radical-cybertools / radical.analytics

Analytics for RADICAL-Cybertools
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Analytics not showing TTX and OVH #164

Open AymenFJA opened 2 years ago

AymenFJA commented 2 years ago

Following the tutorial shown here session folder is stored in Frontera sandbox under the same name.

In [13]: session = ra.Session('/scratch1/07305/rpilot/radical.pilot.sandbox/parsl.radical.session.c102-062.frontera.tacc.utexas.edu.rpilot.019179.0001', 'radical.pilot')
    ...: pilots  = session.filter(etype='pilot', inplace=False)
    ...: tasks   = session.filter(etype='task' , inplace=False)

In [14]: p_runtime = pilots.duration(event=rp.utils.PILOT_DURATIONS_DEBUG['p_agent_runtime'])
    ...: p_runtime
Out[14]: 0

In [15]: ttx = tasks.duration(event=rp.utils.TASK_DURATIONS_DEBUG['t_agent_lm_execute'])
    ...: ovh = p_runtime - ttx
    ...: print('TTX: %f\nOVH: %f' % (ttx, ovh))
TTX: 0.000000
OVH: 0.000000

Any idea why? Note that our task folder names are different than RADICAL.Pilot regular ones (task.000X). Example (they are only numbers):

1     1112  1229  1347  1468  1585  1766  1970  2169  2380  2581  2780  2991  3196  3395  3600  3808  4010  4216  4424  522  653  769  884  agent.0.bootstrap_2.err                   master.000000.req.prof
10    1113  123   1348  1469  1586  1767  1971  217   2382  2586  2781  2992  3197  3396  3606  381   4011  4217  4425  523  654  77   885  agent.0.bootstrap_2.out                   master.000000.res.cfg
100   1114  1230  1349  147   1587  1768  1972  2170  2383  259   2788  2993  3198  3397  3607  3813  402   4218  4426  524  655  770  886  agent.0.cfg                               master.000000.res.log
1000  1115  1231  135   1470  1588  1769  1973  2171  2385  2590  279   3     3199  3398  3608  3814  4021  4219  4427  525  656  771  887  agent.0.err                               master.000000.res.prof
1001  1116  1232  1350  1471  1589  177   1974  218   2388  2591  2793  30    32    3399  3609  3815  4022  422   4428  526  657  772  888  agent.0.log                               master.000000.worker.0000.prof
1002  1117  1233  1351  1472  159   1770  1975  2180  2389  2592  2794  300   320   34    361   3816  4023  4222  4429  527  658  773  889  agent.0.out                               master.000000.worker.0001.prof
1003  1118  1234  1352  1473  1590  1774  1976  2181  239   2593  2797  3001  3200  340   3615  3817  4024  4225  443   528  659  774  89   agent.0.prof                              master.000000.worker.0002.prof

Also, when I do tasks.describe() I see all of my tasks information.

Update, I just confirmed that even with a regular session of RP, analytics is not able to generate plots or extract durations.