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Allow operators to specify Helm charts as part of their Radius environment #6371

Open jkotalik opened 2 years ago

jkotalik commented 2 years ago


With Radius environments starting to become more feature rich, we would like to be able to describe infrastructure components as part of the environment as well. For example:

The common way to install these pieces is through a Helm chart. As part of rad env init/rad install, we already use the helm client to install dapr and contour. Being able to specify it outside of rad env init would be useful in setting up a cluster.

We are motivated to remove default pieces like dapr and contour as part of default installations in the future for Radius (https://github.com/project-radius/radius/issues/2952). This will improve the footprint of Radius on a Kubernetes cluster and allow people to specify which exact version of these dependencies to use, rather than the one baked into Radius.

To enable this, being able to specify helm resources in bicep would be a great stepping-stone for this functionality.

User scenarios

As an infrastructure engineer, I would like to specify my companies helm chart implementation of MongoDB to ensure that all engineers are using the compliant version of MongoDB.

As a Dapr developer, I'd like to control the version of dapr installed in the cluster rather than having Radius install it for me.

As an infrastructure engineer, I'd like to enforce specific versions for different environment components based on the required version


There are two main pieces that need to be added here:

Helm chart support in bicep

To start with, we should add support for helm releases, which allows for charts to be installed on a cluster.

import helm as helm {
  kubeConfig: ... // if required to specify credentials to connect

resource dapr 'helm/release@v1' {
  properties: {
    name: 'my-dapr-release' // name of the release in the cluster, TODO can we enforce uniqueness here? What happens when there is a conflict, required
    namespace: 'radius-system' // TODO determine defaulting behavior if we don't require this.
    repository: 'https://dapr.github.io/helm-charts/' // Required
    chart: 'dapr' // Required
    version: '1.8.4'

    sets: [ // To override values
        name: 'global.tag'
        value: '1.8.3'

This is effectively a minimal set of properties for a helm chart. We can add more as we go (wait, repository certificate authorization, timeout, etc.). For inspiration, see https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-helm/blob/main/helm/resource_release.go.

Open questions:


Helm chart support in the Deployment Engine

To support the helm extensibility provider, it will be a simple change to add the route to the helm provider in the deployment engine and make sure request are routed to it for the import.


Helm chart support as a bicep extensibility provider

The helm chart bicep extensibility provider will need to be written in golang due to Helm SDK's lack of support for C#. This will require using the extensibility swagger defined here to implement the extensibility API contract in golang.

From there, it will be a fairly straightforward invocation of the helm client APIs. We already do that today for many client-side things: https://github.com/project-radius/radius/blob/main/pkg/cli/helm/contourclient.go.



rynowak commented 2 years ago

One open question I'd like to add - do we want to go the Bicep extensibility route for this? Or do we want to integrate this with UCP and keep the Bicep integration minimal.

jkotalik commented 2 years ago

We are going to discuss with the ARM team as well, there was interest in ownership of the helm provider by them.