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Ensemblemd version from master incorrect #222

Closed ibethune closed 8 years ago

ibethune commented 8 years ago

Hi (keeping this separate from #219 so as not to distract),

When I install ensemblemd from the master branch, the version number is incorrect:

mbp-ib:~ ibethune$ cd Desktop/
mbp-ib:Desktop ibethune$ virtualenv extasy-test2
New python executable in extasy-test2/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip...done.
mbp-ib:Desktop ibethune$ source extasy-test2/bin/activate
(extasy-test2)mbp-ib:Desktop ibethune$ pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/radical-cybertools/radical.ensemblemd.git@master#egg=radical.ensemblemd
(extasy-test2)mbp-ib:Desktop ibethune$ ensemblemd-version 

If I install the released version from pip I get:

(extasy-test)mbp-ib:extasy-test ibethune$ ensemblemd-version 
vivek-bala commented 8 years ago

there was no tag for 0.3.14 :-| fixed now.

ibethune commented 8 years ago

Confirm fixed, thanks!