radical-cybertools / radical.analytics

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`re.Pattern` is available in Python `>=3.7` #183

Closed mtitov closed 8 months ago

mtitov commented 8 months ago

One of the latest PRs https://github.com/radical-cybertools/radical.analytics/pull/179 introduced re.Pattern which is not in PY 3.6, thus we have the following failed CI job - https://github.com/radical-cybertools/radical.pilot/actions/runs/6712899409/job/18243440348

Is it a signal that we need to drop PY 3.6 support? or we can hide re.Pattern and not to use it for 3.6?

p.s. Amarel does support PY 3.6, but as well it provides 3.9, which we can enforce to use if we'll drop 3.6 support

andre-merzky commented 8 months ago

By now, even 3.7 is not an officially supported Python version anymore, and 3.8 will retire next year... So yes, I am in favor of bumping the version requirements. Let's discuss on the call...

mtitov commented 8 months ago

@andre-merzky Andre, can we add a patch to Analytics for now, thus not to break current RP tests

            if uids:
                try: re_pattern = re.Pattern
                except AttributeError: re_pattern = None
                keep = False
                for uid in uids:
                    if re_pattern and isinstance(uid, re_pattern):
andre-merzky commented 8 months ago

Yes, let's do that for now.

AymenFJA commented 8 months ago

Similar failure: https://github.com/radical-cybertools/radical.pilot/actions/runs/6741091910/job/18325152323?pr=3082