radix-ui / icons

A crisp set of 15×15 icons designed by the @workos team.
MIT License
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request: flex align-items icon #63

Closed joebnb closed 3 years ago

joebnb commented 3 years ago

appreciate for previous work #46 it's help me a lot ,but now now some new probelm appear. icon pack can't find a suitable icon to express flex 'align-items'.could implement it in spare time


joebnb commented 3 years ago


https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/ this link may help to invention

align-items and justiy-content controls different thins(item and item group alignment),this difference are tiny may only front end developer can notice in develop 🙇

vladmoroz commented 3 years ago

Have you looked into using the new align left, center, right, etc. icons for flex properties like align-items and justify-content? They pretty much match previous align-items icons graphically.

joebnb commented 3 years ago

Have you looked into using the new align left, center, right, etc. icons for flex properties like align-items and justify-content? They pretty much match previous align-items icons graphically.

yes,i'm worried about user may confused same icon display but different behavior will action, these icon maks some different may better.

here is a gif the 1st buttons control justify-contents(control each item how to order each other),2st buttons control align-items(control all item how to align parent container)

2021-01-21 17-27-37 2021-01-21 17_28_10

vladmoroz commented 3 years ago

@joebnb justify-content can be done with align top icon and align bottom icon in your case. There's also two sets of align center, stretch, space-between, etc. icons for different orientations, so what you are doing should be possible with existing designs.

joebnb commented 3 years ago

image align bottom and top used in vertical mode,finally use like this image

i found on your site https://modulz.app/ we are doing pretty much same thing in different country😀