radical-cybertools / radical.repex.at

This is the github location for RepEx developed by the RADICAL team in conjunction with the York Lab.
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documentation needs to be updated to reflect the need to set mongodb config, else there are error #1

Closed shantenujha closed 10 years ago

shantenujha commented 10 years ago

(virtualenv)RandomDisorder:re_package shantenu$ RADICAL_PILOT_VERBOSE=debug python radical_re_namd.py --input='config/input.json' --resource='config/xsede.json' 2014:05:19 11:40:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] radical.pilot version: 0.12

shantenujha commented 10 years ago

Can this be made consistent like the other tools where the user does not have to worry about setting up mongodb urls please?

I think it is not good to expose a very-early/primitive user of EnsembleMD to details of MongoDB. Will be sure to scare them away (90% of them will not even know what it is!)

antonst commented 10 years ago

I agree! and I had MongoDB url defined in input.json before, but on Friday Vivek while testing my code told me that Ole told him that we must not expose MongoDB url in our code, so I changed it.