radimitrov / CSharpShellApp

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Monodevelop? #195

Open jgranserver opened 1 year ago

jgranserver commented 1 year ago

Will this app will have monodevelop support?

i am trying to compile codes with reference of other assembly and exporting the codes to assembly is successful but it seems that the compiled assembly is not working.

does the assembly being referred is not included in the compilation?

radimitrov commented 1 year ago

What is the referenced assembly? .NET Core, .NET 5/6, Mono - I don't think they are compatible with MonoAndroid.

jgranserver commented 1 year ago

.NET 5 .. i have used Mono on android using termux app by installing ubuntu. im using it to compile assembly and it works great. the only difference is the composition of .csproj. c# shell csproj cant be read when i will try to build it using Mono on termux ubuntu

radimitrov commented 1 year ago

A .NET DLL generated by Termux used in C# Shell? It still uses MonoAndroid BCL so not compatible. Or a C# Shell DLL doesn't run in Termux? It should in a lot of cases unless there is an API conflict. No idea why it won't without seeing an error log. Try to change the project to compile for say C# 8 or 9.