radimitrov / CSharpShellApp

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Sample #346

Open PeterKaa1 opened 7 months ago

PeterKaa1 commented 7 months ago


Will this work when the IDE will be updated to .NET 8? Currently it doesn't work.

radimitrov commented 7 months ago

I didn't pour through the entire code, however calculators are pretty basic. It should work .NET 7 also? The non-Android source files from the Platform sub directories would need to be removed, though. I will make ignoring them the default behavior so its easier.

PeterKaa1 commented 7 months ago

I didn't pour through the entire code, however calculators are pretty basic. It should work .NET 7 also? The non-Android source files from the Platform sub directories would need to be removed, though. I will make ignoring them the default behavior so its easier.

It does not work. I get alot of errors but when i remove the Platform sub directories i get much less errors.