radimitrov / CSharpShellApp

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Console.ReadKey(true) glitch #377

Closed kirk-evans closed 2 weeks ago

kirk-evans commented 1 month ago

Console.ReadKey(true) is supposed to suppress the echo of the pressed key, but based on what I'm seeing, it doesnt

radimitrov commented 3 weeks ago

This should be fixed when a new update comes out

kirk-evans commented 3 weeks ago

Not to sound "rushy' - but any idea when that might be?

( The rest of this belongs in a email, but I haven't found a way to send you one. )

I am really impressed with what you've done. The amount of details you must have to deal with is staggering. I don't know how much money you make off this, but I don't see how it could possibly make up for the number of hours you must be putting into it. A Labor of Love, indeed. So.. Many thanks for your hard work! Kirk

radimitrov commented 3 weeks ago

I finished everything needed, including the other fixes. Last night I didn't have time but I just need to do some quick testing and it should be released tonight.