Open JaebumLee opened 7 years ago
got the same issue. Anybody got a fix for this?
Same issue here. Worked around it by changing the "using" of the WebRtcNative in WebRTCServer.cs to a try / catch (AccessViolationException e) without calling Dispose() on it in the finally block. I know this is ugly and should not be done, but it may work for you @gerrosc .
WebRtc.NET.ManagedConductor.!ManagedConductor()\\src\managed.cpp:line 377 WebRtc.NET.ManagedConductor.~ManagedConductor()\\src\managed.cpp:line 217 WebRtc.NET.ManagedConductor.Dispose(Boolean A_0) c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\xatomic0.h:line 0 WebRtc.NET.ManagedConductor.Dispose() WebRtc.NET.Demo.WebRTCServer.<>c__DisplayClass19_1.b__0()
WebRtc.NET-master\WebRtc.NET.Demo\WebRTCServer.cs:line 227