radical-cybertools / radical.repex.at

This is the github location for RepEx developed by the RADICAL team in conjunction with the York Lab.
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repex fail to start #37

Closed haoyuanchen closed 8 years ago

haoyuanchen commented 9 years ago

Error message in local computer:

2015:08:24 11:39:12 6639 Thread-1 radical.repex.pk-patternB-multiD: [INFO ] ComputePilot 'pilot.0000' state changed to Launching. 2015:08:24 11:39:34 6639 Thread-1 radical.repex.pk-patternB-multiD: [INFO ] ComputePilot 'pilot.0000' state changed to PendingActive. 2015:08:24 11:49:17 6639 Thread-1 radical.repex.pk-patternB-multiD: [INFO ] ComputePilot 'pilot.0000' state changed to Failed. 2015:08:24 11:49:17 6639 Thread-1 radical.repex.pk-patternB-multiD: [ERROR ] Pilot error: [<radical.pilot.logentry.Logentry object at 0x7f7f10094650>, <radical.pilot.logentry.Logentry object at 0x7f7f10094890>, <radical.pilot.logentry.Logentry object at 0x7f7f100946d0>, <radical.pilot.logentry.Logentry object at 0x7f7f10094a90>, <radical.pilot.logentry.Logentry object at 0x7f7f10094b90>, <radical.pilot.logentry.Logentry object at 0x7f7f10094bd0>, <radical.pilot.logentry.Logentry object at 0x7f7f10094c10>, <radical.pilot.logentry.Logentry object at 0x7f7f10094c50>] 2015:08:24 11:49:17 6639 Thread-1 radical.repex.pk-patternB-multiD: [ERROR ] RepEx execution FAILED.

In Stampede, the agent.err file says:

Lmod has detected the following error: The following module(s) are unknown: "cluster"

Please check the spelling or version number. Also try "module spider ..."

RepEx version: 0.2-feature-tuu-opt5-8518c14- Run: 3d-tuu

marksantcroos commented 9 years ago

This is fixed in https://github.com/radical-cybertools/radical.pilot/issues/689 and will be part of the next release.

haoyuanchen commented 9 years ago

That's good. Thanks Mark!