radical-experiments / AIMES-Experience

Experiments for the AIMES practice paper
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Skeleton/Synapse integration #1

Closed mturilli closed 8 years ago

mturilli commented 8 years ago
mturilli commented 8 years ago

Ming and I can work around #3 but this is a road block to start the experiments. If this is proving > 6 hours-long implementation, would just integrating Synapse with aimes.emgr be a more rapid implementation?

andre-merzky commented 8 years ago

Hey Matteo, Ming,

I don't believe its a 6-hour coding thing. The problem is, as usual, to allocate time in the first place... :/ But thanks for the heads-up wrt. priorities! Let me attack this tonight, and sync tomorrow after the RP call to see what the status is? By then I should either have a fair estimate on the effort, and ideally some initial results. If not we should reshuffle....

andre-merzky commented 8 years ago

Quick update: the synapse side work is done: synapse can now be busy for a certain amount of time, and can read/write from/to specific files (instead of the default location).

What remains is to move that to a skeleton task.c replacement. A stub for that exists, it needs filling out with code, where that code can be mostly hijacked from radical-synapse-sample.

so I think I can finish this off later today, but likely only after the RP call (have to break for now).

andre-merzky commented 8 years ago

Ok, the stuff is now implemented in aimes.skeleton, in the feature/synapse_tasks branch. You will need the feature/named_storage branch from radical.synapse, and devel from radical.utils, and then should see something like shown in the commit message here:


So you should be able to replace task with task.py in the slkeleton workloads.

Could you give it a try? Some cleanup is needed -- specifically wrt. installation and skeleton script generation...

mturilli commented 8 years ago

Great, thank you Andre! Ming: care to give it a try? Happy to help/contribute if needed.

mingtaiha commented 8 years ago

Hey, I was able to change the CU description from task to task.py. On XSEDE machines, I find that I need to install Synapse. How long would 'pip install --upgrade radical.synapse' take.

Also, when I run on OSG, I get the error that the executable task.py is not found. I added the proper folder to $PATH on the login node and gave it the right permissions. Is the PATH variable different for different nodes on OSG?

andre-merzky commented 8 years ago

Hey Ming,

on the XSEDE machines, we found that manual synapse install is the most practical approach. You would need to do something like this on all target machines (which is boring, but oterwise painless I hope):

ssh stampede
virtualenv $HOME/ve.synapse
. $HOME/ve.synapse/ve/bin/activate
pip install radical.synapse
pip install aimes.skeleton

and then in the CU descrption, add . $HOME/ve.synapse/bin/activate as pre_exec command. That should make synapse and skeleton's task.py available.

One caveat: the pip commands will pull the releases from pypi, which does not yet contain the synapse/skeleton integration. Once you have done some preliminary testing with the branches I listed, I'm happy to quickly push out a radical.synapse release, and will talk to Dan to do something similar for aimes.skeleton.

mturilli commented 8 years ago

Thanks Andre. What do we do with OSG? Still working on that one?

andre-merzky commented 8 years ago

Yes, still working on the deployment there...

mingtaiha commented 8 years ago

I was able to run it on my local machine. As discussed, I ran ./bin/aimes-skeleton-generate -m shell -c -o test.sk -i src/aimes/skeleton/sample-input/sample.input and was was able to emulate it correctly. I also used bag.input as input, but I get io read failed: File exists

andre-merzky commented 8 years ago

At what point exactly did you get the error? Thanks!

mingtaiha commented 8 years ago

I get this error after for each line of test.sk generated using bag.input as input for task.py

andre-merzky commented 8 years ago

Got it. I pushed a fix to synapse which makes it more resilient against partial reads. that is what we saw here: the file was not large enough to fill the buffer on the last step.

mingtaiha commented 8 years ago

I just gave it a run with the fix and it seems to work fine now. I will be waiting for the new release!

andre-merzky commented 8 years ago

great! I am going to close this ticket then, if you don't mind. Please open new tickets for synapse or here, as needed.