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[Question] migrating bitcoin_core and Tor_project to radicle. #134

Closed llamabyte closed 8 months ago

llamabyte commented 1 year ago

Hi, I can't participate on the Zulip site unfortunately, I get a rate limit warning when trying to sign in, so i will have to ask here.

The bitcoin core devs and Tor project devs have certain pre-requisites needed to migrate from github/gitlab.

These include, automatic signing, i believe.

My queston is if Radicle has these functionalities needed for large projects like this ? How easy would it be for these projects to migrate to radicle ?

Bitcoin Core: https://www.ccn.com/bitcoin-core-dev-btc-source-code-should-be-removed-from-github-eventually/

Bitcoin Core developer Wladimir van der Laan said that Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub should spur discussion about moving the Bitcoin code repository off GitHub and to an independently-hosted platform

Tor Project: https://blog.torproject.org/from-trac-into-gitlab-for-tor/

The challenges on doing this migration sooner were and are related to the capacity that we have to adapt a new ticketing system to our needs


FintanH commented 1 year ago

Could we move this to the heartwood repository? :blush: Happy to aid in the discussion over there, but this repository is specific to the git functionality that helps out on the heartwood project.