radioML / dockerRML

Docker images set up with tools for radio & machine learning tasks
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I can't find SDR in the pulled full docker image #7

Open l11x0m7 opened 6 years ago

l11x0m7 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I've been trying to build a SDR environment for weeks and then I find this repo quite meet my necessary and I really appreciate it. However, I pulled down the full docker image from hub.docker and I don't see the SDR part(Only ML, Deep Learning and some base packages).

l11x0m7 commented 6 years ago

I've solved it. Thanks!

pachpandepriti commented 6 years ago

l11x0m7 can you help me in doing the same I get this error while running the docker file sudo docker run -i -t radioml/radioml /bin/bash [sudo] password for priti: Unable to find image 'radioml/radioml:latest' locally docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for radioml/radioml, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'. See 'docker run --help'.