radical-cybertools / radical.repex.at

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default NAMD crashes, have to use my own NAMD #5

Closed haoyuanchen closed 10 years ago

haoyuanchen commented 10 years ago

Hi Antons,

When I try to run the example using the NAMD_2.9_Linux-x86 which is included in the package, the job crashes. I checked STDERR file and it says segmentation fault... I then switched to use my own NAMD (installed ~2 yrs ago, version is 2.8 instead of 2.9) and everything works fine. Not really a big issue but might still need to be fixed in the future. My OS is Fedora17 by the way.

Thanks! Haoyuan

antonst commented 10 years ago

Hi Haoyuan,

Can you please specify which version of NAMD is actually installed on your system? To me it seems that NAMD_2.9_Linux-x86 is simply incompatible with the version of OS you are running on your system.

Thanks, Antons

haoyuanchen commented 10 years ago

Yes, it could be the case that the 2.9 version just won't work on Fedora17. My version is NAMD 2.8 Linux-x86_64. I'll just keep using my version for now but I definitely need to update my Fedora some time...


antonst commented 10 years ago

OK, this has nothing to do with OS you are running. Shipped NAMD version is for 32-bit architecture, but yours is 64-bit (according to your current NAMD installation). But it would be useful to include 64-bit NAMD version in code base, so thanks for pointing this out!

haoyuanchen commented 10 years ago

That makes sense. Thank you!