radimitrov / CSharpShellApp

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Changing background color #363

Open HaziTru opened 5 months ago

HaziTru commented 5 months ago

Not sure if its possible on this app but on other IDE's if i use clear after changing the background color the entire background changes to that color and not just the background behind the text. As far as i know i was unable to produce this effect in your C# Shell App.

radimitrov commented 4 months ago

Can you clarify or demonstrate? Those should be separate settings in editor theme files unless there is a bug there.

HaziTru commented 4 months ago

Background = ConsoleColor.White; changes the color of the background behind the text when you press play.

if you use

Background = ConsoleColor.White Console.Clear

It changes the entire background to white when you press play.

In C#Shell the entire background doesn't change the entire background when using clear after like it does on other IDE's.

Not a big deal but it would be nice if you could add that some how.