radinsky / broadlink-http-rest

Broadlink RM/RM2/RM Pro/RM3/BlackBean/A1 Web server with REST API (like..)
MIT License
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Copy an paste commands differnt devices #32

Open houseoffuture opened 4 years ago

houseoffuture commented 4 years ago

Hello! When I try to copy a command from a previously recognized device "1" to the list of commands of the device "2" nothing happens. I get {" ok ":" Sent: ac2 "} but the device does not respond at all. What can be done? I can not train each device separately, because I disassembled it and left only the control board to reduce its size. thank

radinsky commented 4 years ago

Please share your setting.ini file..

houseoffuture commented 4 years ago

https://yadi.sk/d/8tGIF5hVUA17ug https://yadi.sk/d/3KQscFXXAxPqfw none of the options worked....

radinsky commented 4 years ago

I would try debugging it first with just 1 RM2, for example HOFTEST only.