radicle-dev / radicle-link

The second iteration of the Radicle code collaboration protocol.
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Track RPC events and emit them to interested parties #660

Open alexjg opened 3 years ago

alexjg commented 3 years ago

It is useful when debugging to be able to track network events as they occur. This is tricky to do by just tailing the logs as it's quite noisy. This PR adds a NetworkDiagnosticEvent enum which is emitted to a channel in TinCans::diagnostic_events. Any time we receive or send an RPC message we send it to this channel. This allows interested parties to subscribe to the channel and display RPC events for diagnostic purposes.

The naming here is all putative. NetworkDiagnosticEvent seems very verbose but was the best I could come up with.

alexjg commented 3 years ago

Interesting. I definitely agree that we should not be committing to the wire types as a public API.

Most of my motivation for this PR was to be able to provide a panel in the Upstream UI which displays protocol events as they occur. This has been helpful for me when debugging - even when I have the logs available. Frequently I am interested in logging about large parts of the system because I am trying to form hypotheses about what is going on, this means there's a lot of logging output and extracting just the log messages relating to protocol events requires additional grepping, this slows the debugging feedback loop down, a problem which is exacerbated when the problem is on someone else's machine. However, I think you're right that this could be achieved by using tracing. I can imagine a subscriber which outputs trace messages in a format which Upstream can understand, then upstream can provide ways of filtering for particular message attributes - maybe we add a tag to logging messages relating to protocol events for example. This way the only public API we're committing to is that we will produce logs in a tracing compatible format with a particular tag. Is this what you imagine?

I'm less sure on not logging IP addresses, this seems pretty critical for debugging. What's the reasoning behind not exposing them?

FintanH commented 3 years ago

This conversation seems related to https://github.com/radicle-dev/radicle-link/issues/589 and maybe we should try to flesh out a GRAND plan for telemetry and introspection :)

xla commented 3 years ago

This conversation seems related to #589 and maybe we should try to flesh out a GRAND plan for telemetry and introspection :)

RFC much

kim commented 3 years ago

What I’m saying is that tracing is somewhat, err, non-obvious to hold right, but is designed with all the service-mesh-grade ‘ilities in mind.

For example, there is a way to trim down log output via RUST_LOG in a very granular way. There is also the concept of Layers, which allow composition of collectors/formats/filters etc.

A severe limitation of the macro approach is obviously that it requires discipline to name events/fields in a consistent way. Thus, I wouldn’t be opposed to instead thread through a typed channel, and confine the mapping to a central place. This requires some thought to do efficiently in an eagerly evaluated language, and to do modularity-preserving in general. So, yes, a Grand Unified Theory of Observation wouldn’t hurt.

Re IP addresses: those are generally considered PII. The fact that our p2p layer is not privacy-preserving (yet) is not an excuse to leak them left and right. Iow, it should require conscious action for operators of public nodes to enable recording of such data, which implies data protection obligations for them, and never be a default.