radium-io / sanity

procedurally generated roguelike game written with rust and amethyst
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tilemap editor #3

Open ezpuzz opened 3 years ago

ezpuzz commented 3 years ago

a user friendly way to describe tiles in a tileset could allow anyone to share their tiles

ezpuzz commented 3 years ago

oh also change relative frequency of particular tiles by level e.g. as you get deeper more water features or more computer labs or whatever

ezpuzz commented 3 years ago

^ could also work to gate some tiles to only appear later in story (demon altar wouldn't be on first floor for example)

ezpuzz commented 3 years ago

some tiles should be guaranteed to appear by or on a certain level

ezpuzz commented 3 years ago

progress report, stardate 11-162020

editor allows marking east and southern connectors for each tile. (should add north and west but would be hard to give visual feedback)

need to add walkableness and layering information for each tile

ezpuzz commented 3 years ago

for naming tiles i am considering that maybe an enum category is better and can encode behaviors of tile that way...

floor may not always be walkable though...