radishconcepts / WordPress-GitHub-Plugin-Updater

This class is meant to be used with your Github hosted WordPress plugins. The purpose of the class is to allow your WordPress plugin to be updated whenever you push out a new version of your plugin; similarly to the experience users know and love with the WordPress.org plugin repository.
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Getting 'Too many login attempts' GitHub error #45

Open aaroneaton opened 11 years ago

aaroneaton commented 11 years ago

This library didn't seem to work so I var_dumped the WP_Github_Updater object. $github_data returned an error along the lines of 'Too many login attempts'. I was able to track this down to the lines in the library that add the access_key to the query argument. It seems it is added no matter if access_key is empty or not. After commenting out any attempt to add that to the query arguments, things worked fine.

Is this behavior expected? Should add_query_arg calls be wrapped in a conditional?