radivot / SEERaBomb

This R package contains codes that setup SEER and A-bomb survivor data use with R.
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Error using mkSEER function #4

Closed aqdaisat closed 4 years ago

aqdaisat commented 4 years ago

When I run mkSEER function, I get: Error in cut.default(race, labels = c("White", "Black", "Other"), breaks = c(1, : 'x' must be numeric In addition: Warning message: Unknown or uninitialised column: 'reg'.

I'm using the newest 1975-2016 SEER Research Data (November 2018 Submission), would that be the problem?

radivot commented 4 years ago

do you have the latest SEERaBomb code from GitHub? does your data include chemo and radiation?

aqdaisat commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your prompt response. Yes, i got the latest SEERaBomb from GitHub and the data i have includes the newest treatment data (chemo and radio)

radivot commented 4 years ago

If you used something other than this code chunk, please share it and the output with me

library(SEERaBomb) #loads installed package SEERaBomb into memory (df=getFields()) #gets SEER fields into a data frame (rdf=pickFields(df))#picks a subset of SEER fields and defines their types mkSEER(rdf) #makes merged data file ~/data/SEER/mrgd/cancDef.Rdata

On my machine this chunk works fine, giving me

R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05) -- "Action of the Toes" Copyright (C) 2019 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)

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library(SEERaBomb) #loads installed package SEERaBomb into memory Loading required package: dplyr

Attaching package: ‘dplyr’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

filter, lag

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Loading required package: ggplot2 Loading required package: rgl Loading required package: demography Loading required package: forecast Registered S3 method overwritten by 'xts': method from as.zoo.xts zoo Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod': method from as.zoo.data.frame zoo Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'forecast': method from
fitted.fracdiff fracdiff residuals.fracdiff fracdiff This is demography 1.22

(df=getFields()) #gets SEER fields into a data frame start width sasnames names desc 1 1 8 PUBCSNUM casenum Patient ID 2 9 10 REG reg SEER registry 3 19 1 MAR_STAT marstat Marital status at diagnosis 4 20 2 RACE1V race Race/ethnicity 5 23 1 NHIADE nhiade NHIA Derived Hisp Origin 6 24 1 SEX sex Sex 7 25 3 AGE_DX agedx Age at diagnosis 8 28 4 YR_BRTH yrbrth Year of birth 9 35 2 SEQ_NUM seqnum Sequence number 10 37 2 MDXRECMP modx Month of diagnosis 11 39 4 YEAR_DX yrdx Year of diagnosis 12 43 4 PRIMSITE primsite Primary site ICD-O-2 (1973+) 13 47 1 LATERAL lateral Laterality 14 48 4 HISTO2V histo2 Histologic Type ICD-O-2 15 52 1 BEHO2V beho2 Behavior Code ICD-O-2 16 53 4 HISTO3V histo3 Histologic Type ICD-O-3 17 57 1 BEHO3V beho3 Behavior code ICD-O-3 18 58 1 GRADE grade Grade 19 59 1 DX_CONF dxconf Diagnostic confirmation 20 60 1 REPT_SRC reptsrc Type of reporting source 21 61 3 EOD10_SZ eod10sz EOD 10 - size (1988+) 22 64 2 EOD10_EX eod10ex EOD 10 - extension 23 66 2 EOD10_PE eod10pe EOD 10 - path extension 24 68 1 EOD10_ND eod10nd EOD 10 - lymph node 25 69 2 EOD10_PN eod10pn EOD 10 - positive lymph nodes examined 26 71 2 EOD10_NE eod10ne EOD 10 - number of lymph nodes examined 27 73 13 EOD13 eod13 EOD--old 13 digit 28 86 2 EOD2 eod2 EOD--old 2 digit 29 88 4 EOD4 eod4 EOD--old 4 digit 30 92 1 EOD_CODE eodcode Coding system for EOD 31 93 1 TUMOR_1V tumor1 Tumor marker 1 32 94 1 TUMOR_2V tumor2 Tumor marker 2 33 95 1 TUMOR_3V tumor3 Tumor marker 3 34 96 3 CSTUMSIZ cstumsiz Collaborative Stage (CS) Tumor Size 35 99 3 CSEXTEN csexten CS Extension 36 102 3 CSLYMPHN cslymphn CS Lymph Nodes 37 105 2 CSMETSDX csmetsdx CS Mets at DX 38 107 3 CS1SITE cs1site CS Site-Specific Factor 1 39 110 3 CS2SITE cs2site CS Site-Specific Factor 2 40 113 3 CS3SITE cs3site CS Site-Specific Factor 3 41 116 3 CS4SITE cs4site CS Site-Specific Factor 4 42 119 3 CS5SITE cs5site CS Site-Specific Factor 5 43 122 3 CS6SITE cs6site CS Site-Specific Factor 6 44 125 3 CS25SITE cs25site CS Site-Specific Factor 25 45 128 2 DAJCCT dajcct Derived AJCC T 46 130 2 DAJCCN dajccn Derived AJCC N 47 132 2 DAJCCM dajccm Derived AJCC M 48 134 2 DAJCCSTG dajccstg Derived AJCC Stage Group 49 136 1 DSS1977S dss1977s Derived SS1977 50 137 1 SCSSM2KO scssm2ko SEER Combined Summary Stage 2000 (2004+) 51 138 1 DAJCCFL dajccfl Derived AJCC - flag 52 141 6 CSVFIRST csvfirst CS Version Input Original 53 147 6 CSVLATES csvlates CS Version Derived 54 153 6 CSVCURRENT csvcurrent CS Version Input Current 55 159 2 SURGPRIF surgprif RX Summ--surg prim site 56 161 1 SURGSCOF surgscof RX Summ--scope reg LN sur 2003+ 57 162 1 SURGSITF surgsitf RX Summ--surg oth reg/dis 58 163 2 NUMNODES numnodes Number of lymph nodes 59 166 1 NO_SURG nosurg Reason no cancer-directed surgery 60 170 2 SS_SURG sssurg Site specific surgery (1983-1997) 61 174 1 SURGSCOP surgscop Scope of lymph node surgery 98-02 62 175 1 SURGSITE surgsite Surgery to other sites 63 176 2 REC_NO recno Record number 64 191 1 TYPE_FU typefu Type of followup expected 65 192 2 AGE_1REC agerec Age recode <1 year olds 66 199 5 SITERWHO siterwho Site recode ICD-O-3/WHO 2008 67 204 4 ICDOTO9V ICD9 Recode ICD-O-2 to 9 68 208 4 ICDOT10V ICD10 Recode ICD-O-2 to 10 69 218 3 ICCC3WHO iccc3who ICCC site recode ICD-O-3/WHO 2008 70 221 3 ICCC3XWHO iccc3xwho ICCC site rec extended ICD-O-3/ WHO 2008 71 224 1 BEHTREND behtrend Behavior recode for analysis 72 226 2 HISTREC histrec Broad Histology recode 73 228 2 HISTRECB histrecb Brain recode 74 230 3 CS0204SCHEMA cs0204schema CS Schema v0204 75 233 1 RAC_RECA racreca Race recode A 76 234 1 RAC_RECY racrecy Race recode Y 77 235 1 ORIGRECB origrecb Origin Recode NHIA 78 236 1 HST_STGA hststga SEER historic stage A 79 237 2 AJCC_STG ajccstg AJCC stage 3rd edition (1988+) 80 239 2 AJ_3SEER aj3seer SEER modified AJCC stage 3rd ed (1988+) 81 241 1 SSS77VZ sss77vz SEER Summary Stage 1977 (1995-2000) 82 242 1 SSSM2KPZ sssm2kpz SEER Summary Stage 2000 2000 (2001-2003) 83 245 1 FIRSTPRM firstprm First malignant primary indicator 84 246 5 ST_CNTY stcnty State-county recode 85 255 5 CODPUB COD Cause of death to SEER site recode 86 260 5 CODPUBKM codpubkm COD to site rec KM 87 265 1 STAT_REC statrec Vital status recode (study cutoff used) 88 266 1 IHSLINK ihslink IHS link 89 267 1 SUMM2K summ2k Historic SSG 2000 Stage 90 268 2 AYASITERWHO ayasiterwho AYA site recode/WHO 2008 91 270 2 LYMSUBRWHO lymsubrwho Lymphoma subtype recode/WHO 2008 92 272 1 VSRTSADX vsrtsadx SEER cause of death classification 93 273 1 ODTHCLASS odthclass SEER other cause of death classification 94 274 1 CSTSEVAL cstseval CS EXT/Size Eval 95 275 1 CSRGEVAL csrgeval CS Nodes Eval 96 276 1 CSMTEVAL csmteval CS Mets Eval 97 277 1 INTPRIM intprim Primary by International Rules 98 278 1 ERSTATUS erstatus ER Status Recode Breast Cancer (1990+) 99 279 1 PRSTATUS prstatus PR Status Recode Breast Cancer (1990+) 100 280 2 CSSCHEMA csschema CS Schema - AJCC 6th Edition 101 282 3 CS8SITE cs8site Cs Site-specific Factor 8 102 285 3 CS10SITE cs10site CS Site-Specific Factor 10 103 288 3 CS11SITE cs11site CS Site-Specific Factor 11 104 291 3 CS13SITE cs13site CS Site-Specific Factor 13 105 294 3 CS15SITE cs15site CS Site-Specific Factor 15 106 297 3 CS16SITE cs16site CS Site-Specific Factor 16 107 300 1 VASINV vasin Lymph-vascular Invasion (2004+) 108 301 4 SRV_TIME_MON surv Survival months 109 305 1 SRV_TIME_MON_FLAG srvtimemonflag Survival months flag 110 311 1 INSREC_PUB insrecpub Insurance Recode (2007+) 111 312 3 DAJCC7T dajcc7t Derived AJCC T 7th ed 112 315 3 DAJCC7N dajcc7n Derived AJCC N 7th ed 113 318 3 DAJCC7M dajcc7m Derived AJCC M 7th ed 114 321 3 DAJCC7STG dajcc7stg Derived AJCC 7 Stage Group 115 324 2 ADJTM_6VALUE adjtm6value Adjusted AJCC 6th T (1988+) 116 326 2 ADJNM_6VALUE adjnm6value Adjusted AJCC 6th N (1988+) 117 328 2 ADJM_6VALUE adjm6value Adjusted AJCC 6th M (1988+) 118 330 2 ADJAJCCSTG adjajccstg Adjusted AJCC 6th Stage (1988+) 119 332 3 CS7SITE cs7site CS Site-Specific Factor 7 120 335 3 CS9SITE cs9site CS Site-specific Factor 9 121 338 3 CS12SITE cs12site CS Site-Specific Factor 12 122 341 1 HER2 her2 Derived HER2 Recode (2010+) 123 342 1 BRST_SUB brstsub Breast Subtype (2010+) 124 348 1 ANNARBOR annarbor Lymphoma - Ann Arbor Stage (1983+) 125 349 1 SCMETSDXB_PUB scmetsdxbpub SEER Combined Mets at DX-bone (2010+) 126 350 1 SCMETSDXBR_PUB scmetsdxbrpub SEER Combined Mets at DX-brain (2010+) 127 351 1 SCMETSDXLIV_PUB scmetsdxlivpub SEER Combined Mets at DX-liver (2010+) 128 352 1 SCMETSDXLUNG_PUB scmetsdxlungpub SEER Combined Mets at DX-lung (2010+) 129 353 2 T_VALUE tvalue T value - based on AJCC 3rd (1988-2003) 130 355 2 N_VALUE nvalue N value - based on AJCC 3rd (1988-2003) 131 357 2 M_VALUE mvalue M value - based on AJCC 3rd (1988-2003) 132 359 2 MALIGCOUNT maligcount Total number of in situ/malignant tumors for patient 133 361 2 BENBORDCOUNT benbordcount Total number of benign/borderline tumors for patient 134 364 3 TUMSIZS tumsizs Tumor Size Summary (2016+) 135 367 5 DSRPSG dsrpsg Derived SEER Cmb Stg Grp (2016+) 136 372 5 DASRCT dasrct Derived SEER Combined T (2016+) 137 377 5 DASRCN dasrcn Derived SEER Combined N (2016+) 138 382 5 DASRCM dasrcm Derived SEER Combined M (2016+) 139 387 1 DASRCTS dasrcts Derived SEER Combined T Src (2016+) 140 388 1 DASRCNS dasrcns Derived SEER Combined N Src (2016+) 141 389 1 DASRCMS dasrcms Derived SEER Combined M Src (2016+) 142 390 2 TNMEDNUM tnmednum TNM Edition Number (2016+) 143 392 1 METSDXLN metsdxln Mets at DX-Distant LN (2016+) 144 393 1 METSDXO metsdxo Mets at DX-Other (2016+) 145 394 1 RADIATNR radiatn Radiation Recode 146 395 1 RAD_BRNR radbrnr Radiation to Brain or CNS Recode (1988-1997) 147 396 1 RAD_SURG radsurg Radiation sequence with surgery 148 397 1 CHEMO_RX_REC chemo Chemotherapy recode (yes, no/unk) (rdf=pickFields(df))#picks a subset of SEER fields and defines their types start width sasnames names desc type casenum 1 8 PUBCSNUM casenum Patient ID integer reg 9 10 REG reg SEER registry integer 1 19 1 string race 20 2 RACE1V race Race/ethnicity integer 11 22 2 string sex 24 1 SEX sex Sex integer agedx 25 3 AGE_DX agedx Age at diagnosis integer yrbrth 28 4 YR_BRTH yrbrth Year of birth integer 12 32 3 string seqnum 35 2 SEQ_NUM seqnum Sequence number integer modx 37 2 MDXRECMP modx Month of diagnosis integer yrdx 39 4 YEAR_DX yrdx Year of diagnosis integer 13 43 10 string histo3 53 4 HISTO3V histo3 Histologic Type ICD-O-3 integer 14 57 147 string ICD9 204 4 ICDOTO9V ICD9 Recode ICD-O-2 to 9 integer 15 208 47 string COD 255 5 CODPUB COD Cause of death to SEER site recode integer 16 260 41 string surv 301 4 SRV_TIME_MON surv Survival months integer 17 305 89 string radiatn 394 1 RADIATNR radiatn Radiation Recode integer 18 395 2 string chemo 397 1 CHEMO_RX_REC chemo Chemotherapy recode (yes, no/unk) integer mkSEER(rdf) #makes merged data file ~/data/SEER/mrgd/cancDef.Rdata Making population file data.tables Removing SEER 9 person years from: /Users/radivot/data/SEER/populations/expanded.race.by.hispanic/yr1992_2016.seer9.plus.sj_lx_rg_ak before pooling into one file. The population files of SEER were processed in 11.968 seconds. Cancer Data: The following fields will be written: [1] "casenum" "reg" "race" "sex" "agedx" "yrbrth" "seqnum" "modx" "yrdx" "histo3" "ICD9"
[12] "COD" "surv" "radiatn" "chemo"
[1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1975_2016.seer9/BREAST.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1975_2016.seer9/DIGOTHR.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1975_2016.seer9/MALEGEN.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1975_2016.seer9/FEMGEN.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1975_2016.seer9/OTHER.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1975_2016.seer9/RESPIR.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1975_2016.seer9/COLRECT.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1975_2016.seer9/LYMYLEUK.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1975_2016.seer9/URINARY.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1992_2016.sj_lx_rg_ak/BREAST.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1992_2016.sj_lx_rg_ak/DIGOTHR.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1992_2016.sj_lx_rg_ak/MALEGEN.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1992_2016.sj_lx_rg_ak/FEMGEN.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1992_2016.sj_lx_rg_ak/OTHER.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1992_2016.sj_lx_rg_ak/RESPIR.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1992_2016.sj_lx_rg_ak/COLRECT.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1992_2016.sj_lx_rg_ak/LYMYLEUK.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr1992_2016.sj_lx_rg_ak/URINARY.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr2000_2016.gc_ky_la_nj_gg/BREAST.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr2000_2016.gc_ky_la_nj_gg/DIGOTHR.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr2000_2016.gc_ky_la_nj_gg/MALEGEN.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr2000_2016.gc_ky_la_nj_gg/FEMGEN.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr2000_2016.gc_ky_la_nj_gg/OTHER.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr2000_2016.gc_ky_la_nj_gg/RESPIR.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr2000_2016.gc_ky_la_nj_gg/COLRECT.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr2000_2016.gc_ky_la_nj_gg/LYMYLEUK.TXT" [1] "/Users/radivot/data/SEER/incidence/yr2000_2016.gc_ky_la_nj_gg/URINARY.TXT" [1] "using bind_rows() to make DF canc" Cancer files were processed in 50.72 seconds. [1] "save()-ing DF canc to disk" Cancer data has been written to: /Users/radivot/data/SEER/mrgd/cancDef.RData size mtime /Users/radivot/data/SEER/mrgd/cancDef.RData 133 M 2019-12-07 09:12:38 /Users/radivot/data/SEER/mrgd/cancRS.RData 134 M 2019-10-12 21:03:08 /Users/radivot/data/SEER/mrgd/cancStgs.RData 175 M 2019-07-08 19:28:30 /Users/radivot/data/SEER/mrgd/cancSurg.RData 138 M 2019-04-16 19:54:28 /Users/radivot/data/SEER/mrgd/cancTNBC.RData 133 M 2019-10-27 09:11:44 /Users/radivot/data/SEER/mrgd/popsa.RData 1 M 2019-12-07 09:12:38 /Users/radivot/data/SEER/mrgd/popsae.RData 1 M 2019-12-07 09:12:39

aqdaisat commented 4 years ago

Good morning. I just figured out what is the problem. It turns to have this issue because of the home directory. it should be as you recommended " /Users/username/Documents." and it wont work if it was not and gives that error. Now everything is working smoothly. Thank you so much for helping with this.

radivot commented 4 years ago

Great, thanks for figuring it out.