radis / radis-benchmark

Performance Benchmarks & proof-of-concept for RADIS
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OH full range - 730 lines #5

Open erwanp opened 3 years ago

erwanp commented 3 years ago

@dcmvdbekerom I set up a quite extreme example where we see the weaknesses of the LDM method / FFT when there are very little lines and a large spectral range.


I do not think the LDM can be improved much for these conditions. Instead, we should make use of the fact that RADIS has the historical method already implemented, and switch to it automatically.

I discussed this previously, but in a first approximation :

Therefore the ratio R should be a good indicator of when to use LDM (R >> Rcrit) and when to use the historical method (R << Rcrit)

R = broadening_cutoff  / wstep * N_lines / log(spectral range / wstep)

In the benchmark example, I calculated R=50e6 and we're definitly in a historical method computation, so we can already say that Rcrit >> 50e6.

This in itself could be a GSOC project, actually !


erwanp commented 3 years ago

Featured in OpenAstronomy GSOC 2021 project Automatic Lineshape Engine 🚀 with @pkj-m