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Radix Primitives is an open-source UI component library for building high-quality, accessible design systems and web apps. Maintained by @workos.
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[NavigationMenu] How to force dropdown content to always be open? #2646

Open sfladager opened 5 months ago

sfladager commented 5 months ago

Bug report

Current Behavior

Goal: Force the content menu to be open on mobile navigation menu. Problem: Cannot force dropdown content menu to be open.

I am setting data-state='open on Trigger and Content does nothing. I am using ui.shadcn, so ideally I'd like to pass these values conditionally to the navigation-menu.tsx file from a higher level NavLink component. In the browser the css is set to 'open', but still the content menu only opens on hover.

Here is the radix code I am using where I am setting data-state='open'

`const NavigationMenuTrigger = React.forwardRef< React.ElementRef, React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef

(({ className, children, ...props }, ref) => ( <NavigationMenuPrimitive.Trigger data-state='open' ref={ref} className={cn(navigationMenuTriggerStyle(), 'group', className)} {...props}

{children}{' '} </NavigationMenuPrimitive.Trigger> )) NavigationMenuTrigger.displayName = NavigationMenuPrimitive.Trigger.displayName`

`const NavigationMenuContent = React.forwardRef< React.ElementRef, React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef

(({ className, ...props }, ref) => ( <NavigationMenuPrimitive.Content data-state='open' ref={ref} className={cn( left-0 top-0 w-full data-[motion^=from-]:animate-in data-[motion^=to-]:animate-out data-[motion^=from-]:fade-in data-[motion^=to-]:fade-out data-[motion=from-end]:slide-in-from-right-52 data-[motion=from-start]:slide-in-from-left-52 data-[motion=to-end]:slide-out-to-right-52 data-[motion=to-start]:slide-out-to-left-52 md:absolute md:w-auto, className )} {...props} /> )) NavigationMenuContent.displayName = NavigationMenuPrimitive.Content.displayName`

Expected behavior

Goal: Force the content menu to be open on mobile navigation menu.

Reproducible example

You can view the full code on github at these 2 links: navigation-menu.tsx NavLInks.tsx

Suggested solution

Additional context

Your environment

Software Name(s) Version
Radix Package(s) "@radix-ui/react-navigation-menu": "^1.1.4",
React "next": "14.0.3"
Assistive tech
Node n/a
npm/yarn yarn
Operating System
benoitgrelard commented 3 months ago

Can you create a sandbox with a demo of what you are trying to achieve?

dhavalvoraa commented 2 months ago

My understanding is that the Dropdown menu always closes when anything outside of the menu is selected. Is there any property that allows the menu to stay open until a "cancel" button is selected, so we can interact with the rest of the page before making our selection in the Dropdown menu?

mbagatini commented 1 month ago

I'm facing a similar problem. In my case, I want the menu content to stay open while the user navigates with the onboarding tool to get explanations about the menu options.

Any updates on this?

TephrosisDEV commented 6 days ago

I'm looking for same thing. A force-open & force-close option or something similar would be very useful.