radix-ui / design-system

Design system that was used by @modulz. It’s now archived and superceded by Radix Themes. (See https://github.com/radix-ui/themes)
MIT License
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Make sure to use reset after getting the css #360

Closed hadihallak closed 3 years ago

vercel[bot] commented 3 years ago

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jemgold commented 2 years ago

@hadihallak should reset be exported by the package? I'm trying to do getCssAndReset in my project but I can't access it!

hadihallak commented 2 years ago

@jongold You should be able to get it from the resulting object of the createStitches call https://github.com/radix-ui/design-system/blob/37ac2d939823caaf6fd205f28d839dffed36cff8/stitches.config.ts#L130

However if you mean from the actual package as in import { reset } from '@stitches/react' then this is not currently exported as these direct imports were meant for quick prototyping/getting-started with stitches.

Having said that, the reset functionality can be exported from the package for sure as it's technically already there, but i'm wondering if there is anything that would prevent you from using createStitches and then exporting the reset function from there like in the example above.