radical-cybertools / radical.saga

A Light-Weight Access Layer for Distributed Computing Infrastructure and Reference Implementation of the SAGA Python Language Bindings.
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Core specialization for Slurm adaptor #869

Closed mtitov closed 1 year ago

mtitov commented 1 year ago

Slurm provides feature core specialization: https://slurm.schedmd.com/core_spec.html Crusher@OLCF started to reserve 8 cores per node by default (link)

Slurm’s core specialization default will change: Slurm --core-spec or -S value will be set to 8. This will provide a symmetric distribution of cores per GCD to the application and will reserve one core per L3 cache region.

Same ticket for PSI/J: https://github.com/ExaWorks/psij-python/issues/337