radix-ui / design-system

Design system that was used by @modulz. It’s now archived and superceded by Radix Themes. (See https://github.com/radix-ui/themes)
MIT License
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Add Label to index export #364 #366

Closed JeromeFitz closed 2 years ago

JeromeFitz commented 2 years ago

Adds Label to the export #364

Good πŸ‘€ @kof

vercel[bot] commented 2 years ago

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JeromeFitz commented 2 years ago

Should an example for Label also be provided in: ./pages/index.tsx?

colmtuite commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the PR, but we will pass on this for now. I'm not sure why Label isn't exported, because I haven't looked at the code for a few months. But it's possible that it's intentional.