to find tests that use this.
@Boaz, Would you please verify that you are working in the branch add-zgoubi-tests?
@dtabell, yes, I believe so.
> git branch
* add-zgoubi-tests
@bnash: git status
should tell you the same information.
Yes, git status
On branch add-zgoubi-tests
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/add-zgoubi-tests'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
So, yes, @rouson needs to have a look at this. FYI ... I see the following in the network graph:
The green branch coming off add-zgoubi-tests is my fix-common-blocks branch. Since I don't see any extension of add-zgoubi-tests beyond that, I'm very puzzled! (The dates running along the top are in December 2018.)
FYI: Merging PR #52 on the 12th (December, I think) is responsible for incorporating newer developments into the add-zgoubi-tests
branch. This can probably be undone, and a more-careful incorporation of the intended updates ported onto this branch.
The last part of this work will be addressed by #84.
I am trying to add additional tests to the ctest infrastructure. I am working on the branch add-zgoubi-tests. I got an updated pull from the repository and built using cmake, and then make. Now I go to run zgoubi in one of the KEYWORDS directories with a zgoubi.res file. I get the error: