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OLCF: install Flux-Python #3115

Closed andre-merzky closed 8 months ago

mtitov commented 8 months ago

Flux python installation is there (it was missed at first)

$ find /usr -name flux
find: ‘/usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d’: Permission denied
find: ‘/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/auth_pam_tool_dir’: Permission denied
$ module show flux/0.56.0
whatis("Name : flux-core")
whatis("Version : 0.56.0")
whatis("Short description : Flux is a flexible framework for resource management")
help([[Flux is a flexible framework for resource management]])

p.s. couple general tips on how to locate flux python installation

$ flux python -c 'import flux; print(flux.__file__)'

or set as the following within the scripts

#!/usr/bin/env -S flux python

import flux
# script that needs flux bindings