radimitrov / CSharpShellApp

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Change? #338

Open PeterKaa1 opened 7 months ago

PeterKaa1 commented 7 months ago

In the assemblies folder of apk there is no longer a dll called AppAssembly, now there is an dll which has the same name as the project and also an pdb file is there. Did you add this in the latest update?

radimitrov commented 7 months ago

Yes. File name had to be the same as assembly name for said pdb logic. Shouldn't have any other effect

PeterKaa1 commented 7 months ago

Yes. File name had to be the same as assembly name for said pdb logic. Shouldn't have any other effect

Thanks for the quick reply, what is CrashSharpener? Also, what is the purpose of pdb in .NET MAUI projects?

radimitrov commented 7 months ago

PDB is for debugging, or in the context of C# Shell - showing on which line and in which source file the Exception was thrown and not only the method name. CrashSharpener is the "glue" between them. Crash notifications and PDB inclusion is on by default in the APK settings.