radimitrov / CSharpShellApp

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Entering problem #365

Closed Agnefits closed 3 months ago

Agnefits commented 4 months ago

I use google keyboard, and when I want to run a code that includes input method (ReadLine), it doesn't response with the enter key. Also the whole code and compiling area are using password keyboard which make it difficult to enter the code and words. Thank you very much, powerful team.

radimitrov commented 4 months ago

Can you provide more information on your configuration? Device, OS version, app version, settings. Videos of the bugs would also be very helpful to accurately describe the behavior.

Yes, the code editor's input uses TextInputVisiblePassword to prevent IME's from attempting text composition logic/actions since that can be very problematic in code editors. Text composition can be enabled from the app settings at the possible cost of problems, but that removes the password flag. What problems are you experiencing with it?

As for the console enter key not working - it should. I would need to see exactly what is happening there to be able to do more

Agnefits commented 4 months ago

Default app configurations, App version: C# shell 3.2.54 Os version: colorOS 11.1 Default keyboard: Gboard (Google keyboard)

I couldn't record video for the issue because the console uses password keyboard which make it fully black in screen recording.

The problem is that the password keyboard shows a confirm button instead of new line button. And when I click it in the console screen, it close down the keyboard without entering the value. I tried to click it many times with no another reaction.

radimitrov commented 4 months ago

I have added a flag that should remove the confirm button and a handler for this case if it is ignored.