radishconcepts / WordPress-GitHub-Plugin-Updater

This class is meant to be used with your Github hosted WordPress plugins. The purpose of the class is to allow your WordPress plugin to be updated whenever you push out a new version of your plugin; similarly to the experience users know and love with the WordPress.org plugin repository.
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Create a plugin for this class #55

Closed GaryJones closed 9 years ago

GaryJones commented 11 years ago

Apologies if this has been suggested before - I looked through the issues but couldn't spot anything.

Getting X developers to include different versions of the class (as it it improves) in Y plugins seems to be taking the wrong approach. I'd rather see the class turned into something more like ACF (though I've not used ACF myself) - that is, an individual plugin that enables the other plugins to use it if it exists. This updater plugin could then be improved, and so long as the API between the other plugins and the class plugins stays the same, nothing should break.

To put it another way, WPGHPU becomes a plugin which adds another repository for WordPress, and other plugins can tap into that, if it exists.


afragen commented 11 years ago

@GaryJones you might want to look at afragen/github-updater. I think it'll do what you want.

GaryJones commented 11 years ago

Thanks @afragen - looks useful.

coenjacobs commented 9 years ago

The approach that I'd like to take with this class is to enable it to be loaded via Composer or any other version control way, in any plugin that wishes to implement it. Plugin approaches already exist and are a different use case, in my opinion, so I'm closing this one for that reason.