I use custom marker's image and rotate it through the path. Path/rout is drawn on map in the SeaArea (ship) so I want to shift/offset the marker to it's center point but not as it set by default: top=-height, left=-(width/2)...
Can you show me example of how to do it and which Event to use to make it drawn automatically with this change... More over, to add rotation by setting angle in the same code.
I use custom marker's image and rotate it through the path. Path/rout is drawn on map in the SeaArea (ship) so I want to shift/offset the marker to it's center point but not as it set by default: top=-height, left=-(width/2)... Can you show me example of how to do it and which Event to use to make it drawn automatically with this change... More over, to add rotation by setting angle in the same code.