Dependabot updates are currently blocked because of incompatibilities between security updates and version 1.21.1 of Backstage. The current version of Backstage is 1.32, but it requires an update to the backend system due to security changes that happened in Backstage version 1.24. We need to follow the guidance on backend migration to implement the update to the current version of Backstage.
Observed behavior
No response
Desired behavior
Update the dashboard to use the current version of Backstage, which requires migrating to current backend system of Backstage.
Area for Improvement
Dependabot updates are currently blocked because of incompatibilities between security updates and version 1.21.1 of Backstage. The current version of Backstage is 1.32, but it requires an update to the backend system due to security changes that happened in Backstage version 1.24. We need to follow the guidance on backend migration to implement the update to the current version of Backstage.
Observed behavior
No response
Desired behavior
Update the dashboard to use the current version of Backstage, which requires migrating to current backend system of Backstage.
Proposed Fix
No response
Additional context
No response
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