radioman / WebRtc.NET

WebRTC for C# & C++/CLI
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WinForms Viewer #56

Closed royben closed 7 years ago

royben commented 7 years ago

Hi, great project!

How would I go about creating a WinForms project that will act only as a viewer of the WebRTC Demo included in the solution? Is that possible?


radioman commented 7 years ago

well the demo is the 'viewer'

royben commented 7 years ago

Yes, I understand the demo can view video and audio stream from a web client. But, what if I would like to create a WinForms client that will act like the web client. Meaning, have a "Connect" button, then start receiving video/audio from the server demo.

radioman commented 7 years ago

you can do that too

royben commented 7 years ago

If you could describe the steps to accomplish that it would be very helpful. Thanks.