radimitrov / CSharpShellApp

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Improvement of copy/paste and undo/redo handling #112

Closed Alisis33 closed 2 years ago

Alisis33 commented 2 years ago

The clipboard and undo/redo are some of the most importand operations, and specialy if there is no mouse and keyboard.

I found the copy/paste button very unhandy, it play hide and seak and is often overlaid with other infos and so not accessible.

I think it would be better if copy/paste and undo/redo had a fix location at the top bar. To switch the view can be done better in a menu. Or 1 symbol for each operation type opens a small pulldown.

And all overlaid infos could be indicated with a smal symbol, and only show there content be clicking on it, instead of overlie code. The display is very small specialy on a phone, where I use the software. Even this symbol could have his place in the top bar.

radimitrov commented 2 years ago

The editor is designed is for the "..." copy paste menu to jump around where you type. I've removed that and pinned a different one. It hides when you type text and shows when you click on a character/word.

However, I'm not sure making it part of the toolbar is a good idea. I don't want to remove anything from the toolbar to make space. But how about like in the picture? Same amount of clicks to open it. Or a slide. copy_paste_toolbar_scribble

radimitrov commented 2 years ago

Well, now that I have slept my drawer idea seems suboptimal... I'm putting a copy paste widget in the toolbar. It is triggered by selection and usually closed manually. Saves a bit of screen space

Alisis33 commented 2 years ago

I tink you on the right way.

I would consider to use 1 icon for each operation type in the top bar, and a click opens a small pull down with all the functions. So all actions are 2 clicks away and allways visible with enough click spache.

If you analyse what are the most used actions, i would say first it is copy/paste, then undo/redo, then compile, then reflection/function-parameters, and the swich view like code/console/etc.

Even search/replace is important.

So it makes sense to place the most freqent actions at the most prominent place. For me, copy/paste is way more important then view swich. The hide and seek behavior and the smal size was often annoying for me, I often miss the click, displace the cursor, or could not use the function at all, because of overlay. I had to disable the parameter info.

(To code on a phone with touchscreen is anyway way more harder then on a PC, so easy intuitive handling even more important.

In case you hafe to explain to users often, that the undo function hides behind the plus, it is a hint that it is misplaced, or at least the icon not intuitive enough.)

(Sorry for the late reply)

Alisis33 commented 2 years ago

(V 2.5.22) The new copy/past icon mechanism works good now in workflow.

But there is now a new bug. If you mark something and you past it's OK, it replaces the marked text. but if you insert at cursor position, it deletes 1 character before the cursor.

It seams to mark internally 1 character hefore the insert operation happen.

Alisis33 commented 2 years ago

Works for me now