radimitrov / CSharpShellApp

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Support additional game libraries #362

Open PMi-Pro opened 5 months ago

PMi-Pro commented 5 months ago

Can I run popular game libraries like "Monogame", "Raylib" ?.

KUNGERMOoN commented 5 months ago

For MonoGame support, see #318

PMi-Pro commented 5 months ago

Is it possible to use a certain game library in this application?, for example in "Cxxdroid" and "C4droid" application I can use "Sdl2" library, but actually I still prefer C#.

KUNGERMOoN commented 5 months ago

It really depends on the specific library you've trying to use. First of all, most C# game libraries contain wrappers around native libraries (like OpenGL) - you'd have to make sure to compile them for Android. Next is how these libraries handle running C# on Android - if they use MAUI, it won't be a problem (since it's supported by this app), but if they, say, use NativeAOT to compile the C# and use it in a non-C# app, (for example Godot) using them would be hardly possible

radimitrov commented 4 months ago

All true, however implementing all that is needed for this completely is complex and extremely time consuming. The plugin approach mentioned in #318 is probably how it will be done. However this is low priority since it isn't the main goal or use case of the app and full support isn't possible since MonoGame isn't intended to be developed with outside of a PC.

A fun project to experiment with, however only when there is a large empty slot of time in the app's development. The next 3 months are taken up and there is no guarantee this will come after then.