radical-cybertools / radical.repex.at

This is the github location for RepEx developed by the RADICAL team in conjunction with the York Lab.
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TUU example not working (6-1-2015 morning check-out) #29

Closed taisung closed 8 years ago

taisung commented 9 years ago

radical.utils: * master saga-python: * master radical.pilot: * devel RepEx: * feature/2d-prof

timestamp zero: 1433160374.88 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] radical.pilot version: 0.33 Using default Amber path for stampede.tacc.utexas.edu rid: 0 temp: 300.000000 us1: 151.000000 us2: 161.000000 rid: 1 temp: 300.000000 us1: 151.000000 us2: 162.000000 rid: 2 temp: 600.000000 us1: 151.000000 us2: 161.000000 rid: 3 temp: 600.000000 us1: 151.000000 us2: 162.000000 rid: 4 temp: 300.000000 us1: 152.000000 us2: 161.000000 rid: 5 temp: 300.000000 us1: 152.000000 us2: 162.000000 rid: 6 temp: 600.000000 us1: 152.000000 us2: 161.000000 rid: 7 temp: 600.000000 us1: 152.000000 us2: 162.000000 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] using database url mongodb://ec2-54-221-194-147.compute-1.amazonaws.com:24242/ 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] using database name repex-tests 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for das4.fs2 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for ncar.yellowstone 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for radical.tutorial 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for stfc.joule 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for rice.biou 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for rice.davinci 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for lrz.supermuc 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for iu.bigred2 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for iu.bigred2_ccm 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for local.localhost 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for ncsa.bw_ccm 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for ncsa.bw 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for xsede.stampede 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for xsede.trestles 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for xsede.gordon 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for xsede.blacklight 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for xsede.lonestar 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for nersc.hopper_ccm 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for nersc.hopper 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for nersc.edison 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for nersc.edison_ccm 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for epsrc.archer 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for futuregrid.xray 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for futuregrid.echo 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for futuregrid.india 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for futuregrid.bravo 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for futuregrid.xray_ccm 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for futuregrid.delta 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [ERROR ] session create failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/people/taisung/myenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/session.py", line 225, in init db_name = database_name) File "/usr/people/taisung/myenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/db/database.py", line 105, in new dbs.create(sid, name, creation_time) File "/usr/people/taisung/myenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/db/database.py", line 138, in create raise DBEntryExistsException ("Session '%s' already exists." % sid) DBEntryExistsException: Session 'rp.session.taisung-fedora.taisung.016587.0001' already exists. 2015:06:01 08:06:15 5158 MainThread radical.pilot : [DEBUG ] session rp.session.taisung-fedora.taisung.016587.0001 closing Exception AttributeError: "'Session' object has no attribute '_dbs'" in <bound method Session.del of <radical.pilot.session.Session object at 0x7efefb5ec2d0>> ignored Traceback (most recent call last): File "launch_simulation_pattern_b_3d_tuu.py", line 73, in session.close (cleanup=False) NameError: name 'session' is not defined

andre-merzky commented 9 years ago

Hi Taisung,

Sorry for this one. It seems we create the session ID incorrectly when some tmp files got deleted, eg. after reboot. Would you mind doing the following:

echo 1000 > /tmp/rp_taisung_016587.cnt

and run again? We'll fix that problem in the next RP release.

Thanks, Andre.

antonst commented 8 years ago

since RP ticket is closed, I am closing this one as well.